Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 420 420. Monitoring of Malfoy Manor

Chapter 420 420. Monitoring of Malfoy Manor

Coming to the crow's territory again, this time, besides training his proficiency in Animagus transformation at a fixed time every day, Scott devoted all his attention to the study of rune circuits.

Even the food he ate every day was bought from Hogsmeade village by asking Rimbaud.

After five days of high-intensity practice that almost forgot to sleep and eat, he finally basically mastered the method of using that set of rune circuits.

Afterwards, he finally took a good bath, slept, and spent three days researching [Magic Mirror], transforming it into [Magic Mirror 2.0], adding the function of receiving "signals" remotely.

"Now let's try the effect."

Oak Cottage, Scott sat cross-legged at the door.

He put a lizard on the floor, picked up the modified [magic mirror] with his hand, stretched out his fingers and tapped on the mirror.

Soon, a real-time picture of what the lizard saw appeared on the mirror.

"connection succeeded."

He turned his head and told Rimbaud beside him, "Now take that lizard and fly farther away, of course, the farther the better."

"Why don't you turn yourself into a bird!" Rimbaud complained aloud.

"Because lizards are less conspicuous." Scott replied, "I hope to use it to sneak into Malfoy Manor."

"Alright alright."

Rimbaud grabbed the lizard with his claws and flew out of the oak hut.

Scott leaned back, leaning his back against the wall of the wooden house, stretched his legs, and stared at the changes in the picture in [Magic Mirror].

Rimbaud's flying speed was very fast, and what flew across the mirror was the picture overlooking the forest.

Since Scott said that the farther the better, Rimbaud obediently flew far away. It even flew out of the forest, from the northern highlands of Scotland towards the south of England.

Scott belatedly saw that it was trying to send the lizard directly to Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire.

Scott wanted to let Rimbaud do this after the test, but after thinking about it, he didn't stop Rimbaud from taking action.

After that, instead of staring at [Magic Mirror] all the time, he used [Book of Prometheus] to communicate with Bill and Lucio to pass the time.

It wasn't until night, when Rimbaud approached his destination, that he focused on the picture presented in [Magic Mirror].

At this time, the lizard caught by Rimbaud was already far away from the forest where he was, and the real-time images in [Magic Mirror] were still very clear, which made Scott feel satisfied and at the same time a little bit complacent.

Rimbaud flew over a small town, over a wheat field, and mingled with a group of crows that roosted in the woods.

These crows should be the ones sent by Rimbaud to monitor Malfoy Manor.

Because Scott ordered, Rimbaud did not approach the manor by himself, but handed the lizard to another crow.

The crow grabbed the lizard and flew up again.

Looking at the picture in the mirror, Scott noticed that after the crow flew for a certain distance, it started to turn involuntarily when it was going straight.

This should be the effect of the spell.

Scott narrowed his eyes.

He didn't expect that the magic protection of Malfoy Manor was stricter than the Yaxley Castle he had monitored, and even ordinary birds would be blocked by it.

Fortunately, Rimbaud outside the screen should have also noticed this phenomenon and sent another crow.

The two crows quacked and exchanged a few words, and finally put the lizard on the ground.

The lizard began to crawl forward on its own.

Scott stared nervously at the picture in the mirror, wondering if it could pass.

But obviously, the lizard failed. After crawling forward for a certain distance, it unconsciously began to turn.

Not long after, it should be Rimbaud's order, and the crow brought the lizards back to the woods where they lived.

Scott heard Rimbaud rattling a few more times, and then saw it grabbing the lizard and flying high into the air again.

Obviously, it is trying to see if it can break through the air.

Scott thought the same way - after reaching a certain height, he would definitely be out of the protective magic range of Malfoy Manor.

After Rimbaud flew into the sky, he seemed to fly over the range of Malfoy Manor according to his estimation.

At this time, Scott saw a forest in the mirror, but he knew very well that this was just a disguise of magic.

Then, Rimbaud let go of the claws holding the lizard.

As the lizard plummets through the air, at a certain height it appears to pass through a layer of smoke.

Next, Scott saw a picture of Malfoy Manor from the air in [Magic Mirror] as he wished.

This is a dignified and luxurious lord's mansion surrounded by well-designed gardens. Every plant in the garden seems to have been carefully manicured to look extraordinarily neat, and there are even luxurious fountains dotted among them.

The lizard successfully landed on the lawn in the garden.

A few white peacocks were pacing on the lawn, and when they saw the lizard, they surrounded it.

Fortunately, the lizard created by Scott with Transfiguration had the instinct to escape, and quickly slipped into the neatly trimmed bushes, avoiding the pursuit of the peacock.

The few peacocks gathered around the bushes and began to sing.

"Oh, damn it, what are you crazy about, don't make any noise."

At this time, the voice of a boy who suppressed his throat sounded.

Hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Scott couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, not long after, little Malfoy, whom he hadn't seen for a while, came into the picture.

He walked up to the peacocks and waved his hand.

"Be quiet."

He yelled in a low voice, then simply squatted down.

"Seriously, don't make noise, or you will die miserably, and even my father and I can't save you."

Only then did Scott see what little Malfoy looked like at this time.

It's just that I haven't seen him for more than 20 days. The boy seems to have lost a lot of weight, and his cheeks, which were still a little baby fat, have become sunken.

His eyes were slightly protruding, his eye sockets were sunken, his face was haggard, his expression was filled with anxiety and fear, his already pale face was as white as paper.


At this time, another familiar voice sounded.

"Professor Snape."

Little Malfoy quickly stood up and walked out of the lawn.

"It's your break time."

Snape's tone was grim.

"Yes, Professor."

The lizard hidden in the root of the bush moved, and the angle of the picture in [Magic Mirror] changed, and Scott saw Malfoy walk dejectedly to Snape in black robe.

"Let's go, you have to finish today's lesson."

Snape glanced at little Malfoy expressionlessly, then turned and walked towards the inside of the manor.

"Yes..." Little Malfoy followed behind him, asking in a somewhat excited voice, "Professor, will I be able to join you soon, master..."

Snape turned around suddenly, and said coldly in a warning tone: "Don't rashly bring up the matter of Master, Draco, remember, you are not capable of doing anything for Master now, so do what you should do , don’t make claims.”

"Yes, Professor."

Young Malfoy became dejected again.

The two quickly walked into the manor one after the other.

Little Malfoy seemed frustrated that he couldn't join the Death Eaters, but Scott, watching this scene, could understand that Snape said that just to protect him.

Not only that, Scott at the moment thinks more.

The appearance of Snape means that the double agent is still successful, which also means that Dumbledore has successfully mastered the traces of Voldemort.

Scott didn't know why Dumbledore didn't act. After thinking about it, he guessed it might be because of Harry's existence.

Harry has inadvertently turned into Voldemort's Horcrux, and Voldemort is still unkillable until Harry's problem is dealt with.

At the same time, Scott also gave up his original plan to report to Dumbledore after discovering Voldemort's traces.

However, now is not the time to think too much about these things. At this moment, he wants to explore the secrets hidden in this manor.

The lizard quickly moved again.

The one-finger-long lizard was unobtrusive, and soon traversed a large garden and climbed on the outer wall of the building.

According to Scott's setting, the lizard crawled towards the windowsill of the manor building.

In a window on the first floor, Scott got his wish and saw the figures of the Carlo brothers and sisters he was looking for.

At this time, the Carlo brothers and sisters were sitting with a few Death Eaters talking about something, and Malfoy's parents were also among them, but it was a pity that although it was summer and the windows were open, their voices were not heard. outgoing outside.

This is obviously also the effect of magic.

The lizard was lying on the window sill, its gray body almost blending with the gray slate.

For safety reasons, in Scott's setup, the lizard does not go indoors.

At this time, the decision seems to be clear.

There is a window, but no sound can come out. Obviously, magic is set in the room, and it will be discovered if you are not careful.

Scott tried hard to identify the mouth shape of the speaker in the picture, but found that he did not have this skill.

He could only recognize the faces of those people, but also found that he didn't know those people at all.

Even Barty Crouch Jr., Scott, who escaped from home thanks to him, didn't know what he looked like.

But Scott still remembered the faces of these people.

It didn't take long for these people who had gathered to talk to seem to have finished what they wanted to say, and left the room one after another.

After they left, the lizard lying on the windowsill moved again.

Scott saw the picture at the gate of the manor building.

All but the Malfoys and a young wizard walked out the door.

The lizard crawled on the wall, getting closer.

"Go back, pay attention to hiding, and wait for the master's call."

A middle-aged wizard said seriously.

After saying this, he looked at the Carlo brothers and sisters again.

"Before the master orders, I don't want you to make any more trouble." His expression and tone were vicious, "Remember, you have already attracted Dumbledore's attention twice, and even attracted the attention of foreign countries. The vigilance of wizards."

"Calm down, Parkinson, as I said, we just want to kill that little Mudblood to avenge our poor nephew." Amycus Carlo said in a low voice.

The voice of the middle-aged wizard seemed to be squeezed out of his teeth, "I said it too, don't care how your damn nephew died, that stupid boy, he killed his fiancée, causing Luo The Er family is our enemy, which has already made the master very dissatisfied with you."

"Sorry." Amycus Caro seemed to be subdued, "We won't make our own decisions anymore."

"You guys better be honest." Parkinson warned again, then turned and strode away.

After walking through the garden and out of the manor gate, he immediately Apparated and disappeared in place.

Several others followed, apparating and disappearing.

Only the Carlo brothers and sisters were left standing in place.

"What should we do?" Amycus Carlo, who had been dealing with Parkinson's just now, turned his head and glanced at the room, then lowered his voice and asked his sister.

Of the two, Alectocarlo, the younger sister, seemed to be making the decision.

"I can't move for the time being." The burly Alectocaro looked like a man with a gloomy face, "That little mudblood has been protected by Dumbledore and Flitwick."

"Damn it." Amycus Carlo gritted his teeth.

"Wait a little longer, wait until Master... we can attack Hogwarts openly." Alektocaro said.

The two exchanged a few words like this, and then quickly left the manor.

Scott could only watch helplessly as the two disappeared through Apparition, but couldn't track them, and was immediately disappointed.

He was thinking just now that if the lizard could lie on one of the two brothers and sisters without anyone noticing, maybe they could be taken away by them, and then they could find their hiding place.

It's a pity that the lizard he created wasn't that intelligent, and he couldn't remotely command its actions for the time being.

But it also reminded him of the lizard, or the evolution direction of this monitoring product - remote control command.

It's just that there seem to be a lot of changes involved, and he only has a little idea for the time being.

Now that the lizard has successfully sneaked into Malfoy Manor, just let him continue to monitor here.

While he was thinking about this, the lizard crawled on the wall again.

At this time, the room on the first floor had become empty, and Scott did not see anyone through the other windows.

Then, the lizard began to climb up.

Scott saw the Malfoy couple who seemed to be arguing about something in a room on the second floor, but unfortunately their voices still couldn't come out of the window.

Then, he saw little Malfoy in another room who was making potions under Snape's guidance.

The lizard crawled around the walls of the entire manor building, but apart from that, Scott saw no one else.

Including the young wizard who was left behind in the group just now.

Scott suspects that it is Barty Crouch Jr. who has been known for a long time but has not been seen.

This made him guess that Voldemort was hiding in this manor.

But none of the rooms had seen the target, leaving only one possibility—Voldemort was probably in the basement.

But before that, Scott never thought about this possibility.

After all, Voldemort always loomed large over his men, and Scott always thought he would live in the nicest room on the estate.

Not seeing Voldemort, Scott didn't know whether to be disappointed or relieved.

For safety reasons, his lizard would not enter the room. If Voldemort did not come out, he would have no way to confirm Voldemort's state at this time.

But at the same time, he was also inexplicably relieved.

The reason is that this Dark Lord can still bring a lot of pressure to people.

Scott even wondered if his lizard would be spotted by Voldemort the moment he entered the manor.

Fortunately, it didn't happen when he was worried.

(End of this chapter)

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