Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 363 363. Song of the Fairy (for Subscription)

Chapter 363 363. Song of the Fairy (for Subscription)

Scott closed his eyes, focused all his attention on the perception of magic power, and slowly advanced through the layers of "levels" in the golden treasure chest.

The office was very quiet, and no one disturbed him.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly realized that his magic perception had encountered an exceptionally strong barrier, and he could no longer go any further.

At this moment, a piece of information came into his mind silently.

He opened his mouth slowly, and translated this somewhat unclear message into words.

"On the morning of the mist, the mermaid's tears; on the night of the full moon, the blood of the werewolf; at noon on the scorching sun, the song of the goblin sings a golden chapter."

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the three professors waiting aside.

"Just now, I received a message in my head." He pointed to his head.

"It seems that this is the way to open the box." Professor Binns frowned, "We need to ask the goblin to help."

Dumbledore and Professor Flitwick both nodded.

They all seem to have understood what Scott said, but Scott himself didn't fully understand, so he showed a puzzled expression.

Professor Binns glanced at Scott, and explained in his usual tone without emotional ups and downs, "Collect the tears of mermaids in the misty morning, obtain the blood of werewolves on the night of the full moon, and finally, let the goblin Sing the words on the box in a goblin song."

"Sounds like a magical ritual?" Scott asked.

"That's right." Professor Flitwick answered him, "The Song of the Goblin is a kind of magic unique to goblins, and it's also an ancient magic ritual passed down by goblins."

Scott asked again, "What's the use of mermaid tears and werewolf blood?"

Professor Flitwick shook his head, "The morning of the mist and the night of the full moon are the times when the magic power of Mermaid Tears and Werewolf Blood is most active. They should be necessary to open the box, but we don't know how to use them yet."

Dumbledore said with a smile, "The Song of the Goblin is a special magic in the legend, and even I have never seen it with my own eyes. I think we will naturally know how to use the tears of the mermaid and the blood of the werewolf."

At this moment, Professor Binns frowned.

He said: "Mermaid tears, werewolf blood, it's not too difficult for us to get these two things. But the goblin song... I'm not sure if we can get those goblins, and what price we have to pay."

"Oh!" Professor Flitwick pointed to the golden treasure chest, "If the goblins see this chest, they will definitely become greedy!"

Professor Binns nodded, "According to the tradition of goblins, if they find that the box was made by goblins, they will ask us to return the box to them."

Scott also understood what Professor Binns meant.

Goblins are the most radical magical creatures in the wizarding world. They think that all things made by goblins belong to them. After the wizard pays a sum of gold, this thing can be temporarily held by the wizard during his lifetime.

Wizards believed that once payment was made, the object belonged to them and their descendants or bequests forever.

This is an unsolvable conflict of values.

Don't look at Gringotts Bank being taken over by goblins now, goblins and wizards coexist peacefully and peacefully.

In fact, most goblins are currently prejudiced and malicious towards wizards.

Throughout the history of the wizarding world, goblin rebellions have been described as "bloody and thrilling".

To tell the story of the goblin rebellion, it must be traced back to the Middle Ages.

At that time, Godric Gryffindor, one of the Big Four at Hogwarts, was commissioning the Goblin King to make a sword for himself.

That sword is the "Gryffindor Sword" in the future. Because it is hand-forged by goblins, the sword can repel dust and absorb substances that strengthen itself.

Perhaps moved by the sword, the Goblin King Raignac fell in love with it.

It backtracked, trying to get the sword back from Gryffindor.

It then claimed that Gryffindor had stolen the sword from him and sent his subjects to retrieve it.

However, those goblins are not the opponents of "Duel Master" Gryffindor.

Gryffin defeated the goblins and sent them back to tell the goblin king Raignac—

If Ragnac did such a thing again, he would kill him and all his subjects with the sword.

Raignac made no further attempts to take the sword.

But the legend of Gryffindor stealing the sword began to spread among the goblin society, and it remains so until thousands of years later.

This story is ingrained in the brains of all goblins, even in modern times, and those goblins believe it deeply.

Thinking of this, Scott felt that it was not an easy task to ask the goblin for help.

While it's impossible for goblins to take the golden chest from Hogwarts, dealing with them is hardly a joy in itself.

At this time, Dumbledore said in a relaxed tone, "Then find a goblin to help, and we can pay it."

His attitude was very optimistic, and he didn't seem to think that it would be too troublesome to ask the goblins to help with this matter.

Professor Binns said to him: "Whether you can satisfy the greed of the goblins will not be mentioned for the time being, but I have already said that the modern goblins cannot recognize the ancient goblin characters on the box."

"It doesn't matter." Dumbledore said with a smile, "We still have you, Professor Binns, you can teach the goblins the correct pronunciation of these words."

Professor Binns looked down at the golden chest, and said in his always flat voice, "You know, Albus, the words on it are not coherent sentences."

He floated around the golden treasure chest lightly.

"This box is like an extremely complicated Rubik's cube that has been shuffled, and I haven't succeeded in reorganizing all the words."

Dumbledore smiled slightly, "Of course, we can take our time. This is not something that needs to be rushed. Our main purpose is to find out why this box is hidden in Hogwarts."

At this moment, Scott suddenly remembered that he had not told Ravenclaw about the golden chest.

Before that, he didn't think that this box would be very important, but he was just planning to mention it when he went to Helena's study on the weekend.

After that, his mind was completely occupied by the prophecy, so he forgot to mention the box.

However, the chances of Ravenclaw knowing about it are also very low.

Although the Room of Requirement is Ravenclaw's masterpiece of alchemy, and although the real Ravenclaw still retained a consciousness in that portrait before his death, before Ms. Gray entered that study room, Ravenclaw's consciousness Has been in a deep sleep.

"Let me come!"

Professor Flitwick spoke suddenly, his voice shrill because he spoke so loudly.

"Felius?" Dumbledore looked at him questioningly.

"I mean, there's no need to go to a real goblin for help," said Professor Flitwick. "It's enough to have me, a wizard with goblin blood."

Scott looked at Dumbledore. At this time, the old headmaster looked at Professor Flitwick with some hesitation.

Professor Flitwick looked up at him.

"There's no need to mess with goblins about this," he said. "It's going to cause a lot of trouble."

"You know the fairy song?" Professor Binns asked very directly.

Professor Flitwick's expression was a bit strange. He squeezed his fist, and then nodded lightly, "I can, although it's a little bit reluctant, definitely not as easy as a real goblin."

Professor Binns immediately said: "Then you come."

Obviously, he didn't want to provoke those troublesome goblins either.

"Have you decided, Felius?" Dumbledore asked.

"Of course, I've decided." Professor Flitwick nodded heavily.

"Then please." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Don't worry." Professor Flitwick looked at the golden treasure chest placed on the carpet, and laughed, "Speaking of which, I can also take this opportunity to learn another language."

A very stiff and terrifying smile appeared on Professor Binns' translucent face, "Of course I can teach you, if you want to learn."

"Of course, Professor Binns." Professor Flitwick responded, and turned away from Professor Binns' sight, showing a painful expression.

Due to the angle, Scott happened to see this scene.

It seems that today's young wizards are not the only ones who are afraid of Professor Binns' "hypnosis teaching".

At this moment, Professor Binns had already floated towards the wall of the office.

"Next, I will sort out the words on the box as soon as possible, Albus, please send the box to my office."

After saying this, he happened to pass through the wall and left Professor Flitwick's office.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore also left with the golden treasure chest.

"Oh, next..."

Professor Flitwick swung his wand, closed the office door, and then opened the passage to the Charms practice room.

He said to Scott, "Let's start tonight's class!"

The teacher and the student walked into the practice room, and Professor Flitwick waved his wand again to close the passage and move the practice targets to the wall.

"Starting today, I will give you strict wizard duel training." Professor Flitwick raised the wand in his hand, "It is also actual combat training, and other teaching content will also be included in actual combat training."

Scott nodded solemnly, reached out to take out his wand, and bowed to Professor Flitwick.

"bring it on."

Professor Flitwick made a "please" gesture.

"You can use all means to attack me."

His expression became very serious, and his eyes were fixed on Scott.

"Of course, I'm going to fight back and it's going to hurt you a little bit, it's unavoidable."

Scott nodded again, staring at Professor Flitwick equally closely.

With such a short body and even a funny appearance, Professor Flitwick just stood there, but it could bring strong psychological pressure to Scott.

"Armor protection!"

To be conservative, Scott first cast an Iron Armor Charm in front of himself.

Professor Flitwick just watched his movements, still waiting for him to initiate the attack.

Scott aimed his wand at a practice humanoid against the wall.

These humanoid practice targets ranged from wooden ones, which could be shattered by spells, to metal ones, which were difficult to break.

Scott's Transfiguration spell enveloped a metal practice target.


With a howl of a wolf, the human-shaped metal practice target turned into a huge gray wolf, and rushed towards Professor Flitwick fiercely.

Scott certainly didn't think Gray Wolf's attack would be effective against Professor Flitwick.

He planned that when Professor Flitwick finished off the gray wolf, he could take the opportunity to use Transfiguration again to get more helpers.

But his plan failed.

The wand in Professor Flitwick's hand trembled, and a thick rope sprang up flexibly. After wrapping around Gray Wolf's body in the blink of an eye, it bypassed the magic barrier of the Iron Armor Curse in the next instant.

During this period, the only thing Scott had time to do was to move, and in time to ignite a circle of burning flames around himself.

But the rope did not pass through the flames to attack him, but was drawn back as fast as possible, binding the gray wolf tightly.

At the same time, a red light beam shot out from the tip of the wand in Professor Flitwick's hand, winding through the air like lightning, smashing the magic barrier in front of Scott to pieces.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Scott preempted Professor Flitwick from attacking him directly, casting a powerful blasting spell.

He didn't choose the more basic spells like Stunning Curse or Cutting Curse. He knew that Professor Flitwick could flick off spells of that level with just a wave of his hand.

"Armor protection!"

Professor Flitwick finally spoke and used the Iron Armor Curse to block Scott's Detonation Curse.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Scott didn't even have time to breathe, and used two of his most familiar transformation spells at the fastest speed.


Two new gray wolves appeared, and rushed towards Professor Flitwick from different directions.

Professor Flitwick shook his wand calmly, and the two blue lights separated, hitting the two leaping gray wolves almost simultaneously, as if frozen instantly, the two gray wolves were completely frozen.

At this time, Scott had once again cast an Iron Armor Curse in front of him.

Although Professor Flitwick can easily break his Iron Armor Curse, the existence of the Iron Armor Curse can help him buy some time slots.


With the existence of the Iron Armor Curse, Scott directly cast the Smoke Curse, hoping to find opportunities through the advantages of his magic power perception.

Under the cover of the smoke screen, Scott only had time to rescue his three gray wolves. Professor Flitwick took the same method as Black, using the housework magic whirlwind to directly break the smoke screen spell.

Scott also changed his thinking, letting two gray wolves be in charge of attacking, and one gray wolf guarding him.

This choice made him feel a little easier.

However, even though he tried his best in the next period of time, he was still unable to break through Professor Flitwick's line of defense, and was finally defeated by the professor's precise counterattack.

"Good job Scott! You've done better than I thought."

Professor Flitwick lifted Scott's petrification spell.

After a duel, the professor became kind again and even praised him as a student.

"Your battle thinking is very clear, and the use of spells is already very good. You are already much stronger than the average seventh-year Hogwarts graduates."

After the praise, also analyze his shortcomings.

"As for the shortcomings, the biggest shortcoming is still the lack of combat experience."

 First more.

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(End of this chapter)

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