Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 371 371. Graplan's Passionate Sales

Chapter 371 371. Graplan's Passionate Sales
Scott looked at the teaching assistant in front of him.

Facing his suspicious eyes, Graplan just smiled confidently.

Scott looked at Caccini again.

The girl kept staring at Milton.

"It seems that you are very confident." Roger said suddenly, "Cacchini, I hope you don't make fun of Milton."

When Caccini heard this, the smile on his face disappeared.

She pretended to glance at Roger casually and sneered.

"Don't worry, Davis." She said coldly, "I won't involve the innocent Milton because of my past with you. You don't have that much weight yet."

"That's the best." Roger replied without saying a word.

Caccini sneered again in response.

Scott glanced back, and Roger flushed.

At this time, Milton shook his head at Scott and the three of them, and said to the two women: "Cacchini, Miss Graplan, I have already expressed my attitude, can you tell me what you want? How to do it?"

Caccini turned to look at Graplan again.

Scott and the others immediately became more certain that everything that happened today was led by the teaching assistant.

Graplan didn't answer Milton's question directly, she looked straight at Scott.

She smiled slightly. "I need to speak to you alone, Scott."

Hearing what she said, Scott's three roommates all looked at Scott.

So, Scott thought, today's incident was also directed at him.

"Miss Graplan." Milton said hastily, "I'm sorry, this is my business, and you shouldn't involve Scott."

While speaking, he also reached out to give Scott a hand, wanting him to stand behind him.

Scott didn't move.

He stood still and watched Graplan, trying to make sure what she meant.

But Graplan always had a friendly smile on his face, and there was no clue at all.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to him, right here." She said to Milton in a soothing tone, "I won't leave your sight during the conversation, I just need you to stay far away. "

Milton's attitude at this time was rare and tough. He said without compromise: "This matter has nothing to do with Scott! If Caccini wants to exchange talents with me, he only needs to make it clear to me. "

He said to the silent Caccini: "Also, although I didn't say it, I also understand that the magical talent I exchanged for my musical talent may not necessarily be yours, Caccini."

"It's mine." Caccini frowned and looked at Milton. "My magic talent is in you."

Her tone was very certain.

Graplan smiled again and said to Milton, "Of course we will find you after we have found a way to confirm."

After finishing speaking, she asked Scott again, "What about your answer, Scott, do you want to talk about it alone?"

"Okay." Scott agreed.

There is nothing to talk about alone, and he is not afraid that Graplan will shoot him.

It's not that she believes that she won't make a move, but that she has confidence in her own strength and means.

"Scott!" Milton still wanted to dissuade.

"It's okay." Scott smiled confidently at the three roommates, "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Let's go," Caccini said to the three boys. "Let's stay away."

With that said, she walked directly to the side.

"Are you sure?" Eddie asked Scott again.

Scott nodded.

"OK then."

Eddie and Roger looked at each other and pulled Milton away.

It's just that they didn't go very far, and stopped within ten steps.

At this distance, they can send reinforcements at any time.

Graplan also declined to comment.

She said to Scott: "You can set the spell, in order to avoid misunderstanding, I will not take out my wand."

Scott nodded slightly, and arranged a soundproof spell.

After that, he didn't wait for Graplan to speak first.

"Now, we can talk alone, Miss Stephanie Graplan." He said her real name directly, wanting to gain some initiative in the conversation.

However, Graplan, whose real name was called, did not panic, she just glanced at Scott in surprise.

"Well, it looks like I'll have to re-introduce myself," she said. "I'm Stephanie Graplan, a Ravenclaw graduate, and Wilmina Graplan is my older sister's name."

"Why did you come to Hogwarts under the name of Miss Wilmina Graplan?" Scott asked.

Graplan said in a casual tone: "Dumbledore needs a teaching assistant for the Protection of Magical Beasts class. Wilmina is busy studying horse-shaped water monsters in Loch Ness, so I'm here."

Scott asked again, "So, why not use your real name? It's not something to hide, is it?"

"Because Wilmina is more famous than me." Graplan raised her pipe and took another sip, exhaling hazy smoke from her full red lips. "Many wizards in the wizarding world know that she has research on magical animals."

Scott said calmly, "Judging from your performance in class, you are not bad either."

"Thank you." Graplan thanked with a smile.

Then, she said confidently: "My real identity is not important, even Dumbledore knows that I am not Wilmina. And it is already late, let's hurry up and talk about another matter."

"Go ahead, I'm listening," Scott said.

"It's very simple." Graplan took out a golden card from his pocket and handed it to Scott, "I'm going to invite you to join our organization."

Scott didn't reach for it.

He looked into Graplan's eyes and asked her intentionally, "Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix, Voldemort's Death Eaters, or Medea's green man?"

"Neither." Graplan still stretched out his hand, "By the way, the organization Ms. Slytherin founded is called the All-Wizards Council."

Only then did Scott know that the green-robed people had an official organization name.

But this is not the point at this time, he said to Graplan: "Let me introduce the organization you belong to, Miss Graplan, if you don't know anything..."

He glanced at the golden card in her hand.

"...I won't accept this kind of thing casually."

"Okay." Graplan withdrew the hand holding the golden card and shrugged his shoulders, "It really doesn't work."

Of course!I'm not an idiot!

Scott complained.

"Okay, okay, it's really troublesome." Graplan complained.

She put the golden card back into her pocket, took out a roll of parchment from her pocket, unfolded it, and shook it.

"Let me take a look." She looked at the parchment in her hand, "Hey, our organization is called the League of Scholars. It is the oldest surviving magic society in Europe. Its members have always been famous wizards in various fields."

Scott looked at the witch in front of him in astonishment, who was clearly following the script.

Is this so-called Scholars Union short of people or is there really no face?Just let such an unreliable witch recruit new ones?

Graplan continued to read the materials, "The purpose of our association is for academics and for cooperative research on the mysteries of magic. Most of our members don't like to participate in politics and struggles. We have always liked wizards who focus on magic itself..."

"Stop." Scott stretched out his hand helplessly, "Give me the parchment and let me see it myself."

"No problem." Graplan agreed very readily, and even couldn't wait to stuff the parchment into Scott's hand.

Scott took a quick glance at the parchment with one hand.

The writing on the parchment was all handwritten, and the arrangement of the contents was a bit confusing.

He knew the writing on the paper, it was Graplan.

But he still quickly understood what kind of magic association the so-called Scholar's Union was through the content on the paper.

According to the information written by Graplan, the so-called League of Scholars was established in the 15th century, more than 500 years ago. Although it is not as old as Hogwarts, it still has a long history.

As the name of the organization reveals, this organization is a loose alliance established by a group of scholar-shamans. The purpose of its initial establishment was to gather talents and jointly revive ancient magic.

Only after these years of development, the organization no longer restricts the research direction of its members.

If everything written in the materials is true, it seems that this is really just an academic exchange organization that does not involve any politics and struggles.

But Scott didn't believe 100% of what the information said.

Medea's green-robed man... No, it's the All-Wizards Council, and it's under the banner of "for a better future".

"How is it, are you excited?"

Seeing that Scott saw the same thing, Graplan immediately began to persuade him.

"As long as you join the League of Scholars, you can communicate with many outstanding young people like you. They are all over Europe, and everyone is a rare genius. You can also ask questions to many knowledgeable wizards at any time. They all He is a well-known expert in various fields. Let me say that our Scholars Alliance is undoubtedly the most suitable organization for you!"

What's the matter with the tone of Mr. Tony in the previous life promoting the membership card of the hairdressing salon?

Scott wanted to complain.

Graplan's pitch continues, "We will provide great help to each of our members, whether it's money or knowledge. If you encounter a problem that you can't solve yourself, other members will help. You can even help at Get everything you want here."

"Sounds good." Scott asked with a smile. "So, what do I have to pay?"

Despite Graplan's rhetorical rhetoric, Scott did not believe that joining this so-called scholar's union cost nothing.

"The price?" Graplan said affirmatively, "You don't need to pay any price."

Scott looked at her with distrust in his eyes.

Graplan said enthusiastically; "The existence of the Scholar's Union is to ensure the continuation of wizard civilization! Join us, you can exchange your knowledge for credits, and then use the credits to exchange for everything you want. Of course, all of this follows the voluntary principle !"

It turned out to be the case.

Scott's mistrust of Graplan's words faded a little.

That's right, it's normal to have something to pay for.

Listening to what she said just now, she thought that she could get everything by doing nothing.

Scott became interested in learning more.

He asked, "Knowledge exchange? Can knowledge be quantified? How to exchange for so-called credits? Can any knowledge be accepted?"

"Of course not," Graplan said. "Only your own original knowledge can be exchanged for credit."

She gave Scott a few examples.

For example, what Scott learned at school or read in books cannot be exchanged for credits.

But if he invents a new spell, that's knowledge that can be redeemed for credits.

In addition, if he restores some ancient magic, translates ancient runes that have never been seen in the world, invents a new potion, unearths new ancient ruins, or even understands the habits of a strange magical animal... ...This is all within the scope of exchange.

All in all, as long as it is knowledge that the organization has not retained, it can be exchanged for corresponding credits according to the degree of preciousness.

Scott raised an eyebrow.

Could it be that the so-called League of Scholars wants to gather all the knowledge in the magic world?

This kind of appetite is probably too big.

“The question remains,” he said, “is knowledge quantifiable, and how can organizations be fair?”

Graplan reached out again and took out the golden card.

She shook the card between her two fingers and said with a smile, "I'll leave this question to him."

Scott looked puzzled.

Graplan explained: "More than 100 years ago, in order to better inherit the wizarding civilization, the scholars of the Scholars Union worked together to build a great magic device with large-scale magic rituals and alchemy. This device is called by the current members. for the [Knowledge Bank]."

Before Scott asked another question, she put the golden card into the left hand holding the pipe, and stretched out a finger to Scott with her right hand, "First, [University Scholar] is the highest title awarded to members by the Scholars Union , They are all great wizards who have made outstanding contributions to the development of wizard civilization."

Then, she held out a second finger.

"Secondly, the [Knowledge Bank] is a magical device responsible for storing all knowledge, and it is also responsible for dealing with members exchanging knowledge for credits, and exchanging credits for other things. It is just a magical device without the ability to think, you don't have to worry about being unfair things happen.”

Saying yes, she picked up the golden card with her right hand and shook it.

"If you join the League of Scholars, I will activate this identity card for you," she said. "This magical card can be connected to the great [Knowledge Bank] anywhere in the world, and you can redeem credits through it. , or exchange credits for the resources you want."

Saying that, she stretched out her hand again.

"What are you waiting for?" She urged, "Hurry up and accept this hard-won opportunity."

But Scott still didn't accept the card.

Seeing that Scott remained unmoved, Graplan was a little discouraged.

"I'm really not suitable for this kind of work." She muttered in a low voice.

She rolled her eyes and quickly changed her words.

"Scott, you want to help your friend." She glanced at Milton in the distance, "As long as you have credits, you can help that boy regain his musical talent."

"Is Caccini also a member of your organization?" Scott said calmly, "According to you, if she wants to regain her magical talent, she should work hard to earn credits to achieve her goal."

(End of this chapter)

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