Chapter 394

This Sunday morning, Scott still woke up early.

He got up before dawn and everyone was still asleep and went to the common room.

Not long after, he waited for Rimbaud who flew in from the owl tunnel.

After setting up the sound-proof spell, he sat on the sofa in front of the window and talked to Rimbaud.

"Everything went well," said Rimbaud. "I saw the death of those three targets with my own eyes."

It shook its head as it spoke, "I have to say, that looks a little too disgusting."

Scott frowned, "You don't have to wait there, it will increase the risk of exposure."

Rimbaud didn't care about his concerns.

"Whether I'm entering Azkaban or leaving, I'm flying high enough," it said. "Dementors are blind, and the wizards stationed on the outskirts of that island must not have seen me."

Scott asked concerned, "What about the other prisoners?"

Rimbaud said: "Those people were tortured half to death by the dementors, and most of them are already crazy. Besides, those prisons are all dark, I have been hiding myself in the shadows, and I haven't made a sound. It should be No one will find me."

Scott nodded in satisfaction, "Thank you for your hard work, be more careful next time."

"Understood." Rimbaud replied.

"But this time, let me see your actions with my own eyes." Scott said with a smile.

Under Rimbaud's curious gaze, he took out his [Magic Mirror].

"Yesterday I learned some new alchemy knowledge from the Ravenclaw mentor." Scott said, "So I transformed my [magic mirror]."

As he spoke, he took out his wand again, and put the tip of the wand against Rimbaud's head.

He said softly: "Although you can't personally experience a person's memory like a pensieve, you can also convert the memory into a video image for viewing."

As Scott's property, Rimbaud had no sense of resistance even when the wand was pressed against his head. Instead, he asked cooperatively, "What should I do?"

"Just remember this trip to Azkaban in your mind." Scott said, "Because of the connection between you and me, I can extract your memory."

"So that's the case." Rimbaud expressed his understanding.

In Rimbaud's memory, it signed a partnership contract with Scott, and this is the connection between them.

Its past memory is of course fake, it is a virtual memory designed by Scott, and the partner contract does not exist.

Scott can accurately extract its memory only because it is Scott's magical creation, and it was born in the huge magic power that Scott was spawned by the one-time Philosopher's Stone.

Scott closed his eyes, feeling the connection between himself and Rimbaud, and at the same time, he used his wand to extract a strand of silver thread representing memory from its head.

He placed the strand of silver on the surface of the [Magic Mirror] and watched it slowly sink.

"Is this all right?" Rimbaud looked at this scene curiously.

"Wait a minute," Scott said.

At this moment, an hourglass pattern appeared on the mirror surface of [Magic Mirror].

When the sand in the hourglass falls completely, a real picture appears on the mirror.

The "lens" of the picture is Rimbaud's No.1 angle of view, initially in the high-altitude clouds.

Scott tapped the mirror a few times with his finger to speed up the playback, and soon, the perspective came to a sea, overlooking a black island from a high altitude.

Scott adjusted the screen to play at normal speed again. Of course, due to Rimbaud's flying speed, the "camera" still landed from a high altitude at a fast speed.

Scott saw the fabled Azkaban for the first time.

A lonely island in the icy sea, a towering black fortress on a desolate island.

Countless dementors in tattered cloaks swam up and down in the sky around the fortress, their long cloaks trailing wisps of black mist marking their flight paths.

Rimbaud landed from a high altitude and flew close to the dementors.

Scott could even clearly see the water-soaked faces and scabbed palms of the dementors hidden under the cloaks.

Fortunately, these monsters do not have the normal five senses. The only thing they can perceive is human emotions, so Rimbaud can pass by them safely.

After that, the picture in [Magic Mirror] flew in with Rimbaud from the huge triangular gap at the top of the black fortress.

At this time, the picture fell into deep darkness, and Rimbaud nimbly shuttled through the complex structure of the fortress, passing one after another of the cramped and dark prisons arranged like a honeycomb.

From time to time, in these prisons, the crazy ravings or hysterical howls of the prisoners can be heard.

Rimbaud flew closer, peeping at the prisoners in the prison through the narrow stone window from time to time.

Most of the prisoners had been tortured until they were skinny. They were either dancing wildly, or curled up on the ground, silent as if they had died.

At this time, Rimbaud, who stood on Scott's shoulder and watched the picture in [Magic Mirror] with him, said to him, "In Azkaban, those prisoners who can still make a sound are either completely crazy, or Just entered this prison. Of course, the lunatics are the most."

The picture in the mirror showed that Rimbaud's process of finding someone was not smooth.

It shuttled inside the complex fortress, and finally found Carlo with the guidance of the dementor.

Carlo was thrown into Azkaban on Friday, and his emotions didn't seem to be completely drained by the dementors, so a large number of dementors were gathering near the prison that belonged to him.

Rimbaud flew past the group of dementors silently, and stopped on the small window of Carlo's prison.

Scott saw the picture inside the prison.

Carlo, who was originally arrogant, squatted in the corner and huddled into a ball. He buried his head between his knees, hugged his calves with his hands, and trembled all over his body.

"Go away... go away..." he murmured, "I didn't kill people... I was wronged..."

Seeing this scene, Scott had a smile on his face.

He said: "It seems that Carlo's modified memory has not been modified. He thought he was wrongly imprisoned."

He stared intently at the poor Carlo who looked like a little chicken in the picture.

"What a pity," he said, "if I hadn't worried about Voldemort's imprisoning, I would have preferred to see my enemies tortured here."

In the picture, Rimbaud moved again.

It didn't do it directly, but spent some time finding the Yaxleys.

The prison where the father and son are located is not far from Carlo's "room".

After confirming the location of the target, Rimbaud began to act formally.

It flew into the three prisons from the window at the fastest speed, and flew out again very quickly.

Because the picture was too dark and the cage it carried was too small, Scott couldn't see its movements clearly.

All he could hear was the coughing of Carlo and the Yaxleys as if they were being choked.

Next, Rimbaud flew to the corridor of the prison, stopped on a rusty iron frame on the stone wall, and waited.

Scott accelerated the screen played by [Magic Mirror] again until there was a weird scream from [Magic Mirror].

When the screen playback speed returned to normal, Rimbaud flew up again and stopped at the window of the prison where Carlo was.

At this time, the surrounding dementors were already excited.

Inside the prison, Carlo was rolling on the ground while howling in pain.

Scott watched the scene intently.

"Sure enough, Professor Snape was right." He said to himself, "Revenge tastes so damn sweet."

Rimbaud said, "I don't think your Potions Master can say that."

"It's about the same," Scott said.

In [Magic Mirror], Carlo's wailing became louder and louder, and at the same time, his belly was already swollen, like a pregnant woman in labor.

Immediately after...


Explode like a balloon.

Scott couldn't help looking away.

As Rimbaud said, this is really disgusting.

A fluttering sound sounded.

After Rimbaud on the window took the initiative to get out of the way, several black and bloody crows squeezed out from the narrow window and quickly flew away.

At the same time, a few crows also flew out of the windows of the other two prisons, and also quickly disappeared into the darkness inside the fortress.

Rimbaud flew to the other two prisons to see the death of Yaxley and his son, and then left under the dim light in the fortress.

At this time, some prisoners who were barely rational in other prisons had already sensed something was wrong and began to shout loudly.

Rimbaud flew up from the huge triangular gap above the fortress, and flew straight towards the sky.

The image in [Magic Mirror] is still.

Rimbaud, which was on Scott's shoulder, flew into his hand, and it raised its head and said, "I also threw that birdcage into the sea."

"Well done." Scott praised it.

He already understood why Rimbaud said that it would not be discovered in and out of Azkaban.

With the special environment of Azkaban, it can really be like entering the land of no one.

"Is there anything else I need to do next?" Rimbaud asked.

Scott shook his head.

"Only Mr. Bird's gecko needs to be retrieved," he said, "but that's your job for next weekend."

Rimbaud said: "But on weekends, that office will be locked, and I can't get out of the door like that gecko."

"It's okay." Scott said with confidence, "That gecko will come out of that office on Friday night and hide in the brick crack under the first torch on the left outside the office door."

"That's much easier." Rimbaud nodded. "Then I'll go there on Friday night."

After talking to it a few more words, Scott got up and lifted the spell, opened the window again, and let it fly back to the forest.

Then he leaned against the window sill, clicked on the [Magic Mirror] a few times, and completely deleted the "video" just now.

After putting away the [Magic Mirror], he took out the identity card of the Scholars Union from his pocket, and input magic power to make it into [Book of Prometheus].

Opening the thick book in his hand, Scott clicked on several letters sent to him by Mr. B again.

After Friday's trial, the mysterious Mr. B did not contact him again, as if the threats were just a joke.

Scott smiled, closed the letter, found some knowledge about Animagus and bought it with credits, and emptied some of the credits he earned during the rest time.

Although he is now confident in completing the extraordinarily complex and advanced human body transformation technique of Animagus, he still decided to absorb more skills in its use.

How to prevent yourself from being eroded by wild thinking while having an animal body, and how to turn back to a human after becoming an animal are the biggest difficulties when using Animagus.

Taking a rough look at the knowledge he exchanged for credits, Scott felt quite satisfied.

Although Professor McGonagall can also teach him the relevant knowledge, he still seeks to be more on the safe side and read more about other people's experience.

Because the use of magic varies from person to person, the same spell often presents different styles in the hands of different wizards.

The experience in Scott’s hands seems to be written by a wizard from Russia. This wizard from a fighting nation lost his human sanity after turning into a brown bear, and finally went to the wild to fight another brown bear played a game.

Even more interesting, he finally "woke up" just before he almost copulated with a female bear.

Although the situation he wrote about was on the verge of death, Scott always felt that he might wake up "after the fact".

Of course, apart from this unappreciable experience, the wizard still wrote some dry stuff and shared a lot of useful experience, which made Scott's credits not in vain.

At this time, other people got up and walked out of the dormitory one after another, and Scott also left the common room.

Afterwards he spent a peaceful day in the Room of Requirement until, at dinnertime, he saw that the death of Carlo and Yaxley had been published in that day's Evening Prophet.

The news caused a stir in the dinner-time auditorium that day.

Leaving aside the Yaxleys and his son, Elijah Carrow was a student of Hogwarts after all, and many students knew him.

Although he had put himself in Azkaban, his tragic death still had a powerful impact on many students.

Especially the few Slytherin students who were acquainted with him.

On the long Ravenclaw table, Eddie asked quietly, "Do you think it was done by someone from the Rolle family?"

"I think so." Roger had already wrinkled his face. "However, although the photos were not published in the newspaper, the tragic situation of these three people can be imagined through the text."

Milton was somewhat skeptical, "If it was someone from the Rolle family who did it, why did they kill those two Alexes?"

Eddie ventured to assume, "I think it's a smokescreen they cast."

Scott listened to the discussions of the people around him while eating.

Most people believe that this Azkaban murder is the revenge of the Rohr family whose daughter was killed.

They all opened their brains and guessed how the Luoer family did it.

"They must have bribed the Warden of Azkaban and the Dementors."

"They have people at the Ministry of Magic."

"Perhaps a peculiar curse."

In short, conjectures are various...

Scott also heard Fred and George talking loudly over there in Gryffindor.

"I'm for the curse!" exclaimed Fred.

"This kind of curse is called the belly-breaking curse." George said solemnly, "I once read the record of this curse in an old book at home."

Fred nodded seriously, "Just make a curse doll, then collect the blood of the enemy to water it, and finally break the doll's stomach, so that the enemy's stomach will also be broken."

Their "explaining" attracted many people, especially the children of Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in the lower grades, who were taken aback by these two people.

Fred and George did a good job of frightening the younger children, and finally announced that they had just happened to be making an amulet against the Belly-Shattering Charm, and it would be on sale soon.

All of a sudden, many fools rushed to make reservations, and even Percy and Hermione's righteous anti-fraud propaganda had no effect at all.

Eddie watched dumbfounded as the Weasley twins made their fortunes, then set his sights on the Ravenclaw juniors.

"Don't even think about it. Although I'm not very competent, I'm also a prefect." Scott said immediately, "And, if you want to become a new prefect next school year, you should remember that there are some things you can't do."

Eddie looked back regretfully.

"What are you thinking?" He said righteously, "Am I that kind of person?"

"You are." Scott, Roger, and Milton said in unison.

Eddie held his chest artificially, with a hurt face, "I think you guys misunderstood me too deeply."

The three of Scott ignored him.


Just then, Luna walked behind Scott from the other side of the long table.

"What's wrong?" Scott looked back at her.

"follow me."

Luna reached out and grabbed Scott's sleeve, trying to pull him out.


Seeing the serious expression on Luna's face, Scott retracted his words, got up following her strength, and followed her out of the auditorium.

Luna ignored the whistles and teasing laughter from behind the two of them at all. She kept grabbing Scott's sleeve until she pulled him into the back garden of the castle.

Afterwards, she didn't speak either, but deliberately climbed onto the flower bed, staring at those slightly protruding gray eyes, looking down at Scott.

Scott didn't make a sound either, letting her look at him.


After Luna said a word, she raised her hand and took off the magic wand pinned behind her ear, and unskilledly placed a protective spell against wiretapping on the spot.

"I can see." She said softly, her voice faltering.

Scott watched the smoke rising from her eyes, knowing.

"Of course." He smiled, "I dare say, there have been few people who have seen it more clearly than you."

Luna nodded.

Although her eyes are hazy and her expression is a little confused, Scott knows that this is a girl whose heart is like a mirror, and her eyes can clearly reflect the essence of others.

She just looked at him and fell silent again.

Scott was not uncomfortable, he smiled again, and asked her softly, "Can you tell me, you haven't said anything all this time, why did you speak up this time?"

Luna stroked her hair and looked up at the dark night sky.

"I didn't know exactly what you did, Scott." Her voice was still erratic, "I don't think you did anything wrong."

"Then what do you want to tell me this time?" Scott asked again.

Luna looked at him again, she thought for a long time, hesitated to speak, and seemed to be organizing her words.

Such a performance was rare for her, and Scott waited patiently.

After a while, Luna's eyes began to focus, and she asked Scott seriously, "Are we friends?"

"Of course." Scott replied affirmatively, "We are friends."

Luna asked hesitantly, "No matter what I say, won't you be angry? Or, even if you are angry, you will still be friends with me."

"It's not like a question you can ask." Scott was a little surprised.

In the past, Luna always told the unpleasant truth unconsciously, but she never thought about whether others would be angry.

But he still nodded, "Yes, I will not be angry, even if I am angry, I will still be friends with you."

Hearing his answer, Luna showed a slight smile on her face.

"Just say what you want." Scott also encouraged her.

Although he never thought that his secretive actions would be seen, but since Luna's magical eyes have seen something, let's try to see if the two can reach some consensus.

"Why did you do that?" Luna had pure doubts on her face.

Scott said calmly: "To be fair, when someone else wants my life, it means that he puts his own life on the gambling table. Although I didn't take the initiative to gamble, but when I win the bet , will accept all the chips on the table.”

Luna was lost in thought.

Scott became curious instead.

"Can you tell me what exactly you see in me?" he asked.

Luna shook her head, "I don't know, but the Wakefly in my eyes reminded me, when I was reading the newspaper, oh, then I saw you, I think I should talk to you."

Her words were thrown upside down, and Scott didn't understand what she meant for a while.

"See me when you read the newspaper?" He was astonished. "You can still see the causal line?"

"What?" Luna looked confused.

Scott shook his head without explanation.

He himself felt that his statement was too exaggerated.

No matter what the reason was, whether he really saw it or felt it, in short, he knew that Luna was serious about linking him with the contents of the newspaper.

Scott looked at Luna again, and seeing her looking dazed, he had no choice but to ask, "Luna, do you think I did something wrong now?"

"I don't know." Luna became even more confused. "I want to say that you did something wrong. I don't like revenge. Of course, your personality has been completely different from mine all along. I can see it. I mean... But I can't ask everyone else to be like me..."

As she spoke, she had a distressed expression on her face.

Scott said: "Yes, you are a tolerant guy, but I am different. No matter who provokes me, I will pay back. Of course, it is an equivalent revenge. Anyone who insults me just needs to be beaten. , Anyone who wants to kill me, or threatens my life, must die."

He also imagined that Luna would learn to become better, but he couldn't.

"Why?" Luna seemed a little puzzled.

Scott shrugged. "That's fair, isn't it?"

He looked directly into Luna's eyes, wondering what the girl would choose.

If she felt she should tell someone what he did...

Then, although Scott will not hurt her, he will also choose to force her to sign a contract that no one can tell.

(End of this chapter)

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