Chapter 375
The attack on Ministry of Magic official Mr. Barty Crouch seems to have flipped a switch.

In the next few days, attacks began to happen one after another.

Law Enforcement officers, members of the Wizengamot, veteran Aurors, and even ordinary wizards have also been targeted.

Seeing the list of these attacked wizards, Scott preliminarily determined the murderer who made these attacks, and the Death Eaters under Voldemort's command were indeed the most likely.

Because the wizards who were attacked had one thing in common - they had all contributed to the defeat of Voldemort and his henchmen in past wars.

Scott was thinking, did Voldemort want to taste the blood of all his enemies to see whose blood was more suitable?
With Voldemort's personality, he should have looked down on the blood of these people.

What he wants most should be Harry, Dumbledore, or Medea's blood.

It's a pity that he can't get the blood of these three people now.

In the new protection of magical animals class, Scott watched Graplan standing beside Hagrid and talking.

She was taking the class seriously and seemed to have completely forgotten about the appointment with Scott.

"Oh, Scott, I noticed you were staring at Miss Graplan."

"We can lure Hagrid away for you if you want to confess to her."

Fred and George approached Scott and said with a smile.

"First, I'm just paying attention, Fred," said Scott. "Second, don't talk about Professor Hagrid the way you talk about a beast, George."

Towards the end of the session, Scott had a few private words with Graplan under Roger's cover.

"What's your decision, Scott?" Graplan asked Scott in a low voice, with his usual smile on his face.

Scott asked softly, "Does everything you say count, Miss Graplan."

"You mean?" Graplan raised an eyebrow.

Scott said, "You said that if I join, you will give credits to fulfill the wishes of Milton and Caccini."

Graplan's expression changed, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Of course it counts."

Scott suddenly laughed, "If that's the case, I promise to join."

"Very good." A trace of genuine joy appeared on Graplan's face, "Then we'll meet at the activity room of the classical music club at 12 o'clock tonight."

Scott nodded.

Although the two separated after only a few words, it also made Fred and George, who were held back by Roger, boo more vigorously.

Scott didn't care about the bickering between the two.

That night, he first went to Professor Flitwick's office for dueling training, then returned to the dormitory to rest before the curfew time, and finally rushed to the classical music club activity room with his roommates before 12 o'clock.

Graplan and Caccini were already there.

Seeing Scott, Graplan impatiently took out the golden card from his pocket and handed it to him.

"Take this card quickly, and I will teach you how to use it."

"Don't worry." Scott pointed to Caccini and Milton with a smile, "Let's solve their problems first."

The smile on Graplan's face deepened, "Cunning boy, what do you mean, I have to solve their problems before you are willing to formally join the Scholars Union?"

"Sorry, I can't help it." Scott smiled "shyly", "What if you go back on your word after I officially join the Scholar Union and don't want to give credits?"

Graplan breathed out a puff of smoke, "That's very good, then let me ask you, what if you don't want to join the Scholar's Union after I help them solve the problem?"

Scott gave her a genuine smile.

"You can completely trust me in this regard, I will never go back on what I said." He pointed to his roommates, "If you don't believe me, ask them."

Eddie and Roger hurriedly cheered.

"Scott always walks the talk and never lies!"

"Ravenclaw College No. 1 in Integrity, I'm talking about my brother!"

While talking, the two even pushed Milton.

"Yes... yes." Milton stammered in agreement.

Graplan squinted his eyes and looked at several people with a half-smile.

"Do you think I believe your words?" She asked coldly.

"You can believe it," Eddie said.

"We can be trusted," Roger said.

"Okay." Graplan glanced at the two, then looked at Scott again, "Let's show some sincerity, Scott."

Then, she raised her chin pretending to be arrogant, and took a puff of cigarette slowly.

"You have to realize one thing, Scott," she said. "Ordinary people are not eligible to join us."

As she spoke, she glanced at Scott's roommates again, and then looked away casually.

"Just like your friends."

Having said that, she took a step forward, getting closer to Scott.

"Please remember that it is your honor to join the Scholar Union," she said, "This opportunity is only once, if you don't cherish it, you will never have another opportunity in the future."

Scott fanned the sage smoke in front of his eyes with his hands, and silently took a step back.

The smile on Graplan's face became a little unnatural.

"It seems we can never trust each other."

Scott smiled at Graplan, reached into his pocket, took a roll of parchment and handed it to her.

"So, in order to speed up efficiency, let's take some effective measures."

Graplan reached out to take the parchment, shook it out and looked at it.

"Magic contract?" Her complexion changed again, and she gave Scott a complicated look, "It seems that you are well prepared."

Scott, who has already performed Occlumency, looked at her without any scruples, and said in his mouth: "I can't help it. After all, I am only a fifth-grade student. Compared with Miss Graplan, who is a teaching assistant, I am a weaker party." Woolen cloth."

Graplan sneered, and handed the parchment back, "It's okay, I can sign this contract with you."

"That's good." Scott breathed a sigh of relief exaggeratedly, "This way I can rest assured."

The parchment he took was wrapped in a shimmering red light and floated from his hand.

He said to Graplan, "Let us sign this magical contract."

Saying that, he stretched out his right hand.

"no problem."

Graplan also held out her right hand.

At the same time, the two printed their right hands on the parchment floating in the air.

A dazzling red light flashed, and then the parchment became unremarkable again, falling from the sky.

Scott stretched out his hand to hold the parchment, looked at the two bright red palm prints covering the words, smiled with satisfaction, rolled up the parchment and put it back in his pocket.


Graplan handed over the golden card again.

This time Scott took the card without any psychological burden, held it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

The material of this card is metal, and although the color looks a lot like gold, its material is much harder than gold.

Both sides of the card are gorgeous and exquisite reliefs, one side is engraved with a combination of scrolls and quills, and the other side is engraved with Prometheus being pecked at the heart by an eagle.

Scott froze for a moment when he saw the pattern of Prometheus, and he quickly realized the meaning of the League of Scholars.

Maybe they want to be human teachers and protectors like Prometheus in Greek mythology?
Scott took one last look at the number on the card: 01-0723.

Graplan explained: "The 01 represents the British region, and the number after that means that you are the 723rd British person in the Union of Scholars. Of course, this number only counts the era after the [Knowledge Bank] existed."

Scott nodded.

"Enter the magic," Graplan said.

Scott did as he was told, inputting magic power into the card, and the card quickly swelled up, turning into a hardcover book with a golden cover.

"Give it to me." Graplan put the pipe in his mouth, grabbed the hardcover book and opened it.

She then showed Scott the inside of the open hardcover book.

Scott glanced at it, and found that the inside page shown to him stated the precautions after joining the Scholars Union, including the so-called rights and obligations of members of the association.

"Sign your name if there is no problem." Graplan handed the hardcover book to Scott.

After taking it, Scott carefully read it several times, and nodded after confirming that there were no unfair terms in the text.

He took out his pen and wrote his name at the bottom of the inside page on the right.

Soon, the hardcover book flew up from his hand, quickly shrunk in a burst of golden light, and turned back into a card again.

After the golden light dissipated, the card began to fall, and Scott reached out to catch it.

In an instant, Scott suddenly felt a vague presence touching him.

The feeling was indescribable, as if an invisible behemoth glanced at him, and its gaze was as real as it was.

"That's enough," said Graplan, "you can figure out the rest by yourself."

She looked too lazy to explain, and she was a completely different person from when she was selling to Scott.

Scott tried pumping some more magic into the card and watched it turn into a book again.

Enter the magic power again, and the book turns back into a card.

He didn't try again, he held the card in his hand and looked at Graplan.

"Now it's your turn to keep your word, Miss Graplan," he said.

"Don't read anymore?" Graplan glanced at the card in his hand and asked with a smile, "I'm here now, if there's anything I don't understand, I can answer it for you."

"No need." Scott laughed too.

He took out the parchment with the contract written on it again and shook it in his hand.

"Fulfill your promise, Miss Graplan." He said, "I think you won't go back on your word after signing the contract, right?"

"Of course." Graplan gritted his teeth slightly, "Even if I don't sign a contract, I will keep my promise."

As she spoke, she took out another golden card from her pocket with a painful expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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