Chapter 291

Immediately after Dumbledore announced the start of the Halloween dinner, extraordinarily sumptuous food appeared on the long table.

All kinds of tempting meat and fruit snacks piled up in piles.

Milton cleaned up his mood smoothly, smiled and said to Scott and the others: "Now, don't think about it, I don't want to affect your holiday mood because of my own affairs, enjoy the banquet!"

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the front of the teacher's seat.

At the same time, students from various colleges stood up from their seats.

"Good evening, everybody!"

Professor Flitwick walked out of the teacher's seat a little excitedly.

"Please enjoy the performance brought by the collaboration between the Toad Choir and the Classical Music Club!"

He strode to the center of the auditorium and waved his wand lightly.

Countless light spots sprinkled, and a beautifully arranged stage emerged in the open space in front of the teachers' seats.

Piano, cello, violin, Scottish bagpipes... all kinds of different musical instruments are placed on both sides of the stage, shining brightly under the candlelight.

Milton and other members of the classical music club took to the stage and set up their instruments.

Finally, Roger's ex-girlfriend Caccini bowed gracefully and sat in front of the piano.

Ahead of the stage, a gigantic jack-o-lantern rose from the feet of Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick waved his wand, and the members of the classical music club moved, and the beautiful music ensemble sounded.

"Quack! Quack!"

Following a few toad croaks, the members of the toad choir, who held the big toad in their hands, also stood up from the long tables of various colleges and began to sing along with the music.

[Double double cook quickly,

The flames blazed out of the cauldron.

Doubly doubly cook fast,

Bad luck follows the wicked. ]
The members of the choir walked from the long tables to the stage while singing, and stood neatly in several rows.

[Eye of Salamander Frogtoe,
Bat wing membrane dog tongue.

Viper python poisonous tongue worm sting,
The feet of a lizard and the wings of an owl. ]
Next, the music played by the musicians gradually became more and more exciting, and the vocals of the toad choir and the cry of the toad formed a duet.

[Double double cook quickly,

The flames blazed out of the cauldron.

Doubly doubly cook fast,

Bad luck follows the wicked.

The sea pot is cooked and roasted until it becomes mushy,
The Zexi python was broken and boned.

The scales of the dragon, the teeth of the wolf,
The witch mummy rolled into the cauldron. ]
Soon, the vocals of the choir also began to sing a duet, and together with the cry of the toad, they formed a somewhat weird trio.

In front of the stage, the pumpkin lantern under Professor Flitwick's feet suddenly flew up.

But Professor Flitwick stood firmly on the top of the jack-o-lantern, his body swayed with the music, and his commanding movements became bigger and bigger.

[Double double cook quickly,

Flames blazed out of the cauldron. ]
Suddenly, all the big and small jack-o-lanterns that were originally placed in the auditorium flew up, ups and downs in mid-air with the rhythm of the music.

The swarm of black bats that were originally among the candles also dispersed, flying among the jack-o-lanterns.

[Double double cook quickly,

The flames blazed out of the cauldron.

Doubly doubly cook fast,

The flames blazed out of the cauldron.

Bad luck follows the wicked. ]
With the end of the last line of the lyrics, Professor Flitwick's command freezes, the jack-o'-lantern floating in the air also becomes still, and the group of black bats clatters back to the candles.

Professor Flitwick turned and bowed, and the jack-o-lantern under his feet slowly landed with the other jack-o-lanterns.

There was deafening applause in the auditorium.

The Toad Choir and the Classical Music Club bowed and stepped down.

Professor Flitwick jumped off the jack-o-lantern and waved his wand lightly. The dreamlike stage turned into countless pieces of light and dissipated.

The cheers and applause did not stop for a long time.

"Oh, I like this performance, it's much better than last year's Skeleton Dance Troupe!" Eddie said to Milton who returned to his seat.

Roger said enthusiastically: "If I heard correctly, the lyrics are from Shakespeare's play "Macbeth"? It's amazing."

"Yes." Milton said with a smile. "To this day we still don't know whether Shakespeare was a Muggle or a wizard. This topic has always been debated."

The Halloween dinner ended in a happy atmosphere.

Before going to sleep that night, Scott was still thinking that the curse that Hogwarts must have accidents every year on Halloween in the "Original Book" was finally broken.

The next morning, Scott woke up early and left Ravenclaw Tower alone, but met Luna walking out in the corridor leading to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Scott." Luna greeted with a smile.

Her hair was disheveled, and she was wearing a small satchel made of wool.

"Good morning, Luna. Where are you going?" Scott asked.

"I took some fruit and meat from the kitchen, and I'm going to the Forbidden Forest to feed a little guy." Luna patted her wool bag, "Do you want to go together?"

Scott raised his eyebrows, "Little guy?"

"It's thestrals." Luna said with a smile, "Wu Wu gave birth to a baby with a female Thestrals. Oh, Wu Wu is the leader of the Thestrals."

Scott nodded, "I'll go and see it with you. I saw a car accident in Spain during the summer vacation. When I started school, I found out that I can see them now."

He did witness a car accident during the summer, but it wasn't because of the Thestrals.

"Let's go then!"

Luna walked forward cheerfully.

She bounced forward for a certain distance, then stopped suddenly, turned around and asked, "What is a car accident?"

Scott explained to her what the car accident meant.

"The car, do you mean Ginny's car?" Luna asked curiously, "Then, why can't Muggle cars fly?"

"Because Muggles can't do magic." Scott replied curtly.

Luna nodded, not sure if she accepted this explanation.

The two walked through the garden behind the castle and into the forest with white morning mist.

"Go this way."

After entering the Forbidden Forest, Luna behaved very familiar.

"I saw them at the dinner party yesterday, through the window," she said to Scott in an erratic tone. "The way they fly in the night sky is very festive for Halloween."

"You often come to play with the big guys?" Scott asked.

"Occasionally," Luna said, "I love them, a lot of people hate the way they look, but I think it's pretty cool."

Scott nodded.

Thestrals have always had a bad reputation in the wizarding world, and apart from their trait of "only those who have seen death can see them", they are not very pleasing in appearance.

Thestrals have a huge body, but they have no flesh at all. The black fur is tightly attached to the bones, and the bones are clearly visible.

The dragon-like head has a ferocious face, white eyes without pupils, a long black tail, and huge bat wings growing between the shoulder bones.

The two gradually went deep into the forest, passed through a dense forest, and came to a wide open space.

It's just that they didn't see the Thestrals.

"Oh...they don't seem to be there." Luna said hesitantly, "It's a bit strange."

Scott speculated, "Maybe they moved elsewhere?"

Luna shook her head, "No, thestrals only like to be active at night, and they hide in dark places during the day."

She walked forward quickly, calling "咴'er", "咴'er" from her mouth.

"Where did you go?"

She imitated the calls of thestrals and looked around.

"Baby, baby."

Her call was quickly answered.

A little thestral screamed and wobbled out of the bushes beside it.

Judging from its immature voice and staggering steps, this little guy may not have been born for a long time.

"Oh, little one, you're here!"

Luna hurried over, took out an apple from the satchel and fed it to the little Thestrals.

"Slow down, eat slowly." She asked as she fed the little one. "Where are your parents? Where are your people, little one?"

The little thestral quickly finished eating the apple, and then started screaming again.

It rubbed against Luna's body with its ugly head, and its voice was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, there's more."

Luna took out another apple and fed it.

She turned her head to Scott and said, "Something's wrong. Those adults are gone. Under normal circumstances, they wouldn't leave their cubs alone."

"They're thestrals tamed by Hagrid, aren't they? Maybe someone from the school wants to use them to pull the carriage."

Scott said.

"Okay." He also felt that this reason was a bit ridiculous, "You stay here with the little guy, I'll ask Hagrid."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Luna waved her hand.

Scott turned and walked quickly out of the Forbidden Forest to Hagrid's cabin.

Hagrid didn't seem to be up yet, because Scott could already hear his loud snoring.

Scott raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang..."

Immediately there was a ferocious barking of a dog in the hut.

"Shut up, you woke me up, Fangya!"

Hagrid was awakened by the barking of the dog, and roared angrily.

Scott knocked on the door a few more times and called out.

"Professor Hagrid, Professor Hagrid!"

"Oh, someone is looking for me, I'll come right away!"

Immediately there was the sound of a chair or stool falling down in the room.

"Get out of the way, Fangya!"

Hagrid opened the cabin door as he called to his dog.

"Who is it? It's not time for class yet!"

He looked down at Scott.

"Oh, you are... oh, Ravenclaw's..."

He smelt of alcohol, obviously drunk a lot at last night's banquet.

Scott raised his head and said, "Good morning, I'm Trollope from Ravenclaw, Professor Hagrid."

"Oh, good morning, Trollope."

Hagrid scratched his tangled hair.

"What's the matter with you?" He turned and walked into the room, "Oh, come in and talk."

Scott heard him mutter loudly, "Where did my tea go?"

"No, Professor Hagrid." Scott said loudly, "I just want to tell you that the Thestrals in the Forbidden Forest are gone!"

"What?" Hagrid asked louder.

He rushed out of the room like a beast, leaning on the door frame with both hands, lowered his head and stared at Scott and asked Scott, "Are you...are you saying that thestrals are gone?"

His huge hands creaked the wooden door frame.

(End of this chapter)

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