Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 36 036. Like enjoying a stage play

Chapter 36 036. Like enjoying a stage play
Roger and Professor Flitwick didn't want Du Ping to lose his future because of this incident, and now they couldn't call her away in front of everyone.

"My fellow students, I'm sorry."

Roger took the initiative to speak to the Ravenclaw students who were waiting for the results.

"As a party to this incident, I request Professor Flitwick to keep the incident confidential."

After listening to Roger's words, the students present looked at each other in astonishment. They didn't understand why Roger, the victim, made such a decision.

But Scott saw Lisa Dupin in the crowd instantly red eyes, she was staring at Roger with a complex look of love and hate.

Scott felt very weird.

Before that, he had never imagined that such complex emotions would appear in the eyes of a 12-year-old girl.

It's also too early.

At this moment, Chambers, who had been frightened on the field before, stood up and shouted in dissatisfaction: "No! You have no right to do this, Roger! That damn broom chased me halfway across the field!"

Other members of the Quidditch team were also a little dissatisfied at the moment, and they believed that Roger was not alone in the incident.

"This is a crime, professor!" said one of the team members. "Even if Roger wanted to hide it, the laws of the magic world wouldn't allow it!"

"Are you trying to cover up criminals? Roger!" Chambers stared at Roger with his head up, his neck bulging, obviously furious.

Facing the questioning of his teammates, Roger was a little overwhelmed and couldn't help turning his head to look at Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick was also completely embarrassed at this time.

Scott watched this farce with a cold eye, and couldn't help sighing to himself that Professor Flitwick was fine, but he was too soft-hearted.

In fact, now that this incident has spread throughout Hogwarts, it is no longer possible to hide it and get through it.

Now, if Professor Flitwick hadn't made his decision sooner, the matter could have affected his prestige as dean and professor.

In Scott's view, since Lisa Dupin did something wrong, she should be held responsible, regardless of the reason.Being young isn't an excuse to escape.

Fortunately, Professor Flitwick is not the kind of person who is generous to others. He only considered Roger's wishes before.Now since the other parties in the team have different opinions, he will not ignore their ideas.

Scott also noticed that although Captain Bruce, who was always on the sidelines, did not oppose Roger's proposal, he did not prevent the other team members from opposing.

"I did it!"

At this moment, the sharp voice of the little girl came from the crowd, which instantly overshadowed the discussions of other students in the lounge.

"I did it! I cursed that broomstick!" Lisa Dupin shouted in a screaming voice with her eyes closed and her face pale.

There was a sudden silence in the common room.

The students nearby all started to move away from her, and they were all looking at her with surprised eyes.

Just then, Scott lowered his eyelids.

Just now, he had been staring at Du Ping with a certain look in his eyes, but he didn't expect her to be unable to hold it back so quickly.

Mental quality is not good.

However, now that she has spoken, it will be much easier to do next.

Scott didn't make a sound, but silently waited for the others' reactions.

"Why did you do this!" Chambers walked up to Du Ping and asked her angrily.

Du Ping still didn't open her eyes, she messed up her hair with both hands, squatted down and screamed, "It's Roger's fault! It's him who cares too much! I want to teach him a lesson!"


Chambers glanced at the little witch crouching on the ground in surprise, then turned his head to look at Roger with contempt.

Roger almost at this moment endured the strange gazes from everyone in the lounge.

He blurted out a retort: ​​"No, I didn't!"

In an instant, the contempt in everyone's eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Okay, I do have a little bit of trouble." Roger changed his words immediately, "but only you can't use this reason to attack me, Lisa."

"Of course I can!" Du Ping raised his head suddenly, "You dumped me! That was my first love!"

Her voice fell, and the entire lounge fell into a strange silence again.Several students didn't even hold their books steady and let them fall on the carpet.

Roger's face flushed and he said loudly, "What you said is completely different from the real truth!"

Scott and the two roommates around him looked at each other for a while, not knowing whether to laugh or cry for a while.They felt that if Roger couldn't explain the matter today, he would probably die socially.

"I ask you, Lisa!"

Roger hurried down the stairs, and the other students along the way gave way and let him come straight to Du Ping.

"Lisa!" Roger said anxiously, "you said that at the time, you said you didn't really fall in love with me, you just wanted to experience the feeling of being in love! After you said that, I will use two I'll play with you in love and play with you this week!"

"Yes, that's what I said at the beginning." Du Ping whispered while wiping his tears.

Roger breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "You agreed with this statement at the time, why do you say it now?"

"But...but didn't you say later that you liked me?" Du Ping looked at him with red eyes from crying, "We changed from a game to a real love!"

Roger's face was instantly wrinkled. He resisted his temper and explained in a good voice: "That's just a love story! Do you understand? Since it's a love game, of course I will play a qualified boyfriend."

Du Ping was shocked when he heard Roger's explanation. He covered his mouth with his hands, and tears began to fall from her eyes.

Roger patiently continued to ask: "And, after those two weeks, when I told you that the game was over, didn't you have no objection?"

"I...I thought..."

Du Ping sobbed uncontrollably, speaking intermittently.

"I thought the game was over...meaning...that is...the beginning of an official relationship..."

She looked downright heartbroken.

"I also gave... a divination crystal ball to you!"

Roger looked like he wanted to cry at the moment, "I thought that was your thank you for those two weeks of games."

"I thought...I thought...we were officially in love!" Du Ping began to cry, " will find a new girlfriend in a week!"

At this point, the tension in the Ravenclaw common room was completely gone.

The students were either sitting on the sofa or leaning against the wall, watching Roger and Lisa Dupin's "performance" with interest, exclaiming in small voices from time to time, as if they were enjoying a stage play.

(End of this chapter)

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