Chapter 369

Because he uttered bold words in the dormitory, claiming to dig out the reason for completely changing Caccini, Eddie completely got into trouble with this secret in the next period of time.

It's not known what exactly he did, but Scott saw him mingling with the Hufflepuffs over the next few days.

But Eddie's efforts didn't produce any effective progress, which can be seen from the fact that he never mentioned the matter.

Unexpectedly, compared with Eddie's useless efforts, Milton, who often works with Caccini in classical music clubs, has clues one step ahead.

It's still a time for a bedroom night talk before going to bed.

Milton, who was sitting on the bed, held up his wand and blown his long hair with a drying spell.

He suddenly said to Scott and the others: "There is something... Maybe I should tell you that just after dinner today, when I was practicing at the club, Caccini asked me quietly... Would you like to exchange my Musical talent."

Scott and the others were surprised to hear the news.

Milton's musical talent was exchanged by Medea for Caccini, which several of them knew.


"How is it possible?" Eddie, who had the fastest mouth, was the first to speak, "Did Caccini also join the green-robed organization under the revived Witch's command?"

At this time, Scott, who was lying on the bed, also frowned.

He felt that Caccini's question was incredible, so he said: "Even if Medea agrees to Caccini's request and exchanges talents for her and Milton, how can there be a Hogwarts with a huge source of magic power?" Sign a magic oath with her?"

Scott learned from Ravenclaw mentor that Medea once dominated the magic oath that can trade talent, the conditions for signing and running are very strict, and logically speaking, it should not be replicated.

It is impossible for anyone at Hogwarts to sign such a contract with her, and besides Hogwarts, Medea cannot find any other suitable place in England.

Roger's speech came from another angle. He said in a very surprised tone: "In other words, does she also regret trading with Ms. Slytherin?"

It can be seen that Caccini's indifference to magic talent left a deep impression on him.

"I don't know." Milton stopped blowing his hair, and put the wand on the small table beside the bed. "She asked something like that suddenly, and then left without waiting for my answer."

He combed his hair with his fingers, with a hesitant expression on his face.

After a few seconds of silence in the dormitory, Scott sat up and asked Milton, "What do you think, Milton?"

"Me?" Milton said in a daze, "I have accepted the status quo."

"But Caccini's question made you shake again, didn't it?" Scott asked sharply.

"I..." Milton pursed his lips, "You all said that what she said can't be realized, right?"

Eddie said, "Go ahead and ask her tomorrow why she said that."

Milton nodded slightly.

"Sorry, I'll make sure," he said.

Eddie lifted the bed curtain, poked his head out to look at Milton, "Why are you apologizing?"

Milton smiled embarrassingly, "I always feel that I have caused you a lot of trouble, especially this matter. I was obviously the one who voluntarily traded with Ms. Slytherin..."

"Don't think so much." Scott said with a smile, "Actually, we haven't been able to help you much."

"Anyway, enough is enough." Milton also laughed.

When Scott lay down again, he heard Roger say: "Scott, Eddie, you two accompany Milton to ask Caccini, I won't go."

"Alright." Eddie said with a smile, "In case Miss Caccini wants to teach you a lesson when she sees you."

"Hey!" Roger howled angrily.

At noon the next day, Scott and Eddie accompanied Milton and waited at the entrance of the auditorium until Caccini walked over with several girls.

Scott took a look at it calmly, and Caccini's image changed again.

Among the few girls who wore short skirts and stockings, she was the only one in men's trousers and leather boots.

Her hairstyle has become a short cut close to the scalp, her ears are covered with silver earrings, and she has no makeup on her face.

"Good afternoon, Caccini." Milton took the initiative to say hello.

"Milton?" Caccini grinned, showing two pointed canine teeth, "What's the matter?"

The gruff smile on her face and her carefree movements completely subverted her previous image of a dignified lady.

Scott was secretly shocked, and couldn't help feeling Caccini's magic power to confirm that she was still herself.

The last time I talked to Caccini at close range, her image was exaggerated, but she just changed from a lady to a hot girl, but now... this girl seems to have blurred her gender.

Although he had seen the subverted image of this girl from a distance before, it was the first time he had come into close contact with her, so it was inevitable that the impact would be too great.

Scott even heard Eddie gasp secretly.

Compared to Scott and Eddie's shock, Milton has gotten used to Caccini's new image.

He said softly, "What you told me last night."

"Really?" Caccini smiled playfully, "What do you think?"

"I want to talk to you," Milton said.

Caccini nodded, "Talk? Of course."

She turned her head and said a few words to some of her companions, and those girls walked into the auditorium first, laughing and laughing.

Caccini looked up at Scott and Eddie again.

"What." She put a hand on Milton's shoulder, "Are the two of them your bodyguards or nanny, Milton, dear boy?"

"'s not..." Milton couldn't help but blushed and took two steps back.

At this time, Scott spoke, "Hello, Caccini. Eddie and I are just curious about what you said. Why, is it convenient for us to hear it?"

When Caccini heard this, the teasing smile on his face subsided a little.

"Scott, Scott, you really know how to joke." She said in a sigh-like tone, "Who can refuse you at Hogwarts, the genius of Ravenclaw."

As she spoke, she turned around quickly with one sole of her foot, and the robe flung out an elegant arc in the air.

"Come with me." She walked forward quickly, "I know, anyway, telling Milton is equivalent to telling everyone in your dormitory."


Scott patted Milton, who was still a little dazed, and the three followed Caccini.

Several people quickly left the vicinity of the auditorium and walked into a nearby empty classroom.

"Come in." Caccini sat on the desk with his legs crossed, beckoning to the three of them, "Remember to close the door."

Scott closed the classroom door, and the three boys walked up to Caccini.

Just as Milton was about to speak, Caccini raised his hand to stop him.

She pointed at Eddie with a finger wearing a black ring, "Are you sure you want him to hear the secret I'm going to tell you next? I think he will pass it on to everyone in Hogwarts as quickly as possible." .”

"It's slander!" Eddie exclaimed. "It's slander!"

He almost twisted his nose in anger.

"Don't worry." Scott glanced at Eddie with a smile, "This kid knows what to say and what not to say."

"Since you said so." Caccini withdrew his fingers and touched his slightly raised chin, "Then let it be."

Scott nodded.

He winked at Milton, walked aside and sat in his seat.

Eddie sat next to him.

Only Milton was left alone in front of Caccini.

He asked, "Caccini, what did you mean when you asked me yesterday?"

"What do you mean?" Caccini smiled, "It means literally."

Milton said, "But..."

"No but." Caccini, who was sitting on the desk, looked down at Milton. "You just need to tell me, Milton Graves, whether you would like to exchange it back."

"I..." Milton seemed to hesitate for a few seconds, but finally nodded, "Of course, I'd like to get back my musical talent."

"Very good." Caccini moved closer to Milton, whispered something in his ear, and then reached out and patted him on the shoulder.

Then, she jumped off the desk and left the classroom straight away, leaving the three boys with a chic back.

"What's going on? What did she say just now?" Eddie said loudly in displeasure, "Didn't she just say that she was going to tell us a secret that we can't tell others? Why did she leave like this?"

"She said..." Milton turned, "She asked me to go to the classical music club at twelve o'clock tonight."

Eddie complained: "She must be playing tricks, what is it that can't be said now?"

Scott looked at Milton with questioning eyes, "Are you going, tonight."

Milton nodded, "Since I have decided to find out about this matter, I will go there."

"I'll go with you," Scott said.

There were strange things about this matter, and he was really worried about letting Milton go to the appointment alone.

"And me!" Eddie said quickly.

Milton wanted to say something, but he chose to acquiesce under Scott's unquestionable gaze.

"Thank you." He said gratefully.

During Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the afternoon, Scott had been secretly observing Caccini.

This girl has changed so much.

It is obvious that other girls in the same year of Hufflepuff House like to surround her, faintly dominated by her, and compete to team up with her in dueling class.

And Caccini, like a real playboy, always handles these "jealous" scenes with ease.

The boys who were in class together couldn't help but look at her enviously.

In comparison, Roger, who has been single for a long time, is hardly worthy of the title "Playboy".

"Do you think Caccini is still herself?" He asked Milton softly.

Milton looked at him in surprise, as if he didn't understand why he asked this question.

Scott thought for a while, and it seems that there is no such legend as "snatching the house" in the wizarding world.

But he still said it, "I mean, is it possible that her body is occupied by another soul."

"Is there such magic in the wizarding world? Black magic that occupies other people's bodies?" Milton looked blank. "And, I'm sure she's still her, I can hear it from the music she played."

"That's good." Scott nodded slightly.

Also, if wizards can really seize the house, Voldemort would not just be parasitic on the back of Professor Quirrell's head two years ago.

In the evening, Scott, who had been defeated many times by Professor Flitwick's superb dueling skills, dragged his exhausted body back to the dormitory.

"Scott, you look more tired than me after a game of Quidditch." Roger looked at Scott who was slumped on the bed, "Are you sure you can accompany Milton to the appointment later?"

Eddie said, "Let me and Roger go with him."

"You should take a good rest." Milton also looked at him worriedly, "I'm only going to go to the appointment inside Hogwarts, so I won't run into any danger."

"At most, they will be caught by Filch and Mrs. Norris, or the professor who watches the night, and then they will be detained with points deducted." Eddie said with a smile.

Scott shook his head, moved his upper body, let himself lean on the stacked pillow, took out a bottle of potion from the deformed lizard skin pouch at his waist, and poured it into his mouth.

"It's okay." He put away the potion bottle and looked at his pocket watch again, "There are still two hours until 12 o'clock, enough for me to recover."

The four discussed for a while, and decided to dispatch all the dormitories this time.

Scott and Eddie were in charge of accompanying Milton to the appointment, and Roger, who didn't want to meet Caccini, was in charge of watching outside the classical music club activity room.

They left the dormitories around 11:30 and were soon under the Ravenclaw Tower.

"Are you okay?" Milton was still worried about Scott's state.

"Of course it's okay." Scott shook his sore arm.

His magic power has recovered, and his body is only a little sore, which basically has no effect on his combat effectiveness.

"Don't talk, follow me."

He was the first to leave the tower, expanding his magic perception to the maximum range of his abilities.

The four of them arrived at the basement level of the main building of the castle unimpeded all the way.

Scott could feel his roommates tense.

Especially when they passed by Snape's office, several people crept past quickly, trying not to make a sound.

Everyone was afraid that the Potions Master, who had always been elusive, would come out of the darkness and spray them with poison.

After turning several turns in the dark corridor, I finally came to the door of the activity room of the classical music club near the abandoned dungeon.

At this time, the wind was passing through the vent above the abandoned dungeon, making a strange whimpering sound.

The iron chains hanging in the abandoned dungeon made a continuous crashing sound. The sound was not loud, but it was very clear in such a silent night.


Scott walked to the door of the activity room first, and pushed the huge wooden door.

Unexpectedly, the door was opened by him with a slight push, and the warm light was cast on the stone slab on the ground from the crack of the pushed door, and it was stretched long.

There is a faint piano sound coming from the activity room.

(End of this chapter)

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