Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 406 406. Scott's 5th grade ends

Chapter 406 406. Scott's Fifth Grade Ends

Helena's study, Scott and the girl in the painting chatted about the Quidditch World Cup during the summer vacation.

The girl was not very interested in the Quidditch World Cup, so she let him go after a while.

"I thought you had some good plans." The girl said to Scott, "Why does everyone like Quidditch so much?"

Scott said with a smile: "Because there are no other lively and interesting activities in the wizarding world except Quidditch."

The girl curled her lips, "Okay, you go to see your mother."

The large landscape painting moves away, revealing the door into the interior.

Scott pushed open the door and went inside.


"You came."

Scott did not stay long in Helena's study.

After chatting with the Ravenclaw tutor about the summer study plan, he said goodbye and left.

He returned to the dormitory to pack his luggage, then chatted with his classmates in the common room, and did not leave the tower until the dinner began.

In the evening, the sky has darkened.

In the Great Hall of Hogwarts, the lights of countless candles and torches complement each other, and the vast hall is as bright as day.

At this time, the four college long tables were already full of students.

All dressed in formal wizarding robes and pointed hats.

At the Gryffindor table, Fred and George placed a huge rectangular mirror across a wooden stand.

"Oh, they can really show off."

Ravenclaw this way, Eddie said sourly.

"You know, today is the day we won the House Cup for Ravenclaw."

He turned his head.

"Hey, Scott, what the hell are they doing, they won't beat us, will they?"

"Don't worry." Scott felt that his expression must be a little weird now, "I said it, their promotional videos are not in the same style as ours."

"That's good."

"I'm looking forward to the promotional video of Gryffindor College." Milton really wanted to see how the twins would present their own college.

Of course, it wasn't just him.

At this moment, most of the students in the auditorium looked at Fred and George from time to time, curious about their results.

The rest of the Gryffindor students were very excited, talking loudly, and couldn't wait to see the promotional video of their own house.

Even Percy proudly praised his two mischievous brothers.

Fred and George kept smiling and accepted all the compliments, but Scott felt that these two guys were playing to death.

When Dumbledore led the Hogwarts faculty and staff into the auditorium, the twins immediately started playing the promotional video.

The music sounded, and the big mirror with the image on it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The professors did not move around, but stood in the middle of the auditorium and watched.

The picture in the mirror was filled with a golden and red flag, and the golden words [Gryffindor] slowly emerged.

A gratified smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's face.

The promotional video started very formally, introducing the history of Gryffindor College, the dean, celebrities from the college and the basic situation of the common room through clear pictures and subtitles.

Scott watched the professors' reactions again.

Professor McGonagall kept smiling, Dumbledore nodded slightly, Sirius and Lupine both smiled brightly.

Looking at Gryffindor, all the Gryffindor students proudly raised their chests.

Only Harry, who seemed utterly ashamed of being assigned to the so-called "House of Fame," huddled on a stool, even covering his flushed face.

Beside him, Ron patted his shoulder with his hands, with a proud expression on his face.

At this moment, giggling laughter came from the mirror, and the faces of Fred and George appeared in the picture.

The two waved at the camera together.

[Gryffindor, the happiest house in Hogwarts. ]
A line of supertitles appears on the screen.

The following promotional film can be called a sudden change in style, clearly recording the endless pranks of the Weasley twins.

One after another, the reactions of familiar faces to pranks are revealed.

Many Gryffindor students are not angry after being pranked, and will happily laugh with the twins.

But there are also some angry ones.

Like Percy and Ron.

They were persecuted again by their brothers.

As the promotional video played, all Gryffindors were divided into two waves.

Those big-hearted people didn't care about their recorded embarrassment, and continued to laugh out loud, exactly like the reaction in the picture.

But some of the image-conscious students began to glare at the twins.

Especially Percy, his eyes were full of anger, he gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Shut it off!"

But the twins held him back desperately.

Other less-than-happy students were also stopped by classmates who were having fun.

Of course, this was just the reaction of the Gryffindors.

The students from other colleges were obviously very happy to see such content and laughed happily.

The Slytherins laughed especially loudly, and kept taunting the students who made a fool of themselves on screen.

On the professor's side, Sirius and Lupine were still smiling happily, and Dumbledore was also smiling. Only Professor McGonagall looked a little unhappy.

Especially after Snape opened his mouth to say something, she glanced at the twins who were fighting with Percy, and her expression looked more serious.

"Scott, you are right." Eddie said happily, "Their works have a different style from ours, very different."

"Is it okay for them to do this?" Milton asked with some concern.

"It's okay." Scott glanced at Gryffindor again, "Didn't you see that most Gryffindors are happy? Only a small number of people will trouble them."

At this moment, the sound of the music became passionate, and the next moment, there were boos in the auditorium.

At this moment, whether it was Slytherin or Ravenclaw, even Hufflepuff booed.

Scott looked at the screen again, a little astonished, and couldn't help laughing again.

[Gryffindor, Hogwarts is the best house in Quidditch. ]
This line of clear subtitles is displayed on the screen.

Roger asked Scott, "I remember you doing post for them?"

Scott quickly explained, "Although I did most of the post-production, I didn't add this line of text, they probably modified it."

"Hmph, you really know how to brag."

Roger snorted unhappily, and stopped looking at the clip of the Gryffindor College team's highlights on the Quidditch pitch in the mirror.

There was constant booing in the auditorium, but the Gryffindor students began to applaud and cheer.

"we are the champion!"

They shouted loudly.

"we are the champion!"

The Gryffindors who really won the championship this school year were overjoyed.

They seemed to recall the ecstasy when they won the championship again, and began to show off unscrupulously.

The professors did not stop them.

Dumbledore took the lead and moved again, and all the professors took their seats on the teacher's bench.

Professor McGonagall looked at the slapstick Gryffindors, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"This is really..." Scott heard Roger mutter, "The champion of next school year must be ours."

Eddie patted him on the shoulder, "Come on, I hope we can find some good players in the new semester after the summer vacation."

Roger suddenly slumped his shoulders.

"It's useless." He said with a wooden face. "You can only join the team in the second grade. I have observed it specially. There is no Quidditch genius in the first grade."

Eddie withdrew his hand embarrassingly, and smiled awkwardly.

The promotional video of Gryffindor College continued to play. After the Quidditch part, which took up a lot of space, Dumbledore appeared in the camera.

In the promotional video, the always courageous twins did a small interview with Dumbledore.

Dumbledore briefly described his experience of studying in Gryffindor when he was a teenager, and explained the spirit of Gryffindor he understood.

The interview won massive applause.

Scott thought the Gryffindors probably had red palms.

With this, the promo came to an end.

When the play really ended, the Gryffindors clapped desperately again.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students also applauded out of politeness, only the Slytherins remained indifferent with stinky faces.

After a long time, the applause stopped.

Dumbledore on the teacher's table was about to speak, but the Gryffindor students all moved.

The quick-witted Fred and George ran away, and other students swarmed up.

Under the siege and interception, the twins failed to escape, and finally suffered revenge.

Whether it was those who were unhappy before or those who laughed happily, they were not soft-hearted.

Surprisingly, Professor McGonagall did not stop such a "turmoil" from happening.

Dumbledore, who was interrupted, also watched cheerfully.

When the crowd dispersed again, Fred and George were finally exposed.

Antlers grew on their heads, their ears became very long, the skin on their faces turned black, leeks grew out of their nostrils, and two long front teeth protruded from their lips.

Fred and George supported each other to stand up, they glanced at each other, and turned their heads away in disgust.

The auditorium burst into laughter again.

Even the professors in the teacher's seat showed uncontrollable expressions.

Fred and George staggered to their seats, wiping non-existent tears and faking tears.

After a while, the ups and downs of laughter finally stopped.

Dumbledore stood up at the teacher's table.

"First of all, I would like to thank the two Mr. Weasleys for the joyous moment they brought us."

As he spoke, he waved his wand.

A piece of white light fell from the sky, accurately covering Fred and George, and the changes in the two of them quickly faded away.

Fred and George immediately stood up and bowed to Dumbledore with a somewhat exaggerated gesture.

Dumbledore nodded to the two, then looked at the other students in the auditorium.

"Another academic year is over, and here I am presenting the Academy Cup for this year."

On the long Ravenclaw table, Scott's classmates sat upright one after another. Many of them showed that kind of expression that they were obviously very proud but pretended not to care, which was a little funny.

"If I did not remember wrong."

Dumbledore waved his wand again, and the hall was filled with Ravenclaw flags.

"Congratulations Ravenclaw!"

Under his lead, everyone started applauding.

The Ravenclaws who were pretending to be reserved completely abandoned their modesty now, and threw their hats to the ceiling one after another.

At this moment, delicious and rich food suddenly appeared, filling the long table in front of him.

Everyone couldn't wait to start working.

"I have to say..." Eddie held the chicken leg in his hand, chewed his mouth oily, and did not forget to speak, "I hope that Professor Black will continue to be the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for the next school year."

Roger reminded him, "Professor Black is now a teaching assistant."

"I know," Eddie said, "but I prefer Professor Black, who competes with Snape for the most deductions."

Scott glanced at the teacher's bench.

At this time, Sirius and Lupine were whispering to each other.

He didn't know if the two would resign.

Of course, they were all key members of the Order of the Phoenix, and after a year of hard work, Dumbledore might not allow them to hold that dangerous position again.

In the "Original Book", the next school year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be Alastor Moody, but the situation in the magic world has changed a lot, and Scott has been unable to " Predict who will fill this position next school year.

Of course, he doesn't know whether the Triwizard Tournament described in the "Original Book" will be staged as scheduled.

After dinner, Scott and his roommates gathered again in the common room to chat.

"During the summer vacation this year, I will go to the United States with my dad again." Eddie said, "I hope to meet some American wizards. Of course, I will bring you gifts."

Roger is not optimistic about his wishes, "If you know the annoying rules of the American wizarding world, you will not expect too much from American wizards."

Eddie didn't take it seriously, "Who knows, the current situation in the British wizarding world is not very good."

"I'm also planning to go abroad." Milton said, "My goal is Vienna, Austria. I hope I can successfully learn the Muggle way of traveling abroad."

"This is the first time I've heard of your plan." Scott looked at him curiously.

"It's a recent idea." Milton smiled. "Since my musical talent recovered, I overturned my previous plan. I want to take the initiative to go out more. While learning more music, I want to find my mother's love." whereabouts."

Scott patted him on the shoulder, "Be careful, I hope you can meet your mother smoothly."

"Thank you."

Early the next morning, Scott and his companions took the Hogwarts Express and arrived at King's Station in London at noon.

At platform 9 3/4, he bid farewell to Luna and met her father, Mr. Lovegood, a wizard with an artistic temperament.

After leaving the platform, he bid farewell to three roommates outside the station, and then arrived at London Heathrow Airport accompanied by Professor Flitwick.

In the afternoon, Scott stepped out of Barajas Airport in Madrid, Spain.


Outside the airport exit, his cousin Ramiro was waving at him from a distance.


Scott walked over with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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