Chapter 354
In the slightly dissatisfied waiting of everyone in Ravenclaw, finally, 8:00 pm arrived.

As Scott got up and waved his wand, the looping images in the large mirror hanging on the wall faded away, turning the mirror into pitch black.

Everyone in the common room fell silent, looking at the mirror expectantly.

The soothing music sounded, and the badge belonging to Ravenclaw College slowly emerged on the pitch-black background, becoming more and more clear.

A familiar singing sounded.

Camera switch.

"If you have a shrewd mind, you may belong to wise Ravenclaws. Those who are wise and learned will always meet their kind there."

The first thing that came into the picture was a tattered wizard hat. Although it was not common to see each other, everyone present was very familiar with it.

It's the sorting hat!

It sings a line from "The Sorting Hat" about Ravenclaw House on camera.

This video was "filmed" by Scott who had the cheek to go to the principal's office. Of course, Dumbledore did not object.

"Why do I think it sings better than at the Semen Ceremony?"

"I feel so too."

Listening to the discussion of the students, Scott smiled and gave a thumbs up to Milton sitting next to him.

Of course there is a reason why the Sorting Hat's song has become better.

Who would have thought that Milton, who once had a burst of inspiration and a strong desire to create, would be so bored that he made the soundtrack for "Song of the Sorting Hat" in the year they entered school.

After a short section of "Song of the Sorting Hat", the image of the Sorting Hat fades out, and a girl appears in the mirror.

"Welcome to Ravenclaw House."

Penelope Crivat, the female prefect who has entered the seventh grade this year.

She was wearing a very formal school uniform, standing with a smile on her face below the Ravenclaw Tower, her smooth brown hair shining in the sun.

The scene looks like she's welcoming a freshman to Ravenclaw house.

The camera moves away from Penello, as if following the perspective of an eagle, circling up the tower.

Penelope's voice sounded again, and she acted as a narrator at Scott's invitation.

"The representative animal of our college is an eagle, soaring high above the pinnacle that no one can reach."

There was a frightening eagle chirp, and a majestic eagle appeared in the camera. It spread its wide wings and hovered over the top of the high tower.

"Our representative colors are sky blue and bronze."

The soaring eagle landed, and its sharp claws grabbed the top of the flagpole. Under its wings, a sky blue and bronze flag fluttered from the top of the tower.

"Our common room is at the top of Ravenclaw Tower, hidden behind a door with a magic knocker."

"Through the arched windows of the circular common room there is a panoramic view of the Hogwarts campus: the Great Lake, the Forbidden Forest, the Quidditch pitch and the conservatories, which no other Hogwarts house enjoys."

"Without fanfare, this is where the brightest witches and wizards live. Like the founder, Rowena Ravenclaw, who puts learning first..."

With Penello's long narration, the corresponding image always appears in the mirror just right.

"Oh, this is the most traditional welcome speech in Ravenclaw. In our era, every year when new students entered school, the prefects would use this long fixed speech to introduce the college."

Professor Flitwick, who was sitting in front, spoke with emotion.

"Later, everyone felt that this was nothing new, so I didn't repeat it."

In the mirror, Penello's welcome words continued. She introduced the unique method of Ravenclaw College to enter the common room-answering questions from the eagle-shaped door knocker.

The image at this time is a group of students discussing the answer to a question around the eagle-shaped door knocker.

Then, he talked about Ravenclaw's alternative and self-inclusiveness in the eyes of others, and introduced Professor Flitwick, the dean of Ravenclaw College.

When talking about this topic, the screen keeps switching, showing a lot of different sides of Ravenclaws.

Among them, Luna is shown wearing weird ghost-like glasses and holding an upside-down magazine in her hand to read seriously.

Luna, who was sitting across from Scott, saw this scene, and immediately started laughing silently with her mouth open.

When Professor Flitwick saw the section introducing himself, he blushed and said, "Oh, is this section added on purpose? It didn't exist before. Of course, I was not the dean of this college at that time."

"Of course, you are a very popular dean."

"Also a respected professor!"

"We all love you!"

The students began to express their feelings to Professor Flitwick, and Professor Flitwick was delighted to hear the students' "confession", and his face became even redder.

"Ravenclaw has an illustrious history. Most of the great wizarding inventors and innovators came from the Academy..."

Penelope's narration began to briefly describe the achievements of Ravenclaws in the past.

In this part, Scott specially matched photos or portraits for every celebrity mentioned in the welcome speech.

These photos and portraits are all taken from the wizard cards presented by Bibi Beans. In this regard, Fred and George, who collected the entire set of cards, helped Scott a lot.

"It's no wonder that the traditional welcome words will be abandoned." Roger said softly, "Although it is still interesting, if it is not accompanied by pictures and music, it sounds a bit too long."

Scott nodded, "Now we advocate that freshmen should take the initiative to understand the history of the college and integrate into the atmosphere of the college on their own. Direct indoctrination is not as good as letting them comprehend by themselves."

If it weren't for the need to make a promotional video, he wouldn't have found out and adapted this large section of welcome words that is now only recorded in a book in the college library.

At this time, the lens in the mirror switched again, aiming at Penello who was standing back in front of the tower.

"... Congratulations on being a member of the brightest, quickest and funniest house at Hogwarts, Ravenclaw."

The part of the welcome speech she was in charge of was over.

Many students watching this scene couldn't help but whispered, "The prefect was not so friendly when we entered school."

Especially the first graders, who still have vivid memories of Kayla and Scott "terrorizing" them during orientation.

The screen became pitch black again.

The soothing music also becomes mysterious.

"Extraordinary wisdom is the most precious wealth of human beings."

A female voice sounded gentle and firm, uttering the motto representing Ravenclaw House.

At the same time, the words that make up this sentence also appeared on the dark screen.

The dark picture was slowly lit up, and a portrait hanging on the wall was reflected in the eyes of everyone present.

The witch in the painting has long black curly hair and a delicate eagle-shaped gemstone crown on her head. Her eyes are shining with wisdom and there is a friendly smile on her mouth.

She sat on a high-backed chair decorated with bronze eagle wings and looked at the people outside the camera, with a beautiful and noble temperament.


There were inhaling sounds one after another in the common room.


"Is this a portrait of Ravenclaw?"

Almost everyone reflexively glanced at the Ravenclaw statue standing at the entrance of the college library for comparison, and then affirmed their guess.

"It's really her!"

"it is true!"

"Where is this portrait? Why have we never seen it!"

"Scott, where did you find it?"

"Did you draw it yourself from the statue?"

The appearance of Ravenclaw's portrait made the students a little too excited.

"Ahem, let's read it first." Professor Flitwick, who was sitting in front, waved his hand.

Hearing his words, the students quieted down obediently, but they kept looking at the producers of the promotional film, Scott and Eddie, with curious eyes.

At this moment, Ravenk in the painting began to work, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

Ravenclaw's eyes softened a little, and she smiled and said, "I hope that the students I recruit must be of superior intelligence."

As soon as this sentence fell, many students subconsciously puffed up their chests, as if proudly expressing——

"It's me!"

The screen turns black again.

Ravenclaw's portrait only appeared for a few seconds in total, which elicited sighs of regret.

Words appear on the screen, and then the camera cuts.

The background music is once again soothing and melodious.

Quiet reading in the library, lively experiments and discussions in the common room, careful listening in each class, and the presence of Ravenclaw students in every corner of the castle.

The camera switches constantly and quickly, vividly showing the side of the Ravenkors who are serious about studying.

"I'm on camera!"

"that's me!"

The students recovered from the shock of seeing the portrait of Ravenclaw and began to find themselves in the camera.

Whenever the camera cuts, the photogenic students can't help claiming it proudly.

"Everyone is very happy," Milton said softly to Scott.

Scott nodded slightly, "Because everyone has a sense of participation."

Then, several different words appeared.

And the background music is mixed with more and more musical instruments, becoming passionate until it stops abruptly.

Every word is matched with some pictures that show the characteristics of Ravenclaws, and almost everyone in Ravenclaws appears on the scene, including the ghost Helena who is stationed in the academy.

At this time, Helena was also quietly floating in the corner of the common room, watching the promotional video with everyone, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

When the music switched from passionate to soothing again, and the promo came to an end, Scott's private goods began to appear.

Scott himself appeared in the picture. Standing on the elevated stone bridge, he said casually to the camera: "Ravenclaws like to focus on what they are interested in, and they habitually keep a cool eye on other things."

The screen switched to Eddie standing in the dormitory, and he continued: "But only we understand what we are after."

On the sidelines of the Quidditch court, Roger in a jersey said to the camera: "The name of our college means Raven's Claw. We are extremely greedy for knowledge, but often dismissive of power and fame."

In the classical music club, Milton with the cello said: "Our representative element is wind. Among the four elements, wind represents change, rationality, abstraction, wit, sociability, and language. It also represents disputes, lack of emotion, lack of foundation, impetuous."

In the office, Professor Flitwick sat behind his desk and said with a smile: "We admire the wisdom of others."

In the common room, Luna, who was sitting on the window sill with her knees hugged, turned her head and said in an erratic voice, "Extraordinary wisdom."

On the black lake pier, Jacob standing on the stone steps whispered, "Extraordinary wisdom."

In the corridor, Keira and Dylan were holding hands and said together: "Extraordinary wisdom."

Eva, "extraordinary intelligence."

Ethan, "Extraordinary Wisdom."

Qiu, "extraordinary wisdom."




Many students took turns to appear again and say the title of the promotional film.

Finally, the portrait of Ravenclaw reappears, and the background music stops.

Ravenclaw spoke to the outside of the portrait—

"Wisdom is just a premise. I hope that all Ravenclaws are like eagles perched on the top of the sky and towers. You don't need to participate in the battle on the ground, but I believe that your keen eyesight can see everything clearly from a height. .”

"Not participating is just because you don't want to. I hope that no one can influence your positions and actions. I hope that you will become free wizards."

"At the very least, your hearts are free."

The screen gradually dimmed and returned to pitch black again.

A new piece of music sounded, half of the screen turned into the flag of Ravenclaw College, and half of the screen began to scroll subtitles, listing the names of those who participated in the production.

Everyone in the common room started clapping and cheering.

"Looks like you succeeded!"

Roger yelled, and patted Scott on the shoulder vigorously, making him stunned for a moment.

"Well done, it's the first time I've seen the finished product, it's great!" Milton clapped his hands and praised without hesitation.

And Eddie, who had been standing in front of the crowd, looked very smug, he had raised his fat chin, and his mouth was grinning.

Only then did Jacob come back to his senses, and said to Scott with a sudden realization: "So you asked me to say that sentence at that time to be filming?"

"I don't know what I was doing at that time." Luna blinked, and then laughed again, "But it's very interesting."

This girl has been laughing non-stop today. She laughed silently when everyone watched quietly, and now she laughed loudly.

Scott had no idea what she was having fun with.

But he didn't think about it, not only because he knew that Luna was often so confusing to people, but also because more and more people gathered around, completely surrounded the sofa he was sitting on.

"Scott." The leader Penello said with a smile, "Although I knew what you were doing in advance, I didn't expect you to do it so well."

"Thank you for the compliment." Scott thanked quickly.

However, he also knows that the promotional video he made with the mentality of having fun is actually not a good work. Although he lacks effort in this area, because of his previous life experience, he still has a certain level of appreciation.

It's just that this form is too novel for the magic world, which arouses everyone's goodwill.

"You're welcome." Penello smiled meaningfully again, "But we still have some questions to ask you."

Scott smiled and said: "You can also ask Eddie about the promotional video, he and I made the promotional video together, and his eloquence is better than mine, and he is more willing to answer your questions than I am. .”

Ethan on the side sneered, "Eddie? Who doesn't know that kid is full of nonsense without a word of truth?"

"Who said that! My greatest strength is honesty! Don't slander my good reputation, Ethan!" Eddie protested dissatisfiedly from outside the crowd, "Also, I'm just Scott's assistant, let him Let me answer you!"

Penello clapped his hands and said to Scott: "Okay, don't perfuse us, you know what I want to ask."

Ethan also bent down and patted Scott's shoulder, and said with a smile, "You kid hides very deeply. Tell me, the portrait of Ravenclaw, where is the portrait that can communicate?"

Facing the curious eyes surrounding him, Scott had a smile on his face, but he was not ready to give an answer.

"Where's Professor Flitwick?" He looked left and right.

Soon some students standing outside replied, "Professor Flitwick has left!"


The professor has also become unkind!

Scott twitched the corners of his mouth a little speechlessly, and he was going to throw all these people's problems to Professor Flitwick.

"Don't change the subject, just talk!"

"Yeah, I think Ravenclaw's portrait should hang in our common room."

"Could it be that you took the picture in the principal's office?"

"No, there is no portrait of Ravenclaw in the headmaster's office."

"Did Scott discover Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets?"


"I don't know the difference between Ravenclaw's Chamber of Secrets and Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets."

"It's up to Scott to tell us."

"Yes, tell me!"

Everyone asked questions, quarreled and yelled, and for a while, Scott was surrounded by voices.

"Okay!" Scott raised his voice, "I filmed it in the principal's office!"

Penello immediately retorted, "You guys are lying, I have been to the principal's office, and there is no portrait of Ravenclaw there!"

"Yes, I have been there too."

"The portraits there are all portraits of some modern principals."

"How do you know that there is no portrait of Ravenclaw in the headmaster's office?" Scott said confidently, "Is the headmaster's office really just like what you see? How do you know there is no secret room hidden there?"

Because he said it so confidently, most people would inevitably believe it, which made Scott couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

When the people around him left one after another, Luna, who was sitting opposite him, looked at him and laughed again and again.

Before she could speak, Scott winked at her and made a "shh" gesture.

Luna also blinked her eyes knowingly, not planning to expose him on the spot.

At this moment, Eddie suddenly jumped onto the table in the middle of the common room and waved to everyone.

"Everyone, Ravenclaw students, please listen to me."

His cheerful gesture immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What do you want to say, kid?" Penello looked at him, "No one will believe your nonsense!"

Eddie quickly retorted, "I'm not talking nonsense! And that's not what I'm talking about!"

"Then what are you going to say? Get off the table quickly." Penello waved his hand.

"No, I want to ask everyone." Eddie raised his voice again, "What do you think of this college promotional video?"

Ethan laughed, "Do you want to hear us praise you? But you said it yourself, you are just Scott's assistant."

"Nope!" Eddie waved his hands vigorously, "I just want to ask, don't you want to keep a copy of such a fun and beautiful promotional video?"

Someone asked, "How to treasure it? Steal this big mirror back to the bedroom?"

"Of course not!" Eddie took out a mirror the size of two palms from his pocket, "This is it!"

"what is this?"

"Is it the same thing as that big mirror?"

Everyone asked.

"Almost." Scott nodded, "This is a low-cost alternative to [Magic Mirror] [Magic Crystal Player], and you can also use it to watch the promotional video just now!"

As he spoke, he clicked on the "player" in his hand.

The music sounded, and the promotional video began to play on the [Magic Crystal Player] in his hand, attracting everyone's attention.

Eddie said with a smile: "[Magic Crystal Player], built-in the first promotional video of Ravenclaw College, you can watch it repeatedly, if you are interested, please contact me to place an order!"

Someone was immediately tempted, "How much?"

Eddie held up a finger.

"A gold Galleon? It's too expensive!"

"I can not afford it!"

"I can't afford it either."

"No!" Eddie said quickly, "[Magic Crystal Player] is 10 Sickles each."

"10 silver Sickles? Can you really buy what you have?" Ethan looked at Eddie suspiciously, "You won't cut corners, will you? Listen to the name of the so-called player, it's made of crystal, right? Crystal It's not that cheap."

"Of course, we just used some worthless crystal powder. What's more, we are not here to make money!" Eddie said righteously.

"Then tell me, why are you?" Ethan asked jokingly.

"Of course it's to better promote our college!" Eddie said confidently, "What's the matter with charging you a little cost? Should Scott and I have to pay for this kind of thing?"

Some of the students who were familiar with Eddie twitched the corners of their mouths.

"While I'm sure Scott didn't do it to make money, Eddie just does it."

"Who doesn't know how much Eddie loves to make money?"

"He must have obtained the right to sell the player through his relationship with Scott in the dormitory."

"What player, it should be a defective product made by imitating Scott's [Magic Mirror]."

Eddie was so angry when he heard the words, he glared at Scott from the air.

He raised the player in his hand to face the crowd, and yelled loudly, "Look, this effect is as clear as a big mirror on the wall, 10 silver Sickles each, can you still be fooled?"

He was selling hard, bragging about the player in his hand endlessly.

For a while, many people really started to sign their names on the reservation list.

(End of this chapter)

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