Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 41 041. She is so kind and beautiful

Chapter 41 041. She is so kind and beautiful
After Professor Flitwick sent Lulu, the house-elf, to protect Jacob's family, he seemed to let go and became more fluid when speaking.

"She, Travers is deliberately befriending all the pure-blooded girls in the school." He glanced at Du Ping, who was sitting next to him, "Including Du Ping, a little witch from a new wizarding family, she is also her. friend."

Du Ping turned his head and glared at him.

Professor Flitwick nodded when he heard this.Most of the professors at Hogwarts already knew this.

Jacob didn't pay attention to Dupin's angry eyes, he continued: "The professor asked us students who were close to Travers in the morning. I think Professor Snape and Professor Sprout is also like this."

Professor Flitwick said: "Yes, we stumbled across such a group of students when we were looking for the cause of the three girls. But in the morning our inquiries were fruitless."

"The girls said it was just girls of the same age playing together. Sorry, I told you in the morning that the girls asked me to run errands for them because of Rolle falling off the stairs." Head down.

"What we said is the truth!" Du Ping glared at Jacob and emphasized loudly.

She took several deep breaths before finally standing up and shouting at Professor Flitwick, "Professor! Jacob has been lying!"

She was obviously very emotional.

"He's slandering! Miss Travers didn't do those things! You'll find out when your house-elves come back!"

She turned to Jacob again and screeched, "Don't think you can put everything on Miss Travers, you bastard!"

"No! I'm not lying! It's just that you don't know, Du Ping!" Jacob shook his head quickly, and his voice was filled with crying again.

Du Ping still glared at him angrily, "You're lying! Jacob!"

Immediately afterwards, she also cried.

"Miss Travers just wanted to unite the four Hogwarts Houses, and she'd choose to befriend the younger pure-blood girls first, because that's just the first step in the plan! And she No choice, no?"

Her expression looked almost aggrieved.

Scott leaned back on the sofa and propped his head on his hands.He listened to what Du Ping said and thought it was quite interesting.

The same thing, the perception from different angles is completely different.

Jasmine Travers, a showman.

Scott was ashamed.At least, when he was really 11 years old in his previous life, he could only pretend to play in his mind.

"Poor Miss Travers, she's so kind and beautiful! She never looked down on you just because you were a Muggle wizard! She's even in the hospital now because she's sick! How dare you! How dare you slander her like that!"

It seemed that she had been suppressed for a long time just now, and Du Ping had completely let go at this time, and she kept accusing Jacob.

"Also, you were the one who pushed Caitlin downstairs on the night of the start of school because she quarreled with you on the train..."

"Quiet! Quiet, Miss Du Ping!"

Professor Flitwick tapped the table with his fingers.

"Miss Dupin! You can retort after Mr. Kent has finished."

"But...Professor! You already believed him just now, and you were deceived by him!" Du Ping looked at Professor Flitwick aggrieved.

Scott watched this scene and felt that she was genuinely wronged for her Miss Travers.

"Oh! Don't worry, Miss Du Ping."

Professor Flitwick waved her to sit back.

"I think, as your professor, and as an older person, I have the ability to tell if my students are lying," he said with a sullen face.

"How could it be!" Du Ping exclaimed, and covered his mouth again in the sight of Professor Flitwick.

At this time, Jacob looked at Du Ping with pity, and he said to Professor Flitwick: "Professor, actually this can't be blamed on Miss Du Ping. They...I mean, most of the girls were Travers was deceived by false representations, and they never saw Travers for what he really was."

Hey this kid!
Scott couldn't help but smiled playfully.

The green tea taste is a bit rushed!
Professor Flitwick gave Du Ping another look, telling her to swallow the words she wanted to blurt out, and then motioned for Jacob to continue.

"Travers only showed his true face in front of Morgan Avery and me," Jacob said. "She would privately call all her Muggle-born classmates Mudbloods."

Having said that, he looked at Du Ping with pity again.

"She even said that Miss Du Ping's background is because the smell of mud on her body has not been completely washed away."

Du Ping widened his eyes in disbelief, covered his mouth and shook his head.

Jacob stopped looking at her, took a deep breath, and said to Professor Flitwick, "The only reason Travers has me with her is to test her dark magic on me."


The quill that Professor Flitwick had just picked up fell on the table, and he jumped out of his chair in excitement.

"Don't worry, Professor." Jacob smiled firmly, "I'm fine, Travers doesn't dare to make a big deal of it, most of the time she just casts some curses on me and heals me afterwards. the potion."

Professor Flitwick took a few breaths and said solemnly: "You should seek the help of the professor from the beginning, Jacob! Maybe in your opinion, you are facing a predicament with no way out, but for For professors, getting you out of trouble is just a drop in the bucket!"

"Yes, I didn't realize it. I... I've just come into contact with magic, and I don't know anything about it. I've always been terrified." Jacob said sadly.

Professor Flitwick's tone softened, "Now you should know, I hope you can try to trust the professors in the school in the future."

"I will, thank you."

Jacob was so grateful to Professor Flitwick that he wiped a tear from his sleeve and looked at Scott and Roger, who were sitting across from him.

"And thank you, Mr. Trollope, Mr. Davis, for trying to save me."

"No thanks, just call me Scott, Jacob."

Scott smiled softly.

"I'm so sorry, but if I held on a little longer, you wouldn't have suffered that."

Jacob said quickly, "No, it's not your fault, T... Scott."

"And, yes, Travers' revenge on you."

He seemed to suddenly remember that the matter had not been resolved, so he said to Scott and Roger, "Sorry, I only know that Travers is going to get revenge on you. She didn't tell me the specific plan."

"She just asked me to help Miss Du Ping's operations. Then...she suddenly fell ill, and the operation against Te...Scott may have died because of this."

"So it is."

Scott smiled happily. He turned his head and said, "It looks like I'm much luckier than you, Roger."

(End of this chapter)

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