Chapter 322
A week before the Christmas holiday, Rimbaud told Scott that he and the crows had found the location of the Carroll and Rolle families.

"It's not just Carlo and Roll. The Foley family held a banquet. We simply followed the carriages and found the location of many families." Rimbaud said, "Of course, the most interesting thing is not this."

"The Foley family?" Scott asked, "One of the three families vying for Travers' inheritance, has something happened to this matter?"

Rimbaud made the point, "Yes, people from the Yaxley family attended the banquet held by the Foley family. I saw the head of the Yaxley family and the power holders of the Foley family having a good conversation."

Scott was a little surprised when he heard this.

Is this the result of the three families being calm for a while?Foley and Yaxley teaming up?
It's not impossible.

After the death of Jack Yaxley, the Yaxley family has no longer any candidates to succeed Trivers, and their participation in the competition is meaningless except to fight for breath.

In this case, if they choose to help the Foley family, they can get paid afterwards, which is a substantial benefit.

In the case of these two families joining forces, the Burst family's chances of winning are very small.


Regarding the current development of the incident, Scott can only express his displeasure in a small way.

He secretly promoted the fight for Travers' inheritance in order to take revenge on the Yaxley family, but he didn't expect them to show signs of getting out now.

"However, this does not mean anything. It is still unknown who the Travers family's legacy will belong to. After all, there are other families behind the scenes that promote the Ministry of Magic's coveting of this legacy."

That's what he said, but Scott knew that until now, the heir launched by the Foley family had the greatest chance of succeeding the Travers family.

After all, only the Foley, Burst, and Yaxley families are related to Travers by marriage, and only their heirs have part of Trivers' blood.

Although the Ministry of Magic has also come to an end, it is not justified.

Moreover, the so-called Ministry of Magic is not a whole, and the interests in it are intricate, and the interests of the pure-blood families hidden behind them are not the same.

"Keep staring at them." Scott said to Rimbaud, "Aside from the tasks related to Carlo, I also want to know what made Yaxley decide to stand by Foley and stop thinking about Jack Yaxley's death."

Rimbaud knew what Scott meant, and nodded in agreement with the request.

It joked, "Perhaps the Travers family found out that Jacque Yaxley was assassinated by the Burstrods."

Scott laughed when he heard that.

Others don't know how Jack Yaxley disappeared, but as the person who did it, he knows it all.

Although the course of revenge against Yaxley seems to have gone by accident, Scott is not impatient.

The current Yaxley family has probably forgotten about him, a little wizard who has become irrelevant again, and he still has a lot of time to re-plan.

After bidding farewell to Rimbaud, Scott met Graplan again when he left the Forbidden Forest.

But the teaching assistant didn't come out of the Forbidden Forest this time, but just left Hagrid's hut.

Scott offered to say hello to her.

Graplan seemed to be used to Scott's behavior of drilling into the Forbidden Forest from time to time, so he let him go with just a few jokes.

On the way back to the castle, Scott remembered that he wanted to ask Dumbledore about the identity of the teaching assistant.

It's just that it was not easy to meet Dumbledore at Hogwarts. After all, the old headmaster was a busy man and would only appear in front of the students occasionally.

So Scott changed his mind.

Of course, he didn't want to take the initiative to go to the principal's office.

After the last conversation, Scott doesn't really want to meet the old headmaster now.

Mainly a little embarrassing.

He knew that Dumbledore had said those words to him out of good intentions, but he really couldn't make the change that the old headmaster had advised him to do.

Scott went around the castle and finally found Helena in the garden.

"Good afternoon, Helena." Scott greeted familiarly.

Helena, who was standing by the flowers, turned her head, "What's the matter?"

"Miss Graplan, an assistant teaching assistant in the Protection of Magical Creatures class." Scott sat on the stone bench next to the bushes.

Helena didn't seem to care about the teaching assistant, she thought for a while before she realized who Scott was talking about, "Her?"

"As far as I know, Wilmina Graplan graduated from Gryffindor." Scott said, "but this Miss Graplan, who is now serving as a teaching assistant, has a 'color' of her magic that is more inclined to Ravenclaw. .”

Helena was a little surprised, "You mean, this assistant is not the real Wilmina Graplan? By the way, Graplan..."

She chanted the surname, seemingly lost in thought.

"I remember," she said to Scott. "Ravenclaw once had a Graplan, too, Stephanie Graplan, she's probably been out of school for almost 10 years."

Scott didn't expect that he could really gain something from Helena. "Maybe it's actually Stephanie who is serving as the teaching assistant now, not Wilmina? Are they sisters?"

"Probably, I only remember that Ravenclaw once had such a name." Helena didn't seem to be very clear, "You know, I won't pay attention to the relationship between students."

"Do you think Dumbledore knew about this?" Scott asked her.

Helena looked down at him, "You want me to speak to Dumbledore about this?"

Scott nodded, "I don't really like going to the principal's office."

"I don't like it either," Helena said.

"Okay." Scott smiled helplessly, "Then ask Professor Dumbledore when I meet him."

"Hmph, I'll go." Helena glanced at him and floated straight back to the castle.

Scott watched her disappear, stood up and slowly walked out of the garden.

That night, Scott saw Helena again in the Ravenclaw common room library.

"I've already asked Dumbledore," Helena told him, "Dumbledore knew about it, Wilmina was injured on an expedition, and her sister Stephanie took her place as assistant teacher. "

After she finished these few words, she just floated away without saying why Stephanie bears Wilmina's name.

"That's good," Scott said with a smile.

He didn't care whether the so-called injury and substitution were true or not, since Dumbledore knew about it, he was relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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