Chapter 351
Hagrid's individual lecture once again exposed his aesthetic and safety standards that were different from ordinary people when facing magical animals, which made many people distrust his teaching.

On the way back to the castle after class, Roger said to Scott: "I hope Miss Graplan will come back soon. Otherwise, the accident that happened to Malfoy in the Protection of Magical Beasts class is very likely to happen again."

Even Cedric, who has always been very friendly, agreed with Roger's statement. He said euphemistically; "Professor Hagrid has no way to grasp the different safety boundaries between himself and us."

Scott nodded.

It is undeniable that Hagrid is of course a good guy, but he is really too rough.

Besides them, other students are also expressing dissatisfaction.

"It's terrible, that monster, what is Professor Hagrid thinking, why would anyone want to get close to the three-headed dog?"

"Maybe we'll see dragons next class."

"Perhaps a troll, or a giant."

All the way back to the auditorium, Scott found that most of the Gryffindor and Slytherin students who had been injured before had been discharged early.

Fred and George were joking with Lee Jordan at the Gryffindor table, but when they saw Scott, they got up and ran over.

"How is it, Scott?"

The two of them took Scott aside at the same time and asked quietly.

"Have those panoramic telescopes been recovered successfully?"

The magic damage on them has been restored, and they are no longer the "tree man" and "blue man".

"Have you fully recovered?" Scott asked with a smile.

When Fred and George heard this, painful expressions immediately appeared on their faces.

"Madame Pomfrey dislikes us being too crowded and noisy," Fred said, "so she specially asked Snape to provide us with some special medicine."

George made a retching expression, "That can see hell if you drink it."

Fred said again, "Don't talk about that, what about the panoramic telescope?"

"Didn't you ask Eddie?" Scott asked.

He looked up at the Ravenclaw table, but Eddie wasn't there.

"We didn't see him," said Fred.

"All the panoramas were successfully recovered, just at noon today," Scott said to the two. "I put them in your joke prop workshop, where that guy Eddie is probably right now."

He guessed that Eddie went there to watch gossip directly after class, and didn't even have time to eat.

"Then let's go too." Fred said impatiently.

George nodded in agreement, "I would also like to see what happened."

Scott said to the two: "You go, I still need to participate in the activities of the Transfiguration Club after dinner, and I will not be able to meet you until the activities are over."

Fred turned his head and glanced at the long table in the auditorium, hesitantly said: "I think it's better for us to have a dinner first."

"You're right." George said in a heavy tone, "The medicines and nutritional meals in the school hospital these days have severely damaged my taste buds."

The two reached out and patted Scott on the shoulder at the same time, then ran straight to the Gryffindor long table to sit down, picked up the knife and fork, and got ready to wait for the food to arrive.

Scott smiled, walked to the Ravenclaw table, and sat down beside Roger and Milton.

At this time, the hot topic on the long table was still the protection of magical animals class in the afternoon.

Although the fifth graders who took this course were not very comfortable with the content of today's class, the other students were full of curiosity about the rare three-headed dog, a magical animal from Greece.

Even Milton.

"It's nice to have the chance to meet the animals," he said. "Learning about the different magical creatures is what the class should be about."

Roger shrugged his shoulders, "Of course, you're right, if Hagrid hadn't tried to get us close to that behemoth. You know, the three-headed dog is at the same level of danger as the fire dragon."

After dinner, Scott came to the classroom on the second floor of the castle to participate in the activities of the Transfiguration Club.

When the time came to 19:30 in the evening, in the classroom where the Transfiguration Club was located, all the students had already arrived, but Professor McGonagall did not show up for a long time.

The students in the club looked at each other, worried if something happened.

Because for the serious and staid Professor McGonagall, being late is an extremely unbelievable thing, but this happened.

Percy stood up and said, "I'll go to Professor McGonagall's office."

Just at this moment, an illusory, silver cat flew in from outside the classroom, squatting on the podium.

It's Professor McGonagall's Invocation of Guardian Charm.

Professor McGonagall's voice came from the mouth of the silver phantom cat.

"Sorry, students, some unexpected incidents happened in the school. Now Dumbledore is not here, and I need to deal with it. This club activity is cancelled. Of course, you can also study and discuss on your own."

After finishing speaking, the cat turned into wisps of silver light and dissipated directly.

Unexpected event?
Scott remembered the battle between the centaur and the unknown wizard in the Forbidden Forest last night.

I don't know if the professors have found any useful clues.

Scott stood up, planning to go to the secret passage to meet Eddie and the others.

Percy is trying to organize everyone to learn and communicate on their own, but like Scott, some people choose to leave the classroom.

This made Percy's face a little ugly.

Coming to the remote corridor where the one-eyed hunchback witch statue was located on the third floor, Scott used magic perception to confirm that there was no one around, then opened the passage of the secret room as quickly as possible and got in.

Falling down the slide, Scott quickly came to the bottom of the secret passage.

After lighting the lighting spell, he went to the gap where the studio was, and pushed open the tattered wooden door.

In the brightly lit room, Eddie and the Weasley twins each held a panoramic telescope and looked at it with great interest. When they heard the sound of the door opening, the three of them looked over in surprise at the same time.

"So fast?" Eddie looked at Scott.

He probably got confused when looking at the images in the panoramic telescope, and thought that the Transfiguration Club had ended normally.

Scott explained why, closed the door, and sat down at the old desk.

Fred and George had already picked up the panoramic binoculars and continued to watch.

"I thought..." Eddie first showed a dazed expression, and then suddenly became excited, "By the way, Scott, I have made a major new discovery!"

"What new discovery?"

Scott looked at the neat array of panoramic binoculars on the table, which Eddie had labeled numbered.

Eddie said: "Two people are hiding in another house, that old mansion not far from Gaunt's old house."

He shook the panoramic binoculars in his hand.

"This is the No. 7 lens placed near the mansion, and I saw it through it."

Riddle House?

Scott suddenly understood.

He asked Eddie, "Did you see who it was?"

"The light is too dim." Eddie shook his head, "But I'm sure they are all wearing black robes, they should be Death Eaters, right..."

He raised the binoculars and took a look again, "One of them seems to be holding a baby in his hand, it's true, I saw that baby move!"

Not only Scott, but even Fred and George's attention was attracted by his words, and they put down the panoramic binoculars in their hands.

"Baby? Who would take a baby to that kind of place?" Fred's face was full of disbelief, "Nursing?"

"Maybe Malfoy's father gave him a brother," said George, laughing.

Scott held out his hand to Eddie, "Show me."

Eddie put the No. 7 telescope in his hand.

Scott raised his binoculars and looked into the camera, at this time the picture inside the camera was still——

Through the dilapidated windows of the Riddle Mansion, one could indeed see two vague black figures in the room, one of them was holding something in his arms, as if he was holding a baby.

Scott stretched out his finger and turned the circular wheel on the lens, so that the picture would go back at a faster speed, until the two black shadows appeared in the picture for the first time.

The two figures in pitch-black hooded cloaks appeared suddenly through Apparition, and when they appeared, bloody lights were shining at the edge of the screen.

It was the red light specially made by Medea in Gaunt's old house.

Based on Scott's judgment, these two men came earlier than the rest of the Death Eaters.

Scott continued to look down.

After the two black shadows Apparated to the courtyard of the Riddle Mansion, they immediately entered the house at the fastest speed.

One of them was holding something in his hand, like a swaddle wrapped in a baby, but Scott was sure that the so-called "baby" was Voldemort.

In this way, it is not that Voldemort did not "keep the appointment".

He went, but... Maybe he was afraid of Medea, maybe he was wary of Dumbledore who appeared later, he kept hiding in the dark and did not show his face.

But he's in command of the Death Eaters' battles that follow.

Scott dialed the fast forward, and watched the two shadows leave at about 4 times the speed.

Since the light was too dark, he couldn't see any details, but he was sure of his guess.

In the second half of the battle, the reason why the Death Eaters were able to apparate one by one after fleeing, and even took the gold cup with a tacit relay, was all because of the command of Voldemort himself who was lurking not far away.

Scott paused the picture and put down the No. 7 telescope in his hand.

Fred, who couldn't wait, quickly reached out to pick it up and looked at it.

"You continue to look for details and clues and record them." Scott said to the three, "I need to make some preparations for the 'editing' of the subsequent screen."

After finishing speaking, he took out a rectangular mirror from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist.

"Fortunately, I have enough materials in storage."

He grunted, and produced a quill and three vials, two of which contained a bright red liquid and one of a gray powder.

"What's this?" George, who just put down the No. 5 telescope, looked at the three small glass bottles curiously.

Scott took out a larger empty glass bottle and replied, "The blood of the cat and the slut, and the powder left by the Boggart when he died."

George's eyes lit up, "Do you need to engrave a special rune circuit?"

Scott nodded, "Part of this set of rune circuits comes from the inside of the panoramic telescope. Of course, with the help of the professor, I made some changes to this set of rune circuits and added some new things."

He didn't say which professor it was, and most people would default to Professor Babling, but in fact it was the Ravenclaw mentor in the portrait who helped him.

He carefully poured some of the catlizi's blood into the empty glass bottle, then poured in some boggart powder, and then put his wand into the bottle and stirred quickly.

"I can probably guess what they do." George seemed very interested in what Scott had concocted, "The blood of the cat and raccoon can enhance the sensitivity of the rune circuit, and the powder of the Boggart... has something to do with changes." ?”

Scott nodded slightly, "Boggart's powder can enhance the expressive power of some of the rune circuits in this set of composite rune circuits. This is a set of rune circuits that can display images."

As the movements of his hands quickened and the mana was evenly input, the mixture of red blood and gray powder finally turned black.

He picked up the quill and dipped it in the glass bottle, and began to write the rune on the mirror.

Since he had practiced several times, he wrote very fluently and finished a group very quickly.

Then, he turned the mirror 90 degrees and continued writing.

He could feel that the other three were closely watching the movements of his hands.

It wasn't until he put down the quill that the breathing of the three became heavier.

"This... seems incomplete?"

Fred looked at the mirror where there were many gaps left unfilled.

"It's not finished yet."

Scott took out a new quill, dipped it in some Witchbird blood, and began writing in the margins of the mirror.

"The blood of the wretch bird..." George whispered, "Is it about the rune circuit of sound? I was still there just now, but it's a pity that the panoramic telescope does not have the function of recording sound."

"I tried adding the sound part."

Scott wrote and talked.

"Of course, because the panoramic telescope can't record sound, we can't match the original sound to the picture."

He quickly finished writing the remaining rune circuits.

Fred asked, "It didn't activate, did it fail?"

"It's the last step."

Scott produced another bottle of quicksilver and an extra-large quill.

He used this quill to draw complex arcs on the mirror with mercury dipped in it.

When the last stroke was made, the scattered rune circuits on the mirror surface were immediately linked together, emitting soft light together.

Scott quickly picked up his wand and tapped it on the edge of the mirror.

For a moment, all the runes and lines on the mirror began to emit golden light, but the light quickly disappeared.

As the light faded, the rune circuit on the mirror also disappeared, leaving only a smooth and clean mirror surface.

"Did it work?" Eddie asked aloud. "How do I use it?"

Fred had reached for the mirror and started fiddling with it.

"This is already a work of alchemy." He said with a smile, "although no alchemy technique was used."

George stared at the movement of his hands, "It seems that you don't know how to use it."

Fred shrugged and put the mirror back in front of Scott.

Scott packed the other things first, then straightened the mirror.

"Next..." He looked at the three of them with a smile, "It's the moment to witness a miracle."

He took hold of his wand, and pressed the tip of it against the No. 1 telescope, which he had first checked.

As his wand was drawn away, a strand of silvery silk was attached to the tip of his wand, and it was drawn from the No. 1 telescope.

Then he flicked his wand lightly, flinging the long silver strand over the mirror.

The moment the silver catkins came into contact with the mirror surface, faint traces of the originally hidden rune circuits on the mirror surface immediately appeared, and the silver catkins instantly melted and sank.

After the silver fluff completely melted away, the original silver mirror surface changed again.

Just like pouring ink into clear water, the black spreads continuously in the mirror, and finally fills the front mirror, and then reveals the picture.


Watching this scene, Eddie and the twins exclaimed at the same time.

"It's a bit like using a Pensieve." Fred pressed his wand against his temple. "People usually draw memories like this and put them in the Pensieve for a closer look."

"It's really related to the way the Pensieve is used," Scott said.

He tapped the center of the picture with his wand, and the still picture began to play——

First, a man in green robe appeared in the dilapidated courtyard of Gaunt's old house, and Medea's carriage landed from the sky together with other men in green robe.

Slide Scott's wand to the left and the screen will start to rewind, slide to the right and the screen will start to fast forward.

"This thing feels clearer and easier to use than a TV!" Eddie said in a surprised tone.

"Of course, this is the magic mirror I made!"

Scott said slightly smugly.

"Although it can only play the images stored in it, its main function is to help me 'edit' and process these images."

After showing off a little, he said to the three of them again: "Quickly check all the images in the other telescopes to see if there are any details missing."

While speaking, he put down his wand and began to check the images in other panoramic telescopes.

There are a total of seven perspectives, and Scott roughly went through them all, and he knew it right away.

What happened in Little Hangleton Village can be described as a three-way melee.

Medea wanted to lure Voldemort's arrival by destroying the Horcruxes, and prepared a trap for this.

It's just that Voldemort, who has not yet recovered his strength, is extra cautious. Although he arrived at Little Hangleton Village, he did not show up. Instead, he secretly manipulated the Death Eaters to snatch the possible Horcruxes.

The third-party forces are some Aurors with a sense of justice, and Hogwarts headmaster Dumbledore. Strictly speaking, they are not in the same group, but they have the same position on this matter.

For Dumbledore and those Aurors, the best result is of course to wipe out Medea and Voldemort. Of course, they failed to achieve their goal.

And the result of this incident was——

Medea retreated, losing some of her men in green robes.

Voldemort got a gold cup that is not known to be true but probably false, and lost some Death Eaters who served him.

Dumbledore and the Aurors failed to capture Medea and Voldemort. The loss was that some Aurors were injured, but the gain was that they captured many Death Eaters and green-robed people.

Eddie said with a smile: "It seems that the resuscitated witch, as the initiator of the incident, not only has nothing to gain, but also suffered a lot."

"I think she's already prepared for this." Scott said, "At this stage, she just needs to make a gesture of confronting the Dark Lord. Winning or losing is not too important."

"Oh, is she trying to tell the public that she agrees with everyone so that everyone will stop being wary of her?" Eddie said sharply.

Scott smiled. "I think it's a subtle process."

"All I know is that Azkaban is about to welcome new residents again." Fred said with a smile.

"Whether it's a Death Eater or a green-robed man, I hope the people caught are some annoying guys." George also laughed, "For example, old Malfoy."

"While both the Death Eaters and the Green Robes attacked the Aurors, it was clear that the Death Eaters were more serious, using the Unforgivable Curse," Scott said.

He got busy while talking, and repeated his old tricks to save the images from all seven panoramic telescopes into the magic mirror.

"This is a big project." Scott slid the mirror with his magic wand, cutting the picture into seven parts, and murmured.

Although he only had some meager experience in editing short videos in his previous life, he could only bite the bullet.

After all, other people are even less good at it.

"Are we going to make money selling mirrors like this later? I mean, store your edited videos."

Eddie asked while watching Scott's operation.

"Such a complex function is more expensive, after all, it is too troublesome to make such a mirror."

"What are you thinking? Why did you become stupid all of a sudden?" Scott glanced at him, "Of course it's a crude version, and you can only play the one that can't be changed."

"Well, you're right."

Eddie immediately planned and began to calculate the cost and expected profit.

"Don't get too excited, Eddie." Fred's laughing voice sounded.

"I'm not optimistic about this business," George said. "Can such a picture really sell? It's about the witch and the devil, and the principal and the Auror."

Eddie shook his confused head, and shouted in a broken voice, "Then what are we doing!"

"After the editing is finished, I will show it to Professor Flitwick." Scott said calmly, "It can only be sold if the professor allows it."

"Don't think about it, no matter from that point of view, the professor will not agree to us." Eddie said with some frustration.

"Broaden your mind." Scott quickly edited the video, "Although we may not be allowed to sell this content, we can create more content to sell. This time it is considered a breakthrough in technical difficulty."

Eddie caught on immediately.

He might have really been staring too long through the binoculars and got confused, but now he heard a sure way to make money, and he immediately became shrewd again.

"Oh, Fred." He pointed at Fred, "We can help you film a love documentary about you and Angelina, and only need 20 Galleons."

"Go away! I don't need it!" cried Fred. "My love doesn't need to be witnessed in this way!"

George couldn't help laughing, "Hey, Fred, as your closest brother, I haven't witnessed your love, only your secret love."

"Soon." Fred said unwillingly, "As long as I want, I can date Angelina."

"So there's no need for a documentary about the first date?" Eddie asked.

(End of this chapter)

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