Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 301 301. A General Chapter with William Brown

Chapter 301 301. A Call with William Brown
William, who almost succeeded in cheating Scott, contacted Scott by the small fireplace that night.

Scott still hadn't left the Room of Requirement.

"I don't ask why you did that, William."

Scott spoke into a small fireplace with a green flame burning in his hand.

"Have you met with our Professor Hagrid today? I don't know if you will be his defense lawyer..."

Before William could answer, he continued, "I think you'd better do what you promised, for the sake of those Thestrals you stole."

He emphasized, "That was tamed by Hagrid. To tame the Thestrals, only Hagrid can do this in the whole of Britain."

"Oh, it's rare to hear you say such a long series of words, Scott, it seems that you are really a little angry." William said with a smile, "But I didn't participate in their actions, I have been in London, you know , preparing for the university entrance examination."

"Really, are you really going to university?" Scott asked with a smile, "Ms. Slytherin's green-robed organization just needs a barrister who graduated from the Law School of Cambridge University and is proficient in Muggle law?"

"We don't call ourselves people in green robes." William said helplessly.

Scott pretended to be surprised, "Then what should people call you? You know, those Death Eaters are also famous because they have a resounding organization name."

"I don't think we're all known," William said.

"Indeed," said Scott, "because you nearly broke the wizarding secrecy laws."

William smiled, "No, because we have Lady Slytherin, and her surname is a flag."

"Oh, last name? Are you going to do the 'Pure Blood Supremacy' thing?" Scott asked deliberately.

"You know this is of course impossible." William ignored his sarcasm, "Ms. Slytherin doesn't care whether a wizard is pure blood or not, she only looks at a wizard's real talent."

He emphasized, "That's why Ms. Slytherin values ​​you."

"You don't seem to be as hierarchical as the Death Eaters," Scott continued. "I didn't even hear you call 'Lord.'"

William's tone remained calm, "Of course, Ms. Slytherin doesn't like Voldemort's stuff."

"So what about the purpose and goals of your organization?" Scott asked, "Medea wanted to win me over to do things, but she never told me her ideals."

"I think you should understand," William said.

Scott said firmly, "No, I don't understand."

"Well, the reason you don't understand is simply that you don't want to think about and understand us."

William's voice became serious.

"Ms. Slytherin just wants wizards to be competitive against Muggles. You know, Muggles are developing faster and faster..."

He paused, seemingly giving Scott a few seconds to think.

Then he went on to say: "Ms. Slytherin thinks that wizards have been sluggish for a long time, and it is impossible to continue like this. One day Muggles will even find us, and they will completely crowd out our living space on this planet. "

Scott asked him, "Are you trying to start a war? A war with Muggles? I remember your parents were Muggles, William."

"No, Ms. Slytherin doesn't want to start a war like Gellert Grindelwald." William said, "Her purpose is just to keep wizards competitive and not be surpassed by Muggles' technological development."

His tone was a little excited.

"Maybe one day, wizards will find a better and more open way to get along with Muggles. I am preparing for this before going to university."

Having said that, he laughed.

"You're right, maybe in the future we'll need a Cambridge Law School barrister well versed in Muggle law."

"It all sounds great." Scott smiled playfully, "It seems that Ms. Slytherin is really a great wizard with great vision, and she is working hard for all wizards in the entire wizarding world."

William immediately said, "That's it, so, why don't you join us, Scott!"

"Sorry, I don't quite believe that statement."

Scott's words began to turn.

"After all, that lady sacrificed two wizards without hesitation in front of me."

William said, "No..."

Scott interrupted him, "If you remember the tragic death of Professor Lockhart, by the way, his and Yaxley's bodies melted like candles."


William wanted to say something again, but Scott interrupted him again.

"That lady is still threatening me today." He sped up his speech. "If I can't help her find Voldemort's Horcrux, she will sacrifice the lives of more wizards."

Scott laughed again, "That lady doesn't care about the lives of other wizards, they are like livestock in her eyes. So she will work hard for the future of wizards? Sorry, I think this is a bit ridiculous .”

"Lady Slytherin wouldn't do that!" William raised his voice.

He finished the sentence quickly and loudly, only to find that Scott didn't interrupt him again this time.

So his voice returned to normal, "She is just joking with you, she will not sacrifice the life of a wizard at will."

"Where's Lockhart and Yaxley?" Scott asked.

"The circumstances were special at the time, and Ms. Slytherin would not be able to walk away from Dumbledore without sacrificing them." William apologized to Medea, "Besides, both Lockhart and Yaxley are criminals." .”

Scott just smiled at his statement.

He suddenly felt that this was very boring.

William continued: "Lockhart used the Memory Charm to steal a lot of wizarding legends. That's why his best-selling books came about. He's just a liar! And Yaxley wants to murder you!"

"William." Scott reminded calmly, "If it was Medea herself, she would not justify her behavior like this."

William was silent for a moment, "Well, it's my fault. Ms. Slytherin's thinking is beyond my comprehension."

Scott felt a little sorry, William is obviously a smart guy...

He couldn't figure out why William believed so deeply in Medea's words.

But William probably couldn't understand Scott's resistance either.

"Why do you resist? Scott." His tone was puzzled. "Even if you don't want to join us, it's always a good thing to help Ms. Slytherin defeat Voldemort."

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he emphasized.

"Yeah." Scott responded casually.

William really didn't want to hurt him, he just wanted to cheat him.

William continued: "Voldemort represents the concept of 'pure blood supremacy', Scott, we are all Muggle-born, you should understand that 'pure blood supremacy' is contrary to our position."

"Of course I do," Scott said.

"Then why did you refuse to help? Obviously the disappearance of Voldemort is a good thing for the entire wizarding world!" William said helplessly.

"You're right," Scott said, "but I can't, as I said, I'm not capable of finding Horcruxes."

After speaking, he took the initiative to close the call.

After probing William for so long and talking a lot, he was also tired.

William would not understand that for him Voldemort's disappearance was a good thing, but Medea's full recovery was not.

If a good thing happens to be accompanied by a greater bad thing, then it is better to maintain two mixed things.

(End of this chapter)

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