Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 287 287. Another teaching accident?

Chapter 287 287. Another Teaching Accident?
Life is like this, often calm, but occasionally there will be waves again.

One day in mid-October, another teaching accident occurred at Hogwarts.

The party involved in this teaching accident was finally Professor Black's turn.

And the other party involved was the unlucky little Malfoy.

It is said that the guy with the upturned nostrils angered Blake in class, and was hung from the ceiling of the classroom by the angry professor for the entire class.

Anyway, little Malfoy was in the school hospital again because of a dislocated arm.

"It is said that Professor Black is Malfoy's uncle, and Malfoy's mother was also named Black before she married."

At the dinner table at noon that day, Eddie was happily talking about the gossip he didn't know where he got it from.

"Is this true? I haven't heard of it?" Roger asked with interest.

"It's true," said Milton. "I remember that Mrs. Malfoy is indeed the daughter of the Black family."

Faced with the surprised expressions of his roommates, Milton sighed and said, "When I was young, my grandfather asked me to memorize the intricate relationship between pure-blood families."

Speaking of this matter, his expression was very painful.

"Oh, thank you, Milton." Roger patted him on the shoulder without sincerity.

Milton shook his head unbearably, "Most of the so-called emerging wizard families are like this, and even regard the complicated relationship between those pure-blood families as a science."

Eddie saw that the atmosphere changed after Milton spoke, and quickly drew everyone's attention back to him.

He smiled and said, "Hey, you must not have imagined how Malfoy angered Professor Black."

Scott gave him a quick look.

"Maybe Professor Black is too partial to his godson Potter, which makes Malfoy very dissatisfied, or a little jealous?"

Eddie spoke very quickly.

"Anyway, during the period before class, he kept provoking Potter and said some unpleasant things, and Professor Black suddenly became angry."

"Perhaps poor little Malfoy thought his Uncle Black would love him as much as his father." Roger shrugged. "But alas, he was wrong."

Scott smiled, "I'm more curious about what Malfoy said, which aroused Professor Black's emotions."


Eddie coughed.

He had obviously figured it out.

After making sure everyone around the table was watching him, he began his performance.

He raised his chin like a young Malfoy.

It's just that his thick jaw can't play the meanness of young Malfoy.

"My mother said..." Eddie began to imitate the tone of Malfoy's voice, "Ahem, my mother said that the Black family is always pure, and people like you will not be welcomed by the Black family, Potter."

Because of his three-pointed imitation, the students around couldn't help laughing.

Eddie's imitation continued.

"And I, the heir of the Malfoy family, will be the one who will be welcomed in the Black family."

"By the way, our Professor Black was kicked out of the house a long time ago, the day he was sorted into Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat."

"After that, he can only mix with your father's group and live in the Potter's house."

"My mother said that Uncle Regulus is the heir recognized by the Black family!"

"My mother also said that Professor Black went astray because he met someone like your father. If you ask me, old Potter is really harmful, isn't he?"

Having said that, Eddie spread his hands and his face returned to his own expression.

"Anyway, that's it. After that, Malfoy was gagged and hung up by Professor Black, and he didn't let him go for the whole class." He gloated.

Scott was a little speechless, and Malfoy was just being mean.

If he only attacked Black himself, maybe Black, as an elder, would not care about him, but who made him attack his uncle's good friend who has died.

"latest news!"

Suddenly, the Weasley twins ran into the auditorium from outside, yelling.

The two of them looked very excited.

"Professor Black!"

"With Professor Snape!"

The two shouted.

"They're about to start a duel!"

All eyes were attracted to them, the auditorium was silent for a moment, and then almost everyone stood up.

"Where is it! Take me there!"

Li Qiaodan, a good friend of the twins from the same school, was the first to respond.

He left the table directly and rushed to the twins.

"Oh my God! Merlin!" Eddie almost screamed, "I must not miss this!"

"In the atrium!"

Fred raised his hand and walked out of the auditorium like a tour guide.

clap la la...

Almost everyone couldn't care less about lunch and followed suit one after another.

"Hurry up! Let it go!"

Scott saw that Harry was struggling to squeeze out of the crowd, and it seemed that he really wanted to get to where Black was as soon as possible.

"Harry!" Hermione was screaming. "We should go to another professor immediately, Professor McGonagall or Headmaster Dumbledore!"

"It's too late!" Harry eagerly squeezed out of the crowd and ran wildly.

Scott was gnawing on an unfinished sandwich in his hand, and slowly came to the wide atrium of the castle with the flow of people.

At this time, the corridors around the square atrium were already crowded with students watching the excitement, but it was surprisingly quiet, and everyone seemed to be holding their breath.

Scott looked up, and at this moment Snape and Black were standing under the monster stone sculpture in the middle of the atrium.

But they didn't start a duel like Fred and George said, they just confronted each other.

But they also had their wands drawn, and were pointing at each other with their wand-holding hands.

As more and more people watched, the expression on Snape's face became more and more ugly.

But Blake seemed a little crazy, he grinned suddenly, and said loudly: "As a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, I think I have the right to teach disobedient students, snot!"

He rereads Defense Against the Dark Arts and Snotluck.

Obviously, he did it on purpose.

Snape's nostrils dilated with anger.

"How dare you! You mad dog with plague!"

He swung his wand angrily.

"Shen Feng has no shadow!"

Obviously there was no sign, but Black quickly lay down on the ground and rolled.

In the next second, a deep cut mark appeared on the stone slab he rolled over.

He avoided this invisible attack.

Moreover, he was able to flexibly cast spells while rolling, waving his wand at tricky angles.

"Smashed to pieces!"

Snape gave a cold snort of disdain, and casually lifted Black's spell away with his wand.

"Shen Feng has no shadow!"

He used the same spell again.

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Blake is not to be outdone either.

Almost at the same time, an old voice came.

"Armor protection!"

A transparent magic barrier was erected between the two, blocking their spells at the same time.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Dumbledore striding over with his wand in hand.


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(End of this chapter)

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