Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 410 410. Barcelona Wizard Street

Chapter 410 410. Barcelona Wizard Street

Scott accepted Lucio's invitation and decided to visit Wizard Street in Spain.

Out of caution, Scott did not intend to disclose his home address, and the two finally made an appointment to meet at the door of the bar where they met before.

On the appointed day, when Scott took a taxi to the door of the bar, he saw Lucio waving to him standing in front of a black car.

"Good morning, Scott."

"Good morning, Lucio, thank you for the invitation."

After getting in the car, Scott first thanked Lucio, and then noticed something strange——

Drivers are not human.

"Have you noticed?" Lucio's expression was a little proud, "This is my alchemy work."

He lifted his chin and gave the driver an order, "Juan, go to Estruk Avenue."

"Got it, my master." The driver replied in a mechanical voice, but then started the car smoothly.

The black car shuttles on the bustling street with cars coming and going. If you don't distinguish it closely, no one will find that the driver is a non-human.


Scott used magic perception to explore Juan's structure, and couldn't help but make a sound of admiration.

"You're even more genius than I thought, Lucio."

Although he can also use transfiguration to construct works of this level, but if it is alchemy, he is powerless.

"It's nothing special. Juan can only react mechanically to the environment and add some mechanical movements. In short, he is not intelligent enough."

Although Lucio waved his hands pretending to be modest, he couldn't hide the smug smile on his face.

Scott's eyes flashed, "It seems that you have studied Muggle knowledge a lot."

"I will not let go of any interesting knowledge." Lucio laughed, "Muggle scientists' scientific conjectures and experiments on robots and artificial intelligence have given me a lot of inspiration."

Scott did not specifically ascertain Lucio's family background, but Lucio himself began to say, "I come from a Muggle family like you, my parents are university professors, by the way, my mother is British .”

Then he talked about his cousin.

"Gavin Palt, do you have any impression of him?"

Scott shook his head. He couldn't possibly remember the names of every Ravenclaw student, let alone a Hufflepuff.

The topic in Lucio's mouth soon turned to alchemy.

Scott could see that he had a real love for alchemy.

"I once met Master Nicolas. In the first grade, he once came to Beauxbatons to give a class to all the students. Unfortunately, it was only that time. Now he has passed away."

"Is alchemy a compulsory course in Beauxbatons?" Scott asked curiously.

"Alchemy is an elective course starting from the third grade." Lucio shook his head, "You know, to learn alchemy, you must have some foundation, and not every little wizard has the talent for alchemy."

While the two were talking, the vehicle drove out of downtown Madrid.

"Isn't Spanish Wizard Street in Madrid?" Scott asked.

"Oh..." Lucio's expression was a little subtle, "In Barcelona."

Scott raised an eyebrow.

There is no one in the world who doesn't know that the people of Madrid and Barcelona don't like each other.

"There are more wizards gathered in Barcelona." Lucio shrugged. "Probably because the Spanish royal family is in Madrid?"

Scott nodded. He didn't say that the British royal family and Wizard Street are both in London, and wizards and Muggle royal families have nothing to do with each other.

Lucio pouted, "Well, I don't know why, but there are not many wizards in Spain, and we don't even have our own magic school. Most of the wizards in Spain gather in Barcelona. Of course, I mean those who have A legacy wizard."

Scott nodded again.

There are only three famous magic schools in Europe, and he doesn't know where wizards from other countries go to school. He always thinks that there are still some lesser-known magic schools, but he didn't expect that there are no such schools in Spain.

No wonder Lucio was going to school in Beauxbatons, France.

It's just that he still needs to consider another issue...

As far as he knows, Madrid is 600 kilometers away from Barcelona, ​​so it would take a little too much time to drive there.

Is it too late for him to get out of the car and go home now?

"Oh, I know what you're thinking." Lucio laughed, "Juan, speed up!"

"Okay, master."

Juan, who was driving, responded, and the car accelerated suddenly. Scott's back hit the seat heavily, and the scenery outside the window instantly became blurred.

"As an alchemist, why don't I try to modify my car?" Lucio raised his chin, "This is my result!"

Scott sat down a little more firmly, and raised his eyebrows again, "In the UK, this kind of behavior would violate the laws of the Ministry of Magic."

"Oh, it will be in Spain too." Lucio grinned, "But don't worry, this car is invisible now, and won't be spotted by any Muggles, and of course, won't be spotted by the Spanish Ministry of Magic either. .”

"That's good." Scott smiled.

Unexpectedly, this is also a bold guy, and he complained in his heart at the same time.

He didn't really care about breaking the law, though, and was happy to spend less time on the road.

Although the speed of Lucio's modified car was not comparable to that of the British Knight Bus, it allowed them to reach the outskirts of Barcelona in an hour.

Then the car slowed down.

"After entering here, you must drive normally." Lucio explained with a blink of an eye, "because you may be discovered by wizards at any time."

He started to tell Scott about Wizard Street, where they were going.

"Muggles will also call Estruk Street Wizard Street, because a wizard named Estruk used to provide divination and healing services for people there, so he is very famous in the local area. .”

Scott was a little surprised to hear that.

"You'd think that violated the secrecy laws, wouldn't you?"

Lucio laughed again.

"Actually, he's not really a wizard."

"He just used herbs to cure the Muggles, and used all kinds of stones to divination for them. Those Muggles regarded him as a real wizard and worshiped him crazily."

"Later, all kinds of male and female 'wizards' gathered on this street, most of whom were Gypsies and Catalans. Of course, none of them were real wizards."

"It's kind of crazy," Scott said, "but the real Wizard Street is there?"

"Yes, the street where the wizards gather has been there, much earlier than Estruck was there." Lucio shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe There are other reasons, who knows."

Lucio also told a lot of anecdotes about Muggles worshiping another group of Muggles as real wizards.

"Of course, the Muggle government in Barcelona knows that there are real wizards hidden there, and they purposely kept the name and appearance of that street."

The car stopped near Estruck Street, Scott and Lucio got off together, and walked to this wizarding street, which is also famous among Muggles.

It is said to be a street, but it is actually just an alley sandwiched between the rooms of the building. Even vehicles cannot drive on this street.

It may be due to the high-rise buildings on both sides that the whole street does not see sunlight and looks a little dark.

After walking into this street, it is like entering another world.

It is now summer, the sun is hot, and the ground is dry, but the inside of Wizard Street is very cool, and even the ground is wet.

Lucio introduced enthusiastically, "This street has always been so wet, and Muggles have various explanations."

"Some people think it's because the moisture from the ground keeps rising to the ground, which is a natural phenomenon. Some people think it's because the street is narrow and the buildings on both sides block the sunlight, so the moisture is hard to evaporate. Of course, some people say it's the witchcraft of wizards." , and have no doubts about it.”

He smiled mysteriously, "Of course, this is not the real reason. You will know the real reason later."

Scott nodded, then raised his head and looked around.

He found that the design of the street signs on this street is very special. All the fonts are crooked, like gathering insects, and like wizard's spell symbols.

"These texts are all written in Catalan, which most people still can't understand." Lucio said.

In addition, Scott also found that the design of each house number is different, and each number is made in an incomplete state, which is very mysterious.

The two walked on the wet street, and finally came to the gate of an old apartment.

"It's here."

Lucio walked in first, and Scott followed behind him.

In the apartment hall, a drowsy bald apartment manager raised his eyelids and glanced at them, and the heavy eyelids drooped back again.

"This gentleman is a wizard from the Spanish Ministry of Magic, and he is in charge of guarding this place." Lucio whispered to Scott.

Scott withdrew his gaze, and of course he could sense the identity of the other wizard.

He followed Lucio past a row of elevators, made a few turns, came to the stairwell, and walked down the stairs.

He glanced at Lucio suspiciously, and Lucio immediately gave an affirmative answer, "Yes, the real Wizard Street is underground."

While talking, the two came to a huge underground parking lot.

Although the area is very wide, there is not a single car parked here.

The not-so-bright lights flickered weakly, the ground was puddles of puddles of water, and rows of thick concrete columns made the whole space look empty and dilapidated.

"This parking lot does not belong to Muggles." When Lucio spoke, there was an echo in the space, "The staircase just now was actually decorated with a Muggle expulsion spell. As for why it was arranged like a parking lot, I heard it was for Watch out for stray Muggles."

He strode forward and led Scott around several turns.

Gradually, they heard voices speaking.

Two ladies in wizard costumes came out from behind a row of pillars, holding a few paper bags in their hands, chatting happily with each other.

"Today's Po Whirling Stone is a little cheaper than last time..."

The moment they saw Lucio and Scott, the two witches immediately stopped and looked at the two boys in Muggle costumes with wary eyes.

Lucio was okay, he was wearing simple clothes, but Scott's clothes were made by Emilia, they were too trendy, and seemed out of place in this dark and damp underground parking lot.


"No, we are wizards, ma'am."

Lucio smiled.

The two witches looked them up and down again before leaving.

Scott also heard the two muttering, "Is it fashionable to wear Muggle clothes now..."


Scott looked down at himself in a dress that was decided by Emilia, feeling a little helpless.

Just as he thought, as the two continued to move forward, they encountered more and more wizards, and more and more people would focus their attention on him.

"I'm like a Muggle in a wizarding world," he told Lucio.

Lucio couldn't stop laughing when he heard that.

Bypassing the row of dense concrete pillars, Scott saw a rough stone wall in front of him, and outside the stone wall was a crooked Muggle security booth.

Sitting in the security booth was another wizard who was drowsy and dozing off.

The way this gentleman raised his eyelids to see them was exactly the same as that of the "apartment manager".

"This is the entrance," Lucio said to Scott, "We can go right in."

As he spoke, he strode forward and walked directly through the wall.

Scott followed him, also through the stone wall.

After the darkness, Scott heard a lively and noisy voice, opened his eyes, and saw a bright light.

The wizarding street in front of me is sunny, with dense buildings, shops, and bustling crowds. It doesn't seem to be much different from Diagon Alley in England.

But the biggest difference between here and Diagon Alley is a river.

This not-so-large river shuttled between different buildings, countless stone bridges of various styles were erected on the river, and some wizards were moving on the river in small boats.

"Look, that's why the wizard street above is always wet." Lucio pointed to the river and said, "Because there is an underground river hidden by wizards."

He pointed to the blue sky and white clouds above, and the dazzling sun.

"Of course, the sky here is fake. The Ministry of Magic has cast a weather spell here, which can simulate all kinds of weather."

Scott looked up, "This is the same as the ceiling of the Great Hall at Hogwarts and the windows of the British Ministry of Magic."

"Oh, probably wizards all over the world like to do that."

Lucio stepped forward.

"Let's rent a boat that can sail by itself and take us to any store we want."

Scott has no comment.

The two came to a small pier, and Lucio quickly rented a boat from a gray-haired old wizard.

When they boarded the boat, Lucio fiddled with the copper rudder on the bow, and the boat wobbled.

(End of this chapter)

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