Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 400 340. Talk in Professor McGonagall's Office

Chapter 400 340. Conversation in Professor McGonagall's Office
"Mr Bird and Miss Graplan?"

Professor McGonagall is clearly thinking about who Mr. Bird really is.

Professor Flitwick also had doubts on his face.

Obviously, that Mr. Bird is a low-key enough person.

Only Dumbledore immediately remembered who the other party was.

"Broderick?" His expression was very surprised.

Scott nodded, "The last time we met him at the Ministry of Magic, the Reticent Man of the Department of Mysteries, you told me his name."

"It's him!"

Speaking of the Reticent Man, both Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick immediately remembered who Mr. Bird was.

Professor Flitwick also said: "No wonder we didn't think of it at the first time. It has to be said that the group of silent people in the Department of Mysteries are low-key and almost invisible."

Dumbledore obviously paid more attention to what Scott said.

He looked at Scott, "Since you say that, you must have some evidence."

Scott knew that since he chose to expose Mr. Bird and Graplan, he had to be justified.

He clicked on the eagle-shaped brooch pinned to the robe, and released the recording that he had prepared long ago.

The recordings are of several conversations between him and Miss Graplan.

From the night Graplan called him and his roommates to the classical music club activity room via Caccini, every conversation since has been taped.

After about an hour, the recording finishes playing.

The first to respond was Professor McGonagall.

Her lips were pursed tightly, and she stared at Scott sternly.

"What did I tell you, Mr. Trollope." She said angrily, "I've told you several times. If you have any problems, go to your professor first!"

Scott lowered his head a little guilty.

Professor McGonagall continued to criticize him, "But what did you do? So many things happened but you kept hiding them until today, when you and your classmates were almost killed by two vicious Death Eaters, you finally knew and told us the truth!"

"Minerva is right!" Professor Flitwick also criticized him seriously, "The danger you encountered today almost killed you! Have you ever considered the consequences?"

Scott's head lowered.

"I'm sorry." He apologized sincerely, "I have caused my friends to suffer irreparable harm."

He was not without fear.

He didn't have time to think about it when he was attacked, but he was also terrified after the incident.

Whether it's his three roommates or Luna, whoever it is, if anyone gets hurt, he's responsible.

Not to mention...if anyone really suffers death due to his negligence...

He couldn't even imagine that possibility.

If something like that really happened, he didn't even know how to deal with it.

He will be guilty all his life, and he will not be able to let go of it.

For these reasons, he would try his best to adopt conservative methods during the battle, and he didn't even think about keeping the Carlo brothers and sisters.

He is very sober. In that situation, what he should do most is to protect his friends, not defeat the enemy.

Only he himself knew how much pressure he was under at the time.

So when the professors appeared in the Forbidden Forest in time, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and even ignored the escape of the Carlo brothers and sisters.

Of course, that's why he decided to tell the professors about it.

He was very worried that if he continued to bear such a threat alone, maybe one day he would implicate his friend again.

Facing Scott's sincere apology, Professor McGonagall didn't quite buy it.

"I'm angry not only because you nearly brought your friend into trouble, Mr. Trollope!" Her stern voice came again. "And yourself! Because you put yourself in danger and didn't tell We professors!"

"I'm sorry, Professor."

Listening to her harsh words, Scott was a little moved, so he apologized sincerely again.

Professor Flitwick relented at first.

"I don't blame you, Scott." He slowed down, "but I hope you can remember this lesson."

Scott nodded quickly.

Professor McGonagall didn't quite agree with Professor Flitwick letting it go.

She snorted sternly, and said to Professor Flitwick: "Filius, we are responsible for the safety of the students, so we must give Mr. Trollope the necessary punishment, so that he will really remember this time. lesson!"

Scott had no objection to her words and nodded.

"It's okay, Minerva." Dumbledore said, "Scott is a smart child, I believe he has already remembered it deeply."

Scott nodded vigorously again.

Remember, really remember.

He really didn't want to involve his friends any longer and let them follow him into a dangerous situation. He really couldn't bear that kind of pressure.

McGonagall snorted again, but did not refute Dumbledore's words.

"Okay, let's get back on track." Dumbledore said, "Scott, why do you think Broderick Bird is Mr. B? Is it just a coincidence of names?"

Scott looked up and said: "The coincidence of the name is not enough to make me suspect him. I suspect him because of the way he looked at me during that encounter. I did some research after that."

Having said that, he took out his [Magic Mirror] and found that "video".

The three professors looked at the picture in the mirror with some surprise, and under Scott's prompt, they also noticed Mr. Bird's inconspicuous flaw.

"how did you do it?"

Professor McGonagall looked at Scott very puzzled.

"It's Transfiguration." Scott said honestly.

But Professor McGonagall's doubts remained undiminished.

"Your Transfiguration professors don't even know how you do this with Transfiguration," she said.

Scott took out a block of ebony wood, waved his wand, and conjured a monitor lizard on the spot.

The little gray lizard landed on Scott's palm and looked up at the three professors.

Then, Scott used his wand to draw a silver thread from the lizard's head and put it into the magic mirror.

Soon, the faces of the three professors appeared in the magic mirror.


Professor McGonagall looked at his face in the mirror in shock, and it took him a long time to recover.

"Mr. Trollope, you actually made it this far!"

She didn't care about whether the method of criticizing Scott violated the regulations, and said in surprise.

"Adding the function of the rune circuit while transforming, this can already be called instant alchemy!"

She even got up and walked a few steps back and forth.

"If you publish"

She shook her head.

"I remember Mr. Weasley... Bill Weasley published a similar paper, but if the reviewer didn't see this scene, he would not believe that you can really do this..."

"Calm down, Minerva," said Dumbledore. "That's not what matters now."

"Of course this is the most important thing!" Professor McGonagall retorted against Dumbledore for the first time in front of the students, "You used to be a professor of Transfiguration, Albus, you should know how amazing this kid has done!"


  I came back late today, only updated 2000+
  Gentlemen readers, I'll try to add as much as I can tomorrow.

  The PS chapter number is wrong again, I will find an editor tomorrow to modify it

(End of this chapter)

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