Chapter 367
Scott didn't believe Medea's "in order to live" statement.

If it was just "to live", why did this old ancestor bother with so many things?

"You are joking." He said to the small fireplace in his hand, "Didn't you say that you are fighting for a better future for wizards. Such a great dream has nothing to do with simple living."

The green flame in the small fireplace kept jumping, and there was a series of laughter in the flames.

Medea seemed to be in a very happy mood, and she laughed for a while before stopping.

She asked in a laughing voice, "You don't believe I have such a dream, do you, boy?"

Scott didn't answer.

Of course, not making a sound is equivalent to acquiescing.

Medea's voice became serious, "But I want to say that I am serious. I seriously want to change the magic world, and I really want to give wizards a better future."

"That's a good thing," Scott said dryly.

"It seems that such rhetoric can't convince you." Medea laughed again, "You must be doubting me, doubting my real purpose, suspecting that I still have a huge conspiracy hidden."

Scott said softly: "Although the dream you said is good, the way you do things is a bit unusual."

This is undoubtedly a euphemism.

He actually wanted to say that although Medea has a larger structure, her specific behavior style is not much different from Voldemort who pursues terrorism.

"Is that what you want to say?" Medea seemed a little disappointed, "If I'm not mistaken, Scott, you and I are the same kind of people, people who will do anything to achieve their goals."

"Maybe." Scott didn't deny it.

Medea asked him, "Then what can you accuse me of?"

Scott frowned, "But I won't say those beautiful words like 'for wizards to have a better future', let alone shout such slogans to deceive others."

"Yes, you won't, because you don't have the desire to do great things, you can only see yourself." Medea said.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that," Scott said.

"Of course you can say this confidently now, child." Medea didn't take it seriously, "What if one day you also need a lot of helpers to achieve your necessary goals? What will you do then?"

Scott said in a flat tone: "I don't think I have such a big goal to accomplish. I don't want to be a savior to save the world, nor do I want to be a big devil to rule the world. I just want to take care of myself."

After he said this, Medea's reaction was to laugh out loud.

"You're so naive, Scott, many things wouldn't happen if you didn't want to!"

"Maybe, you're right," Scott said.

For example, prophecy.

The prophecy is a sudden event, and it is not something that Scott at this stage has the ability to deal with alone.

But Scott is not alone.

"I have a teacher, and the professors at Hogwarts are very kind to me. If something happens, they will be willing to help me. I have friends. Although there are not many, each of them is quite reliable. If something happens, they will not help me." would refuse my request for help."

Scott smiled.

"I don't need to use lies to get help from others like you, Medea."


The green flame in the small fireplace in Scott's hand suddenly expanded rapidly.

Although the flame in the fireplace wouldn't cause him substantial damage, it was still a little hot.

In desperation, Scott threw away the fireplace.

Instead of falling to the ground, the toy-like fireplace floated in mid-air.

A green flame rises up, slowly transforming into a human form.

The human form made of flames was somewhat illusory and fuzzy, and Scott could barely make out that it was the image of Medea.

Medea, made of flames, only has her upper body, and "she" floats in the air, looking down at Scott.

"Then you should pray to Merlin, Scott."

"She" opened her mouth to speak.

"Pray that I won't break my promise one day."

"I don't think so." Scott said, "Forming a force like you? It will be tiring to think about it, and I won't waste my energy on doing this kind of thing."

"Medea" looked at Scott.

Maybe because she knew that he couldn't be persuaded on this issue, "she" didn't bother with this topic anymore.

"She" turned to something else.

"You're a special kid, Scott."

"She" has long hair made of flames fluttering.

"I have shown you many times, even sent you precious gifts, and tempted you with the knowledge that exists in that secret room, but I never thought that you would never let go of your vigilance."

Scott stood up and looked up at "her" without fear.

"Who made you less friendly in the first place?"

he said calmly.

"Exchange the talents of the students with the oath trade, tried to get Yaxley and Carlo to kill me in the trial of breaking the oath, and finally turned the two wizards into your drink in front of me."

"Medea" approached Scott slowly, staring at him with those burning eyes.

Scott felt the slight heat close at hand, but still did not retreat.

"Medea" asked, "Do you care? Do you care about the other students' talent for trading? Do you care about the lives of those two wizards?"

Before Scott could answer, "she" said in an affirmative tone: "No, you don't care, all you care about is that your life is threatened."

Scott looked at him silently.

He didn't need to refute such words, because he really didn't care.

Even if Milton traded his musical talent, it was Milton's own choice at the time.

Although Milton later regretted it, Scott only tried to help him get it back.

When the recovery operation failed and Milton himself accepted the fact and adapted well, Scott didn't take it seriously.

"But you are wrong, boy." Flame "Medea" said with a smile, "I don't want your life, on the contrary, I need you to live."

Scott looked at "her" in surprise.

"Although, if you cooperate with me, my goal will be completed faster. But it doesn't matter."

"Medea" stretched out a hand made of flames, as if stroking Scott's face in the air.

"As I said just now, you're a special kid, Scott."

"As long as you live and live, it's a good thing for me."

"I give you precious gifts, especially the special door key in your hand, just to ensure that you can survive smoothly."

Listening to her words, Scott had many thoughts flashing through his mind. He seemed to understand something, but he didn't figure it out. He never grasped the important inspiration.

"How is it, are you confused, smart boy?" The flame "Medea" laughed happily again.

Scott was deaf to her stream of laughter.

His eyes were lowered, and his brain was constantly thinking and reviewing all the known clues and the words that Medea said.

The clairvoyant...the great man...the volume of history...the one who doesn't is a good thing to live...

These complicated clues kept spinning in his mind.

As his thoughts flashed, he soon had a clear realization——

I am [the one who does not exist].

I am a [non-existing person] who does not exist in the [History Volume].

Therefore, my existence will change the history observed by [Clairvoyance].

[History Scroll] should be a prop to record the observation results of [Clairvoyance].

My presence will serve Medea's purpose, and she wants me to live.

Therefore, her purpose is to change the established fate recorded in [History Scroll]!

Scott opened his eyes and looked at "Medea".


That makes sense!

Why did Medea make such a fuss?
Why would she shout out such slogans, attract so many people, want to do such a big thing, and try to completely change the magic world?

Because she wants to change the established destiny that has been recorded.

Of course, changing the wizarding world for the worse, as Voldemort did, can change the fate of the established destiny, but she chose the opposite direction.

That's how smart she is.

Only good wishes can attract more wizards.

Only when more wizards stand on the same side with her, can she easily change the predetermined fate of more wizards.

Scott's presence was probably more of a surprise to her.

A wizard who does not exist in the [History Scroll] that records the established destiny will flap the wings of a butterfly, easily pry destiny, and bring about the most significant changes.

None of the above is a bad thing for Scott. If Medea just wants to change the established destiny, then Scott will have no problem with it.

But Scott always remembered the prophecy that [the great one] tried to devour [the one that did not survive].

[The Great Man] is Salazar Slytherin.

Knowing this, Scott would never believe that Medea had good intentions for him.

She really wanted him to live, to contribute to changing the established history.

But when the established degree of historical change reaches her standards, Scott faces the fate of being swallowed by her father, Salazar Slytherin.

Scott was caught in a dilemma.

Because if he wants to destroy Medea's plan, the first thing he has to do is to deny his own existence.

What's more, because of his existence and Medea's actions, the current situation in the magic world has been completely out of touch with the "original book", and the fate of countless people has undergone fundamental changes.

The "plot" is like a train that has derailed, and it is completely impossible to return to the "right track".

At this time, even if Scott left the UK completely to avoid the changes he brought, it would be useless.

"Medea" interrupted Scott's thoughts again.

"Don't think so much, Scott." She said happily, "You just need to live. Of course, it would be better to be more noticeable."

The flames that made up "Medea" gradually faded and shrank towards the small fireplace.

The flames became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into knuckle-sized flames again.

"Try to be a better wizard, genius boy."

Medea's voice seemed to come from an extraordinarily distant place.

After that, the cluster of flames was completely extinguished, and the small fireplace floating in the air immediately fell to the thick carpet.

Scott sat down slowly, his head tilted back, and his body leaned against the soft sofa back.

How to do?
he asked himself.

The answer to this question is actually quite obvious.

The way to maintain the established destiny is no longer feasible, and it is not what he really wants to do. Now he has one and only one choice——

Build strength and defeat all enemies, no matter who they are.

Scott sat alone for a long time in silence.

He didn't get up until his mood completely calmed down, picked up the small fireplace, turned and walked out of the lounge.

After going out, he walked back and forth in the corridor three times, and entered Helena's study.

"Oh! Scott!"

The voice of the girl Helena came from the wall near the bookcase.

The girl in the painting ran among the paintings hanging on the wall, and soon came to a painting at the door.

She asked in a worried tone, "Why did you come here so late? What happened again?"

Scott nodded.

"I spoke to Medea," he said, "and got some important clues about the prophecy."

"Do you want to talk to your mother about this?" asked the girl in the painting.

"Yes, sorry to trouble you, Helena." Scott smiled.

The girl in the painting shook her head, turned around again and walked through several paintings, opening the inner door for Scott.

Scott nodded at her, pushed the door open and walked in.

When he greeted the portrait of the Ravenclaw mentor, the girl in the painting had also entered the painting where the Ravenclaw portrait was located, snuggling up to her mother in a familiar posture.

Scott first told Ravenclaw in the painting about the golden chest and Savannah's reply, and then repeated the entire call between himself and Medea.

He didn't say any of his guesses, but stated his experience from an objective point of view.

Because he believed in Ravenclaw's wisdom, even if he was only facing Ravenclaw's portrait.

When Scott finished speaking, the mother and daughter in the painting gave very different reactions.

Helena's face was full of shock and confusion, but Ravenclaw kept a smiling expression, his eyes were clear and wise, and he seemed to have figured out a lot of things the moment he finished listening.

"So that's how it is." Ravenclaw murmured, "The Clairvoyant Eye was Merlin's masterpiece... Such an idea..."

This mentor seemed to be particularly interested in Merlin's large-scale magic ceremony [Clairvoyance], and he didn't care about other things for a while.

"Research freak."

Scott saw Helena lip-syncing to him.

Scott looked at his nose, nose and heart, and didn't respond to her.

"Oh, sorry."

The Ravenclaw in the painting quickly came to his senses.

Scott asked her, "Teacher, what benefits can changing the established destiny bring to Medea and her father?"

In the painting, Ravenclaw frowned slightly and shook his head slightly.

"Sorry, kid, we still don't know enough to make a judgment." She said apologetically, "I never knew that Salazar had been to Avalon, nor had I had the opportunity to watch Merlin's [Thousands of Miles] eye of the

It was only then that Helena, who was snuggling beside her, realized, "Could it be... Medea married into the Gaunt family because Professor Slytherin wanted to get a way to enter Avalon from the Gaunt family?"

Ravenclaw said softly: "Although I don't know if what Salazar wanted was a way to enter Avalon, but he undoubtedly got something or news about Merlin from the Gaunt family."

"Oh!" Helena said regretfully, "Medea was reluctant. At that time, I should have helped her desperately."

Ravenclaw just shook his head.

It's pointless to say that now.

Scott remembered that Medea once said that she loved her father, but she hated him more, perhaps because of these things.

Helena glanced at Scott worriedly again, then raised her head and asked Ravenclaw, "Mother, what should Scott do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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