Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 342 342. Public next step plan

Chapter 342 342. Public next step plan

Hearing Malfoy's words, the pure-blood students of Slytherin and the descendants of Death Eaters immediately cheered up.

"You're right, Draco!"

"This is a complete joke!"

"Wizards need to compete with Muggles to survive better? How ignorant can people say such things?"

"A truly sane person would not say this kind of point of view. This so-called exclusive interview is directed and acted by that hateful woman Skeeter!"

"No, that slippery woman wouldn't do such a thing for no reason, there must be someone leading behind her."

They started discussing who had ordered the Daily Prophet and Rita Skeeter to come up with this fake exclusive, and what they were trying to achieve.

And they weren't the only ones who questioned this exclusive interview because of a statement that wizards and Muggles are rivals.

The other students of Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and even Gryffindor, in Scott's observation, almost all students from wizarding families questioned this sentence.

And they all have one thing in common - they don't understand Muggles at all.

Scott wasn't surprised by this.

In the wizarding world, non-Muggle-born wizards usually don't open their eyes to Muggles.

Even if they have walked through the Muggle world thousands of times, they are unwilling to understand anything they see.

They use extremely stereotyped impressions to guess everything about Muggles, and those impressions may come from hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

The most typical is the Weasley family. Although Arthur has goodwill and curiosity towards Muggles, and even modified a flying car with magic, he doesn't understand the Muggle world.

Even Professor Bubaji of Hogwarts' Muggle Studies class is similar. Although she has always claimed that there is no difference between Muggles and wizards, and Muggle-born wizards and pure-blood wizards should be equal, her understanding of Muggles It's also quite subjective and one-sided.

From this point of view, it is very rare for Medea, who wakes up after sleeping for thousands of years, to really open her eyes to see the Muggle world clearly, and even have a clear enough understanding of them.

Scott did not participate in other people's discussions, shook his head, and continued to look at the rest of the interview in the newspaper.

[R: If I heard correctly, you mean that Muggles have the power to compete with wizards in terms of survival?

M: You can say that.

R: Such a statement is somewhat unbelievable.

M: Yes, I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't witnessed the number of Muggles and the speed of their technological development.

R: You know, declaring such views publicly will only bring you more doubts.

M: That's normal, and my words are only for those really smart wizards, I believe they can understand what I mean.

R: Oh, hearing you say that, I can only say that I understand.Okay, next question, what are you going to do to ensure that the Wizards are competitive enough?

M: Of course, it is to speed up the discovery speed of the magic world from all aspects.Unlike Muggles, we don't have to develop technology, our focus is on the magic we have, everything that Muggles can do through technology we can do through magic, and even better.

R: It seems that you have a specific action plan?
M: Yes, there are some like-minded wizards gathered around me. Although they come from different backgrounds, they are all a group of talented people, and we have the same goal.

R: Can you tell us about your latest plan for the next step?

M: I will dispose of the last Voldemort's Horcrux on Sunday next week at the Gaunt's old house.

R: What do you want to explain to everyone through this action?
M: Voldemort's mistakes will be ended by me, daughter of Slytherin, mistress of the Gaunt family thousands of years ago.

R: Oh, forgive me, I don't know what to say at this moment.

M: It doesn't matter, our eyes should be on the future. ]
Scott quickly scanned the rest of the interview and put the paper down when there was nothing more substantive.

At this time, everyone else has almost finished reading this interview.

Scott watched the students' reactions while eating, and found that most of them looked a little confused, as if they didn't quite understand Medea's purpose.

"It's kind of weird, no, it's weird." Eddie muttered next to Scott.

Roger asked him, "What's strange?"

"It's weird everywhere," Eddie said. "It changed my image of Slytherin."

"We don't know her," Milton whispered.

Roger said: "Being able to regard Muggles as competitors shows that she really doesn't look down on Muggles. This is of course completely different from the Slytherin in your impression."

"There is also the matter of the mysterious man." Eddie lowered his voice, "I always thought that if the mysterious man really made a comeback, it should be Dumbledore who took the lead in defeating the mysterious man."

"You forgot, we still have a 'savior'." Roger laughed.

"Oh." Eddie turned his head and glanced at Gryffindor. "We all know that's impossible. Potter is just a normal little wizard, and his level of Quidditch is not bad."

Milton said: "Is this thing true... I mean, the so-called Horcrux? If what she said is true, the mysterious man will definitely stop her from destroying the last one, not just the mysterious man, of course, but also With those minions of his."

"I bet Dumbledore will definitely go there too, the old house of the Gaunt family." Eddie said with some regret, "It's a pity we can't go there, this is not the Muggle world, and we can't even watch the live broadcast on TV." .”

Roger looked at him pretending to be puzzled, "Where do you want to go? Are you going to die?"

"In order to watch this excitement, he probably can die." Scott said with a smile.

At this moment, Luna suddenly said, "Scott, I feel that the day when the prophecy will come true is getting closer."

Scott looked at her in surprise.

Eddie asked her, "Oh Luna, I remember you're in second grade and you haven't started divination yet?"

Luna didn't seem to understand what he meant, and she continued to say to Scott: "I have this hunch."

"So the witch's crisis is coming?" Scott smiled.

He glanced again at the newspaper on the table.

This interview must have done a stir throughout the UK wizarding community.

Medea explains her actions, will people change their opinion of her?

Almost everyone knew about her actions, and it wasn't as simple as evacuating the magic contained in the two ancient buildings.

Scott has always had an intuition——

Just like Salazar Slytherin left Hogwarts not just to protect the school secretly, Medea is committed to promoting changes in the wizarding world, not just for a better future.

Scott and Medea had real face-to-face contact only three times at Hogwarts.

Whether in terms of behavior, speech, or magic, Scott's impression of Medea is an extremely cruel witch.

Maybe it was because the first impression was too deep, and no matter what Medea did afterwards, he was still very wary of her.

Scott has never forgotten Helena's words. Medea once had an obsession with her father Slytherin's approval, so has this obsession really disappeared now?
At noon that day, Scott deliberately met with Helena.

"See that interview in today's paper, Helena?" Scott asked her.

Helena nodded.

"I saw it." She said softly, "Medea wants to devour the soul of the mysterious man."

Scott said: "Others, such as her beautiful ideals."

Helena, who was floating in the air, looked down at Scott, "What do you think?"

Scott originally wanted to hear her opinion, but at this moment he could only speak first: "Maybe what she said is true, but I always feel that this is not her whole purpose."

"I agree with you, Scott." Helena smiled, "But I don't know what she wants to do."

In the evening, Scott came to the Room of Requirement and brought the newspaper to Ravenclaw in the portrait.

"I've seen it." Ravenclaw said with a smile. "It's not that I can't leave here. I can come and go freely among the portraits of the entire castle."

Scott put away the newspaper.

"Don't think too much." The smile on Ravenclaw's face remained unchanged, "You just need to watch these things, and you don't even need to pay special attention to them."

Scott nodded, and said, "I think Headmaster Dumbledore will get involved."

Ravenclaw asked, "You think Voldemort will appear?"

Scott said: "Voldemort didn't know that Harry was a Horcrux. In his knowledge, that was his last Horcrux."

"It's also based on your perception," Ravenclaw said.

"That's right," Scott said.

Ravenclaw did not intend to discuss the matter further, and Scott could only leave the Room of Requirement.

"Scott." When he reached the stairs, he heard a voice behind him.

It had been a long time since Scott was approached silently behind him, and his reaction was a little violent for a while.

He turned his head sharply and drew out his wand with his right hand at the same time, but there was nothing behind him.

"Harry?" he whispered.

"It's me," said Harry.

Obviously, he was wearing an invisibility cloak.

In the absence of Scott's careful perception, the invisibility cloak can block his magic perception.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked.

"Oh, I'm just walking around."

Harry took off his hood, revealing a head floating in the air.

"Walking in an invisibility cloak?" Scott had a strange expression on his face, "It's not curfew yet."

"Oh, I just want to walk alone." Harry smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Then go ahead." Scott waved his hand and prepared to leave.

"Wait." Harry stopped him.

Scott turned back, looking questioningly at his... head.

Harry said softly, "I want to ask you a question."

Scott nodded.

Harry looked around, and after making sure that there was no one there, he spoke in a softer tone, "Is what you and Dumbledore said true in the principal's office last time?"

One of his hands appeared and touched the lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

"Is my connection with him really just because of a prophecy?"

Scott took one look at the scar and asked him, "Are you dreaming again?"

Harry nodded.

"But I won't tell you what I dreamed," he said, "unless you answer my question first."

Scott smiled, "You should ask Dumbledore this question, and you should also tell him the content of the dream."

Harry froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Scott to say that.

"Can't you tell me the answer?" He was a little surprised.

Scott somewhat understood what he meant.

Because the "Savior" is a real 13-year-old boy, Scott is also like this when he is really at this age. He tends to talk to his peers when anything happens, and he is unwilling to deal with teachers and elders.

"What do you think I should know, Harry." Scott smiled again, "You should find someone who can really solve the problem. After all, this is not an unimportant matter, but a very important matter."


Harry obviously didn't quite believe his words.

"I always thought you should know," he muttered, put on his hood, said goodbye to Scott, and left.

Since he was not carrying a schoolbag at this time, Scott could not learn the content of his dreams from the Harry doll.

Of course, Harry knew that what he saw in the dream was real, and he might not tell Ron again.

Without thinking about it, Scott went straight back to the Ravenclaw Tower.

In the common room, many people are still discussing the content of the interview in the newspaper that day.

Scott looked around and found Eddie and Milton sitting at a long table writing a paper, so he walked over.

"Oh, didn't you hear what they said?"

Eddie didn't stop talking when he wrote the paper.

"Some people thought it was just a farce, a means for the recovered witch to get rid of everyone's bad impression of her, and they concluded that the mysterious man would never appear."


Milton was concentrating on writing his thesis, but he only responded perfunctorily to Eddie.

Eddie clearly has a knack for getting along with one another.

"Of course, not everyone thinks that way."

he said again.

"There are still some people who suspect that the Witch and the Demon King have teamed up. After all, the Demon King is the descendant of the Witch. They think this is a trap to lure Dumbledore and other righteous people to go."

"Oh." Milton said perfunctorily again.

"I think this might be a trap set by the witch and the principal for the devil." Eddie said his whimsical idea.

Scott sat down next to the two and asked with a smile, "Do you think the principal and the witch will cooperate?"

"Oh, Scott." Eddie looked up at him, "Of course it's possible, first cooperate with the witch to defeat the devil, and then defeat the witch, perfect."

Scott could hear that he was talking nonsense on purpose, and suggested, "Why don't you hurry up and present your perfect plan to the headmaster?"

After joking with Eddie, he got up and went back to the dormitory.


Pushing open the door, Rimbaud stood on the small table beside his bed.

(End of this chapter)

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