Chapter 310

Just like what Scott and Rimbaud said, he didn't know whether little Barty, who escaped from home under his secret push, could find Voldemort who was hiding, but he got feedback quickly.

Such feedback did not come from Harry as he thought, but from Snape who had been ignored by him before.

The Dark Mark, this brand that Voldemort personally branded on the Death Eaters, can more intuitively reflect Voldemort's own state than Harry, one of the Horcruxes.

More than ten days after confirming that Barty Jr. had escaped, Scott perceived an abnormality on Snape's left arm during a potion class.

In his perception of magic power, the Potions Professor's left arm suddenly had a wave of magic power that did not belong to him.

The magic power that suddenly became active gave people a very cold and evil feeling.

At that time, Snape, who was inspecting the students making potions in the classroom, seemed normal on the surface, and only Scott noticed that his footsteps paused.

Out of curiosity, Scott mobilized almost all his senses and carefully perceived the magic power.

It may be because his perception is too sharp, at this moment he even had the hallucination of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and his nose seemed to really smell a strong smell of blood.

The smell made him want to gag.

When he opened his mouth uncontrollably and wanted to retch, he quickly withdrew his perception.

Unfortunately, Snape turned his head suddenly and saw the strange expression on his face.

When the incident happened suddenly, Scott inadvertently met the potions professor's dark and empty eyes for a moment. After recovering, he secretly screamed that something was wrong, and quickly lowered his head and began to process the potion ingredients on the table.

Sure enough, the next moment Snape slid across the aisle to his desk, bending down to stare at the movements of his hands.

Scott ground the medicinal materials with a pestle and hammer without changing his face.

At this time, he found that his partner Milton was short of breath and his hands were shaking.

Scott quickly took the knife and medicinal materials in Milton's hand, and handed him the pounding bowl and hammer.

Seeing this, Snape snorted coldly, "That's great, Mr. Graves, is Mr. Trollope your nanny in Potions class?"

Milton was weighing the material on the brass balance at this time, when he heard this, his hand shook, and the material was scattered on the table.

Seeing this scene, Snape finally straightened up.

"It's hard to believe you're already in fifth year, Mr. Graves," he said sarcastically. "2 points from Ravenclaw for your clumsiness."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Milton had a weeping expression.

Scott shook his head, and sighed secretly, Snape's trick was really tried and tested.

Next, Scott and Milton could only start over with one piece of material, which slowed down their progress.

It was not until a long time after class that they finally handed in the prepared potion.

Snape casually glanced at the two potions in his hand, and said to Milton, "I really look forward to the day when I can see you become independent, Graves."

Milton lowered his head, not daring to breathe.

"You go first," Snape said again. "I need to speak to Mr. Trollope alone."

Milton looked up at Scott worriedly.

Scott smiled at him and waved his hands, "You go first."

After Milton left, Snape first put down the potion bottle in his hand, and then stared at Scott condescendingly with his dark, empty eyes.

Scott had been running Occlumency silently for a long time, so he didn't avoid his eyes.

"Occlumency, I don't remember Hogwarts ever teaching you this subject." Snapera said in a long tone, "Genius Mr. Trollope."

Scott smiled, "I don't remember professors being able to read students' brains with Remembrance, Professor."

"do not laugh!"

Snape was still staring at Scott closely.

His expression was a little ugly, especially the few creases between his brows, which were deep and stiff.

"You're spying on your professor with your so-called magical senses, which, I must say, is extremely rude, Mr. Trollope."

Snape lowered his voice, which, combined with his distinctive intonation, caused him to hiss like a snake as he spoke.

"Sorry, Professor." Scott was very knowledgeable about current affairs and did not quibble, but honestly admitted his mistake.

If he said to Snape that he didn't mean it at this time, Snape would probably think he was lying and be even angrier.

In fact, he really didn't do it on purpose, he just got used to using magic perception to detect his surroundings from time to time.

This behavior is generally undetectable to others.

But it's a pity that because he didn't hold his expression today, it happened to be discovered by Snape.

Of course, he didn't stare closely at Snape's arm, it should be that moment of staring at each other that made Snape aware of something.

After all, he didn't have time to run Occlumency at the time.

But at this point the situation is not too bad.

At that time, the evil magic power impacted Scott's keen perception, and all he thought about at that moment was the disgusting degree of that magic power, so he didn't reveal other thoughts.

At least he didn't think of something like "The Dark Mark" that he shouldn't know at the time.

Snape was obviously very upset at this moment, he asked Scott, "Tell me, what did you perceive?"

Scott replied honestly, "A tinge of evil magic has suddenly come to life in your left hand, Professor."

Hearing that, Snape's face became even more ugly.

His right hand has tightly held his left arm.

"damn it."

He couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and took a few steps in place.

Maybe it was because he was still angry after much deliberation, so he sarcastically directed at Scott again.

"There is no sense in doing things, and you are always eager to show off your talent. Why didn't that shabby hat send you to Gryffindor!"

Scott, who lowered his head, curled his lips.

He felt wronged - what did his character have to do with Gryffindor?
Of course, he didn't open his mouth to refute, because he knew very well that opening his mouth now would add fuel to the fire.

"If possible, I really wish I could give you a Forgetting Curse, so as to empty your mind of excess curiosity!"

Snape said another annoyed sentence, turned around and strode out of the classroom.

"Follow me, Mr. Trollope!"

Scott responded and obediently followed behind him.

The two shuttled through the castle one after the other, attracting countless curious eyes.

Scott even saw many people giving him thumbs up from a distance.

Maybe it was because Snape's face was so ugly, these people thought that he had offended Snape with his audacity.

(End of this chapter)

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