Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 383 383.1 The History of Humiliation

Chapter 383 383. A history of humiliation
Scott now has no way to deal with Medea who wants to use him, let alone Salazar Slytherin behind her.

In order to deal with Medea, the only thing he did was to secretly let Voldemort's diehard, Barty Crouch Jr., be freed in advance, causing Voldemort to regain part of his power in advance.

But this also indirectly changed more established fates, making the current situation in the magic world even more complicated.

It can be said that the revelation of the prophecy made Scott feel great pressure for the first time and tasted a strong taste of frustration.

In the past, he had always had confidence in himself, thinking that as long as he continued step by step, he would eventually achieve his goal and become a powerful and freest wizard.

Even the birth of Medea did not make him worry too much about his future.

But the revelation of the prophecy completely changed his situation, and the time he had for growing up became embarrassing.

Now he is still unable to cope with the duel training of Professor Flitwick, let alone face the legendary Salazar Slytherin?

It would be impossible for Scott not to feel anxious about the threat of prophecy.

He just tried to let himself get rid of those useless emotions and not let them affect him.

But emotions are not things that can be perfectly controlled by themselves, and occasionally they still affect his mood.

Scott reached out and pushed open a window, allowing the cool night breeze to pour in from the window.

He let go of his thoughts and stood in the wind for a long time.


Until he heard someone calling his name.

He turned his head and saw Luna in her nightgown bouncing down the stairs behind the Ravenclaw statue.

"Luna?" Scott was a little surprised, "You haven't slept so late?"

"I fell asleep and woke up just now." Luna ran to his side with her slippers on, and looked up at him, "I wanted to go to your dormitory to find you, did you just come back from outside?"

"Looking for me?" Scott looked at her suspiciously.

so late?
"I wanted to wait here for your return, but I was too sleepy." Luna took out a letter from the pocket of her nightgown, "This is the letter that Savannah asked me to hand to you, and I will collect it after dinner." Got to it."

"Thank you." Scott reached for the letter.

Luna walked to the side table, raised her hand to remove the magic wand pinned behind her ear, and lit the candles on the table.

"I suppose you need light?" she said.

"Thank you."

Scott walked to the table and sat down, opened the envelope in his hand, took out the letter and opened it to read.

[Scott, are you okay?
I have been worrying about you.

I have been looking for information based on the content of the prophecy, and now I have finally gained something, so I want to tell you what I know as soon as possible.

Salazar Slytherin, he's been here and dealt with us Dohertys.

This is the news I got from my grandfather, and it is also the news that he has been hiding all along.

In the Doherty family, only one person in each generation can know the history of humiliation hidden in the past. ]
Scott has already raised his curiosity when he saw this.

[Here is what my grandfather told me.

More than 1000 years ago, when the fairy Morgan took back King Arthur's body, the passage between Avalon and the world was closed.

As Morgan's servant, my ancestor, the first Doherty, was ordered to remain in this world to guard the passage of Avalon.

After hundreds of years of reproduction, Doherty has become a prosperous family.

The ancestors transformed the swamp around the passage into a sea of ​​oak trees. They spent a lot of effort to cultivate a holy tree, and guarded the passage with the holy tree and the stone circle. ]
In Scott's mind, he saw the oak tree covering the sky and Stonehenge under the shade of the oak tree.

[About a thousand years ago, Salazar Slytherin visited Doherty.

Before this, my ancestors had no connection with wizards.

In a haughty gesture, Slytherin asked his ancestors to take him to the passages to Avalon, and of course his request was sternly refused. ]
Seeing this, Scott could already foresee the bloody storm that Slytherin set off in the Sea of ​​Oaks thousands of years ago.


[An angry Slytherin strikes.

His strength is unstoppable.

There is no point in resisting or concealing, and a powerful wizard can even read other people's brains at will.

Slytherin killed many members of the Doherty family, broke into the Sea of ​​Oaks with arrogance, and came beyond the sacred tree and the stone circle.

The druid priest at that time said to him: "Mighty wizard, we can't stop you. But you can't open the passage to Avalon, which has been closed for hundreds of years."

Slytherin said, "I have the key! It's Merlin's key! I got it from Merlin's servant!"

The priest said: "But your will will eventually bring you the cruelest fate. Avalon is ruled by nine fairies, and they will give you the most severe punishment."

Slytherin laughed, "Fairies are just stronger witches. My magical journey has gone far enough, and I don't believe there are any wizards who are much stronger than me in the world!"

The sacred tree and stone circle did not block his footsteps.

Under the desperate gaze of the priest, he took out the scabbard of the sword in the lake that had been lost by King Arthur, and forcibly opened the passage to Avalon.

The priest called out the names of Morgan and the other fairies, hoping they would inflict the harshest punishment on Slytherin, but he was disappointed.

No one showed up.

The fairies disappeared, and Avalon seemed to be no man's land.

Slytherin set foot on the land of Avalon.

A month later, he reappeared, completely peeled off the bark of the sacred tree, and wrote all over it.

The bark of the sacred tree, which was covered with writing, eventually became a scroll. ]
This is the birth of [Volume of History].

Scott realized.

Slytherin broke into Avalon, read past history and future destiny through Merlin's [clairvoyance], recorded them on the bark of the sacred tree, and made it into [History Scroll].

[The Slytherin who caused Doherty's disaster leaves after closing the passage again.

The druids immersed in grief could only try their best to save the dying holy tree.

Ten years later, Slytherin came again.

At that time, he was still powerful, but he was much older, as if he would die of old age at any time.

He stepped into Avalon again, and never came out after closing the passage.

His ancestors believed he buried himself on the grounds of Avalon.

They decided not to talk about what happened until they died.

This period of history eventually became a secret, a secret that only priests of each generation could know. ]
Scott let out a slow breath.

The prophecy said that Slytherin was asleep, so he wasn't really dead.

[The above is the history I heard from my grandfather.

But that's not quite true, is it?

Judging from the content of the prophecy, Slytherin is brewing a huge conspiracy.

Forgive me, Scott, even now that I'm a priest, I still don't know what to do with it.

When Salazar Slytherin reappears, whether it is you revealed in the prophecy, or the withered Doherty family may suffer disaster. ]
Scott raised his hand and rubbed his aching temple.

He is very tired.

He went through duel training this night and fought Carlo again, and the cold wind blew for a while just now.

Now he felt that the fatigue in his body was pouring out like a tidal wave.

But he still managed to read the next few sentences of the letter.

[But I will not give up.

I don't think you will either, do you?

Because you have always been so high-spirited, you don't seem to take any difficulties in your eyes.

I have always believed in you like this.

This time the letter is written here, if there are new discoveries, I will write to you again.

Savannah Dougherty]

Scott put down the letter and rubbed his temples again.

"Are you okay?" Luna, who had been standing by the side, asked aloud.

"I'm fine," Scott said, "just tired."

"Then go to sleep." Luna said, "Your brain will completely lose its protection if you go on like this."

Scott put away Savannah's letter and nodded his heavy head.

"Then I'll go back." He didn't care to say anything else, "Good night."

"Good night."

Luna waved her hands and ran towards the stairs leading to the bedroom.

Scott also walked back to the dormitory with heavy steps.

He didn't disturb his roommate, didn't wash up, didn't even have time to review the content of Savannah's letter, and fell asleep on the bed directly.

The next day, Scott was woken up by bursts of cheers.

He opened his eyes and found that he was the only one left in the dormitory.

Sounds in the distance signaled that a wonderful game was taking place on the Quidditch pitch.

After waking up, Scott took a shower, went to the kitchen for a meal, and then ran to the Room of Requirement.

When he entered Helena's study, the girl Helena in the painting looked at him in amazement.

"It's rare, Scott, that you're late!"

"Feel sorry……"

"Sorry? You should tell your mother."


When Scott saw Ravenclaw's portrait, he immediately bowed and apologized.

The Ravenclaw in the painting doesn't criticize him, just asks him, "What happened?"

Scott obediently recounted what happened the night before, including his attack after duel training and the contents of Savannah's letter.

Of course, the content of Savannah's letter is the key point.

"So, you got another piece of the puzzle." Ravenclaw said in the painting, "We don't know what Salazar did after he left Hogwarts. He obviously went through a lot."

Scott said: "From what we have known in the past, coupled with the history of the Doherty family's oral history, Slytherin's coveting of Avalon was premeditated."

"The scabbard of the sword in the lake," said Ravenclaw in the painting. "That's why Salazar asked Medea to marry the Gaunts."

As she spoke, she shook her head.

"Those days at Hogwarts, I thought Salazar had changed a lot," she said. "I didn't expect him to remain the same."

(End of this chapter)

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