Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 3 003. Ordinary and extraordinary Scott

Chapter 3 003. Ordinary and extraordinary Scott

Roger said angrily, "Are you also mesmerized by Lockhart's glistening smirk?"

"Although the photo on the cover is silly, there is some knowledge in the book that is worth seeing." Scott gave an objective evaluation.

Roger began to complain: "You know what, I have a hunch that Lockhart's teaching may even be worse than Quirrell, more like a star than a professor. Seriously, I really don't understand why Dumbledore There's always some weird guy to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts. That leaves us pretty much self-taught for exams in this subject."

He also apparently lost confidence in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class in the new school year.

Scott thought for a while and guessed: "There should be almost no wizards who took the initiative to apply for this position, after all... From the past history, the curse on this course should be true, which led to many witches and wizards will be against It avoided. Oh, except Snape."

After all, the Defence Against the Dark Arts class at Hogwarts has changed professors every year for decades, and many professors who have served in this class have not been very good.

This fact is well known in British wizarding circles.

"That's the only reason Lockhart became a professor."

Roger grudgingly accepted the answer.

"If it was Snape..."

He followed Scott's words and began to imagine...

"If Snape succeeds in applying for a Defence Against the Dark Arts professorship...then the biggest possibility is that he'll leave Hogwarts altogether in a year's time? Why didn't Dumbledore just agree to his request, if I say so? ?"

Roger had been sprayed with Snape's venom in previous Potions classes, and now he was so excited just imagining Snape's departure from Hogwarts.

"That's obviously impossible."

Scott broke his delusion mercilessly.

"Dumbledore wouldn't make Snape a consumable for that position. Although Snape's teaching method in Potions was difficult to adapt to, he was a precious Potions Master after all."

"I know." Roger said dejectedly, "so I can only think about it."

The two just ate all the food Scott brought while chatting.

"So you came to me on purpose, just to help me consume the food, Roger?"

Scott bagged the trash.

"No," Roger said. "I'm here to ask if you want to try out for the Quidditch House team? After all, you know, we've got another player graduating."

"No need. I hope you remember that I participated with you when I was a sophomore, and it's a pity I lost."

Scott put the trash aside and turned down Roger's proposal.

"But you're still interested in Quidditch, aren't you? And you're gifted, remember, Scott, you pitched really well in your draft sophomore year..." He whispered, "It's just that He was a little short on flying before losing."

When it comes to Quidditch, Roger is as excited as most young wizards.He is looking forward to playing games with friends.

"Listen, we're just short of a Chaser right now, and I think you can try, and I think you'll make it this time!"

Scott still shook his head, "Sorry, Roger, you know, I didn't have a chance to improve my flying broomstick skills after first-year flying lessons."

He was well aware of his ability to fly, and that wasn't enough for a thrilling Quidditch match.

It's not surprising that young Muggle-born wizards are indeed inferior to those from wizarding families in the skill of flying.

Unless you have the ultimate flying talent like Harry Potter.

Young wizards from wizarding families have been riding toy brooms since they can't walk. Muggle-born wizards don't meet for the first time until they enter school at the age of 11, and they don't have much chance to go except for first-year flying lessons. practise.

As for Scott's flying talent - it's just mediocre.

While he could improve a bit with constant practice, his interest in Quidditch wasn't as... great.

However, Roger didn't seem to listen to him, and he still persuaded: "Are you going to spend all your time studying like last school year? Oh! That's too bad! You should realize that even if we are pulling Wenclaws, it doesn't mean we don't need to have fun while studying..."


Scott raised his hand to let Roger stop his chatter.

"I know you want me to play with you, Roger," he said, "but you're clearly overly optimistic about your roommate's level."

Roger insisted, "I think you can do it. You're always so smart, Scott, you know I didn't try to persuade Milton to take part in Quidditch."

Milton Graves, another roommate of the two, is a sentimental literary boy whose greatest hobby is playing the cello.

"It's an honor, compared to Milton, I'm really at a high level."

Scott smirked again.

Mind you, Milton got a D (Dreadful) final grade in his first-year flying class.

And Scott got an A (Acceptable/Passing) rating anyway.

Seeing Scott's firm attitude, Roger could only reluctantly say, "Okay, your own wishes are the most important."

After all... if Scott's flight didn't make much progress as he himself said, he really wouldn't pass the selection.

Roger encouraged Scott to participate in the draft in order to have Scott join him as the team's Chaser.Because he felt that Scott, as his best friend, would show a tacit understanding with him in the game that no one else had.

But his hopes seemed to be in vain.

"But I have to say, even in Ravenclaw, you're one of the most addicted to learning, Scott." Roger said with a slightly exaggerated expression, letting go of the Quidditch topic, "especially last school year. , you're totally in the woods and rocks, you didn't even sit in the audience for a Quidditch match!"

Although Scott's flying talent was mediocre and he was not selected for the Quidditch team selection in his second year, he also had his own strengths.

Since his first-year enrollment, he has excelled in Transfiguration, although he hasn't been top-notch in most of the school's courses, just the kind that's neither very outstanding nor bad.

This course is taught by Minerva McGonagall, Vice-President of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Head of Gryffindor House, who is very strict with students.But even she couldn't help smiling and complimenting Scott, saying he had a "superhuman genius" in the subject of Transfiguration.

And Scott felt that since he had this talent, he had to work hard to play to his strengths.Therefore, Scott has been doing in-depth research and experimentation on topics related to Transfiguration in his spare time.

The last academic year was a critical period for his research. In order to get good results, he was always racing against time to sink into it, so he missed a lot of activities.

Roger's expression was as if Scott had done something unforgivable if he didn't go to the Quidditch match.

"Oh, thanks for the reminder." Scott could only laugh at this, "I think I'll have an easier time in the new school year, and at least have time to watch your Quidditch match."

(End of this chapter)

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