Chapter 338 338. The Last Horcrux

Facing Harry's question, Scott shook his head, "I'm just guessing wildly."

After speaking, he turned to look at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore said with a smile: "This is also possible, after all, no one can say that they have fully mastered the magic of magic."

"Okay." Harry said reluctantly, "Is there any way to break this connection?"

He looked at Dumbledore expectantly.

"Sorry." The expression on Dumbledore's face was apologetic, "I think maybe the only way to solve this problem is to completely defeat Voldemort."

He glanced at Harry's clenched fist, and turned to talk about the Horcrux with Scott, "After receiving the message from Sirius, I went to Black's house and got some from Kreacher. news, and went to the cliff cave in Harry's dream with Sirius again."

Speaking of this, his expression became solemn, "Regulus is a hero, he discovered Voldemort's secret long ago, and sacrificed his young life in order to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux."

For some unknown purpose, he patiently told Scott and Harry the story of Regulus Black in detail.

Regulus Black was a pure-blood and admirer of Voldemort, who joined the Death Eaters at the age of 16.

Voldemort once asked him for a house-elf to experiment with, so he recommended Kreacher, the house-elf of the Black family.

But he found some clues from Kreacher who was frightened when he returned home, and he became suspicious of Voldemort.

So he took Kreacher to the cliff cave where Voldemort kept the Horcrux again, and took the initiative to drink the poison in exchange for the Horcrux-Slytherin's locket.

Finally, he handed the locket to Kreacher and ordered it to destroy the Horcrux, but he was dragged into the water by the Inferi and died.

Dumbledore said softly: "When we arrived, the place had suffered serious damage. Fortunately, we found Regulus' body and buried him."

"He... I mean, Regulus is amazing." Harry said sadly, "Sirius never knew this, and he said Regulus was a fool."

"Sirius was obviously heartbroken, he suffered a great blow, and he thought it was all his fault." Dumbledore's voice became low, "He told me that if he hadn't run away from the family, Nor will it be his younger brother's turn to face the dreadful Dark Lord."

"He's right!"

At this moment, a strange voice came from the side.

The three people who were talking turned to look at the talking portrait on the wall.

It was a portrait of Phoenix Black, with his eyes fully open and his face sullen.

"Sirius was right, it was because of his rebellion that Regulus lost his life at such a young age!" He said angrily.

Hearing him say that, Harry immediately quit.

"Who are you?" He looked up and asked.

Phoenix Black in the painting gave Harry a condescending look, with a haughty expression on his face, "I am the former headmaster of Hogwarts! I am also the great-great-grandfather of Sirius and Regulus!"

Harry was a little surprised by his identity, but he still stood up and refuted his words, "Why do you think it was Sirius' fault? It was obviously Voldemort's fault! Besides, if it wasn't for the fact that everyone in the Black family was crazy about Voldemort How could Regulus become a Death Eater?"

"Boy of the Potter family! Who do you think you are talking to!" Phoenix Black in the painting was furious, "It was your father, James Potter, who brought Sirius down!"

"They became good friends because they hit it off!" Harry said not to be outdone.


Phoenix Black in the painting snorted coldly, and wanted to say something else, a hand stretched out from the portrait next to him, covering his mouth.

"Shut up, Phoenix."

In the top row of portraits, a witch with long silver curly hair spoke.

Her voice sounded soft and commanding.

"We're just portraits," she said. "Don't point fingers at the living."

Scott glanced up.

It was Dai Lisi Deventer who was speaking, one of the most famous headmasters of Hogwarts, and she was also a famous therapist during her lifetime.

Today's St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries also hangs her portrait.

After Dairis Dewent finished speaking, the wizard who covered Phoenix Black's mouth below let go of his hand.

Phoenix Black's expression was ugly, but he didn't speak any more.

"Thank you, Dai Lise."

As Dumbledore thanked Daisy Dewente with a smile, Phoenix Black's face turned darker.

"Sit down, Harry." Dumbledore motioned Harry to sit down again.

Then he said to Scott; "I want to ask you to do the arithmetic again, Scott."

Scott nodded knowingly, "About the Horcrux?"

Dumbledore's expression turned serious.

"Yes, about Voldemort's horcruxes." He said softly, "Voldemort has 7 horcruxes in total. The horcruxes we know today include Tom's diary, Ravenclaw's crown, and Slytherin's pendant. box, Hufflepuff's cup..."

Harry exclaimed, "The crown is also a Horcrux? And Hufflepuff's gold cup?"

Dumbledore nodded, "Ravenclaw's diadem has been purified. As for Hufflepuff's gold cup, it was the one that was stolen from Gringotts at the beginning of school."

Speaking of this, he paused, "According to Lestrange, the owner of the underground vault, the gold cup was given to them by Voldemort for safekeeping."

Harry's eyes widened, "So the gold cup fell into the hands of that Slytherin daughter?"

"It's not just the gold cup." Dumbledore said in a deep voice, "I suspect that Slytherin's pendant was also taken by her. Of course, there is one more thing."

He took a sip of hot tea before continuing: "In order to find Voldemort's Horcrux, I once went to the old house of the Gaunt family. From the traces there, I can be sure that someone has taken it from there before me." What. Lady Slytherin had only recently left Hogwarts at that time."

Scott looked down at the steaming teacup in his hand, and said, "If Voldemort really hid one of the Horcruxes in Gaunt's old house, then Medea has at least three Horcruxes in her hands. "

"Combined with the two that were destroyed and purified at Hogwarts, only two Horcruxes are still temporarily missing." Dumbledore said.

Scott nodded, reaching for his wand.

He said: "I will try my best, although there may not be results."

"Wait!" Harry was obviously still confused, "I don't understand, why would Slytherin's daughter collect Horcruxes? Did she join forces with Voldemort?"

Scott turned to look at him, and replied, "No, she and Voldemort are in a hostile relationship. She needs to sacrifice Voldemort's complete soul to fully recover."

He briefly described the oath Medea signed with Ravenclaw, and at the same time scanned the portraits on the wall with the corner of his eye.

"There is such a thing?" Harry was obviously very surprised when he heard this for the first time.

"Reminiscent of Medea's actions at Hogwarts..." Scott withdrew his gaze, "I suspect that the reason why she occupied the residence of Sir Merlin and Edinburgh Castle was because of the powerful magic contained in those ancient buildings. Source to complete the sacrifice ceremony of the Horcrux."

"I think the same as you, Scott." Dumbledore affirmed this guess.

Scott ignored Harry, who was still in shock, and started arithmetic divination on his own initiative.

As he waved the magic wand in his hand, a series of complicated numbers began to roll, change, collide, explode, and calculate in the air.

"Rules of arithmetic!"

"The numbers appear!"

Scott waved his wand again and again, and countless numbers continued to turn into dots of golden light falling down, and the final result began to emerge.

Number 1].

After the golden number [1] appeared, it flew towards Scott. Scott stretched out his free left hand and grabbed the number in his hand, then closed his eyes slightly.

"This is Arithmancy?" Harry muttered in Scott's ear. "This looks much better than reading crystal balls and tea leaves in Divination class."

After a while, Scott opened his eyes.

"Only one remains," he said to Dumbledore. "Medea has four Horcruxes, not three."

For this result, Dumbledore was only surprised for a moment, and quickly reacted.

"No wonder Voldemort is so angry." He sighed in a low voice. "As Harry saw in his dream, his anger almost destroyed the seaside cliff hole."

At this time, Harry said excitedly, "Isn't this a good thing? As long as we find the remaining Horcrux, we will have a chance to completely defeat Voldemort!"

"That's true." Scott raised his teacup again, "But who knows if Medea will become a Dark Lord more terrifying than Voldemort."

When he spoke, he still observed the portrait with his peripheral vision.

This time, he managed to see the faint anger on Phoenix Black's face.

Harry agreed with Scott's statement.

"You're right, Scott," he said, "that lady is a Slytherin's daughter, after all."

Apparently he wasn't impressed with anything Slytherin-related.

Dumbledore asked suddenly, "Harry, I wonder how you are doing in dueling lessons and dueling club?"

Obviously, he had already started thinking about Harry's safety.

Facing his question, Harry was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, although my duel results are not bad, but I don't have as many spells as Hermione."

"Don't worry, duel results are not directly related to how many spells you have mastered." Dumbledore said with a smile.

He then asked Harry a few more questions before letting Scott and Harry leave together.

But Harry didn't leave obediently.

"Professor, I want to see Sirius." He asked Dumbledore.

Dumbledore agreed after thinking about it, and he let Scott take care of himself, and took Harry away from the fireplace himself.

After they left, Scott was alone in the office.

Of course, he didn't do anything extra, just got up and left.

(End of this chapter)

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