Chapter 416
Scott stood still, stretched out his hand to hold the wand hidden in his pocket, then turned around and looked exactly at the two wizards who were hiding in the crowd and were approaching step by step.

They were two men with ordinary looks, ordinary clothes, even ordinary hairstyles and stubble left on their chins, and they were inconspicuous among the crowd.

"What's the matter, Scott?"

At this time, Professor Flitwick also noticed Scott's strangeness and turned around.

"Avada Kedavra!"

However, the moment Professor Flitwick turned around, two dazzling green lights shot straight towards Scott.

It was a fatal attack, and it was so sudden that Scott didn't even react at all.

But at the moment when the two attacked, Scott clearly perceived the magical essence of the two people's changes.

It's the Carlos!
At this moment, Scott had no time to think about why the two brothers and sisters came here in disguise, why they could hide their magical nature, and why they used magic to attack with great fanfare under the witness of a large group of Muggles.

He had to save his life from such a deadly attack.


The green light came to his eyes in an instant, and he heard the anxious shouts of Professor Flitwick and Roger.

In this case, Scott didn't even have time to take his wand hand out of his trouser pocket.

At this time, he has one and only one choice, and that is to activate the door key.

At the critical moment, Scott did not hesitate. Before being touched by the green light, he activated the port key on his left hand.

Turn around.

As if walking through a tunnel full of magical colors, Scott landed again and appeared in the forest.


he shouted.



In the surrounding oak trees, crows croaked one after another.

The sound of flapping wings sounded densely, and countless crows flew up from the trees, covering the entire forest like a dark cloud.


Rimbaud flew down from the largest oak tree.

"Get bigger fast!"

Scott raised his wand to make it bigger.

Rimbaud didn't say much, but fell to the ground cooperatively.

"Quick! Go to Hogwarts!"

Scott climbed onto Rimbaud's back and ordered urgently.

"I see!"

Rimbaud spread his wings and flew out of the forest at the fastest speed, heading towards Hogwarts.

Due to the speed, the oncoming wind prevented Scott from opening his eyes.

He simply closed his eyes and buried his head in Rimbaud's neck.


Not long after, Scott felt the wind weaken and opened his eyes.

At this time, Rimbaud had already crossed the forest directly, and came outside the Forbidden Forest, within the range of Hogwarts.

"Wang... Wang Wang!"

There was a barking sound, and Scott followed the sound.

Hagrid, who was holding Fang, was running towards this side with big strides.

"Who are you? This is Hogwarts!"

"It's me, Scott Trollope, Professor Hagrid."

Scott patted Rimbaud and let it fall to the ground.

"It's you? Oh...Scott?" Hagrid stared at Scott with wide eyes. "It's summer vacation, why are you here?"

"Sorry, it's too late to explain." Scott jumped off Rimbaud's back, "Is Professor Dumbledore at school now?"

Hagrid scratched his hair. "Dumbledore? I don't know. What can you do with him?"

Scott said anxiously, "We were attacked by Death Eaters abroad, and I escaped with the Portkey, but Professor Flitwick and my two classmates are still there!"

"Oh! Professor Flitwick?"

Hagrid's eyes widened again.

"Go! Let's go find Dumbledore!"

He stretched out his big hand, involuntarily grabbed Scott's arm, carried him like a chicken, and ran quickly towards the castle.

"Yaya, don't follow!"


Scott wanted to say he could go, but the wind forced it into his mouth.

This was the first time he felt the speed of Hagrid, a half-giant running at full strength.

It has to be said that although his movements looked a little clumsy and his footsteps sounded a little heavy, his speed had already surpassed the limit of human running speed.

Scott closed his mouth obediently, and waved his other hand in the direction of Rimbaud.


Entering the castle, Mrs. Norris screamed.

"Hagrid! You..."

As soon as Filch's roar sounded, he was left behind the two of them.


Heavy footsteps sounded one after another, and Hagrid ran to the third floor in one breath, and stood still in front of the stone statue at the entrance to the principal's office.


He put Scott down and said angrily, "Sorry, I don't know the secret order."


Scott didn't know what to say.

Fortunately, because the movement of him running all the way was too loud, Dumbledore already knew of their arrival, and the entrance in front of them opened automatically.

Entering from the removed stone wall, Scott did not let the moving stairs take him up to the eighth floor as usual, but ran up at the same time.

He came to the eighth floor in the shortest time, and the wooden door of the principal's office was already open.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Scott ran into the office, before he even had time to catch his breath, "The Carlos attacked me, and I escaped with the Portkey, but Professor Flitwick, Roger, and Milton are still there!"

Dumbledore, who was sitting behind the desk, had a serious expression after hearing the words, "Did Felius be attacked when you left?"

Scott shook his head, "Those two guys came for me. They hid in the crowd and cast a death curse on me."


Hagrid, who walked into the office right after Scott, let out an exclamation.


He seemed taken aback by what Scott had said.

"Thanks to Merlin, you can escape from the sneak attack of the death curse!"

"But I ran away." Scott was very disturbed, "I'm worried about Flitwick teaching them."

"Oh, no one will blame you, in that case." Hagrid reassured him kindly.

But Scott was still a little sad.

"I was too careless..."

Those who noticed the abnormality did not fully guard, and subconsciously thought that the other party would not dare to mess around in public, and when the attack appeared, it was too late to make other reactions.

"Yes, no one will blame you, Scott."

Dumbledore spoke.

"You said that Felius is in good condition, you should believe in his strength."

Of course Scott believed in Professor Flitwick's strength.

If the attackers were only the two Carlo brothers and sisters, he would not have to worry at all.

"But I'm afraid there are other enemies hiding around there," he said to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stood up straight away.

"Let's go, it seems that I have to go abroad too."

He went straight to the fireplace and grabbed a handful of Floo powder.

"I'll take Scott to have a look, Hagrid, please explain the situation to Minerva."

"Okay, Professor Dumbledore."

"Ministry of Magic."

The green flame ignited, and Dumbledore's figure disappeared immediately.

Scott quickly followed.

After passing through the layers of fireplaces, what Scott saw was the atrium of the Ministry of Magic.

It was already night, and the wide atrium seemed extremely empty.

All Scott saw was Dumbledore and another staff member on duty waiting outside the fireplace.

"We must go to Austria."

said Dumbledore to the young staff member.

The young wizard looked embarrassed, "This...Professor Dumbledore, I can't make the decision."

"Is anyone on duty at the Department of International Magical Cooperation?" asked Dumbledore.

The young wizard shook his head, "No, please come back tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter." Dumbledore said, "Then there must be someone on duty in the Auror office, let me notify them."

"Okay, just wait a moment." The young wizard agreed.

He turned and ran to the duty desk to write a note, then waved his wand.

The note turned into a paper airplane and flew away unsteadily.

Not long after, there was movement from the elevator.

Da da da……

The sound of the stick touching the ground sounded.

A wizard on crutches limped over.

"Oh, it's Mad-Eye."

Scott heard the young wizard muttering softly, and immediately understood the identity of the visitor.

"Albus, why are you here? What happened?" Moody, known as "Mad-Eye," asked loudly.

He moved closer, and Scott got a good look at him.

He had thick dark gray hair, his face was bruised, and a chunk of his nose was missing, which was horrific.

Even stranger are his eyes.

He had one small, normal black eye, and one round, bright blue eye that kept moving.

"Death Eaters attacked Felius and the students abroad, and we need to go to Austria, Aratos," said Dumbledore.

"Damn it, those rampant criminals!" Moody cursed angrily.

Immediately, he glanced at Scott.

"You're taking this student with you?" he asked Dumbledore.

"Oh, this kid is Scott, who is also the person involved. He escaped from the scene."

Dumbledore patted Scott on the shoulder.

"Scott, this is Alastor Moody, the best Auror in the Ministry of Magic."

Moody fixed Scott with his terrible magic eye.

"What happened, boy, tell me the truth!"

The tone of his question was very severe.

Scott could only quickly repeat what he had said before in front of Dumbledore.

After Moody finished listening, the magic eye moved flexibly again.

He turned around and walked towards the nearby fireplace leaning on his crutches.

"Let's go, something like this happened, we need to negotiate with that group of foreign wizards."

"Mr. Moody!" The young wizard on duty stopped him, "The International Floo Network requires an appointment application before it can be used."

"Go away, boy."

Moody raised his crutch and slammed it on the young wizard's body.

"I'm an Auror, and I don't need to follow so many rules when dealing with emergencies!"

The young wizard staggered and fell to the ground.

Moody was past him.

"Do you know what an emergency is? You don't know, your entanglement will only delay my affairs. I have to say that young people nowadays have no vigilance."

Moody cursed, walked directly to a fireplace, and looked up.

"right here."

He reached for a handful of floo powder.

Dumbledore and Scott followed suit.

"Mr. Moody! Professor Dumbledore!"

The young wizard quickly got up and shouted anxiously.

"Okay, I'm responsible for this matter." Moody said impatiently.

"Austrian Ministry of Magic!"

Green flames ignited.

When Scott followed Dumbledore and Moody out of the fireplace of the Austrian Ministry of Magic, there was also an empty hall, and the young witch on duty was looking at them dumbfounded.

"I'm an Auror from the British Ministry of Magic!" Moody said to the two, "If the work efficiency on your side is normal, I think you already know that there are British wizards involved in the attack in Vienna .”

The identities of Smoody and Scott, and then described the purpose of their trip.

"Please follow me, the person you are looking for is now a guest here."

Hearing him say that, Scott quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Strauss turned and walked towards the stone staircase he had come from, complaining loudly as he walked.

"I have to say that this incident has caused a lot of trouble. A total of more than 100 Muggles witnessed a dangerous battle between wizards. Our personnel are still busy working overtime to clear those Muggles. memory."

"Feel sorry……"

Dumbledore quickly apologized and said something that sounded official.

However, his tone is gentle and has a little humor. In short, it makes the other party's face look a lot better.

Scott followed them up the stone steps, and through a wide corridor with huge glass windows on one side, and then met Professor Flitwick and two roommates in the Auror office.

"Professor Flitwick, Roger, Milton."

Seeing them sitting there intact, the stone in Scott's heart finally fell.


Professor Flitwick stood up happily after seeing Scott.

"Thank goodness you're all right!"

Professor Flitwick also looked greatly relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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