Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 276 276. Scott's Orientation

Chapter 276 276. Scott's Orientation
After the dinner is the routine school song time.

Dumbledore used his wand as a baton, passionately commanding the students to sing.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts,

Hogwarts, Hogwarts,
Please teach us knowledge.

Whether we are bald old men,

Or the kid who broke his knee..."

Scott listened to the messy tunes around him in pain, and opened his mouth symbolically.

"Dumbledore already knows the true tune of the school song, why not let the students learn it?" Milton frowned and complained.

Scott replied casually, "Maybe it's because Mr. Principal prefers to see the students free?"

As soon as the song ended, the students couldn't wait to turn around and start to leave the auditorium.

Scott's roommates also patted him on the shoulder one after another, choosing to take the first step.

A piece of parchment floated over from the teacher's desk and stopped in front of Scott.

Scott reached for the parchment and looked at it. On it was the list of Ravenclaw first-year students.

He turned his head and smiled at Professor Flitwick on the teacher's bench, then waved to Keira, stood up and applauded, attracting the freshmen who were still dazed.

"Freshmen!" he called out. "Look here!"

"Freshman!" Kayla walked up to Scott, "Please follow us!"

The two walked to the end of the long table, and the first-grade children obediently followed behind them.

Scott glanced at the number of people in a hurry, and led them out of the auditorium. He introduced, "My name is Scott Trollope, and this is Kayla White."

"We are the prefects of Ravenclaw fifth year," Kayla continued. "According to tradition, the two of us will lead you back to the Ravenclaw house common room."

A few more courageous freshmen quickly began to introduce themselves.

But neither Scott nor Kayla were listening.

Keira turned her head and smiled at the freshmen, "You don't need to introduce yourself to us, and we won't remember your names."

She paused, and said to the astonished freshmen: "There are only two ways for us to remember your names. One is to make mistakes and cause us trouble, and the other is to be so good that we look at them differently."

Scott also smiled, "These will be reflected in the days to come, I hope you will be the latter."

After finishing speaking, the two fifth graders continued to stride forward gracefully, and the freshmen trotted to keep up, regardless of their astonishment.

"This is the most exciting moment since I became a prefect."

Kayla whispered to Scott.

"I have long wanted to try saying these words to freshmen. You must know that I was disturbed by these words when I entered school."

Scott nodded approvingly.

This is the bad taste that belongs to Ravenclaw's predecessors from generation to generation.

In order to take care of the short-legged first graders, they slowed down on purpose.

Scott glanced back again, "Smart Ravenclaws should consciously remember this route at this time, so that they won't be late for class tomorrow morning because they get lost."

Then he was satisfied to see the freshmen's faces change, and the little guys who had just started looking around began to memorize the route seriously.

A group of people walked through the corridor, turned several corners, and finally came to the Ravenclaw Tower on the west side of the castle.

"This is the west tower of the castle, often called the Ravenclaw Tower. Since the wind is the representative element of Ravenclaw House, our common room and dormitories are at the top of the tower."

After Kayla introduced the tower to the freshmen, she led the freshmen into the tower and climbed the spiral staircase.

"Be careful!" She warned anxiously, "A girl fell down the stairs when school started last year!"

In order to prevent accidents, Scott deliberately stayed at the end.

He waved his wand, "Of course, even if you fall down the stairs, I will catch you."

But the freshmen didn't seem to be comforted, but seemed more nervous.

Fortunately, there were no accidents in this process this year, and they arrived at the door of the common room smoothly.

Standing by the door, Scott briefly introduced the eagle-shaped bronze knocker on the gate, and answered the knocker's question by way of example.

"Will liars be honest after they die?"

"No, they won't. They lie still after they die."

After entering the common room, the two faced the freshmen again and spoke their last words to them.

"Congratulations on becoming a member of Ravenclaw House."

"I hope that in the coming time, your performance will be recognized by more Ravenclaws."

"In this academy, only in this way will your names be known by more people."

"Next we will lead the boys and girls into your dormitories."

Scott led the boys to their bedroom door, then turned and went back to his bedroom.

"Hey! Scott!" Eddie couldn't wait to ask after seeing him, "What do the freshmen this year look like when they hear you say that?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Frightened, stunned. It's exactly the same as you before."

Roger laughed, "Eddie is worse, after all, he was assigned to a dormitory with three second graders."

As he spoke, he stood in the middle of the dormitory, and began to lamely imitate the appearance of Eddie when he first entered the dormitory.

"You... Hello, I... I am Eddie Ka Mitchell, who entered this year. Because... because there are not enough I was assigned here..."

He imitated it pretty well, but exaggerated Eddie's tone and demeanor several times.


Eddie gritted his teeth, shouted, and rushed forward angrily.

Scott carries the basket and walks past the wrestling pair.

He went to the bathroom to take a shower, returned to the dormitory and lay on the bed to read the new schedule.

"Tomorrow is Thursday, so the Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be tomorrow afternoon." Milton said, "I wonder how Professor Black's teaching quality is."

Scott said: "No matter what, it will definitely be better than Professor Quirrell and Professor Lockhart in the previous two years."

"Unfortunately, we are in class with Hufflepuff." Eddie suddenly said regretfully, "So we can't see the scene where Professor Black deducted points from Slytherin."

Scott smiled and said, "Are you sure Black will be like Snape?"

"Of course." Roger said swearingly, "He will definitely confront Snape!"

Scott understood that at least a lot of people in Ravenclaw College were waiting to see the excitement of Snape and Black.

Of course, Scott is also waiting to see.

Brett's character is completely different from that of Lupine in the "Original Book". He seems very flamboyant and not a patient person.

Scott always felt that he and Snape might actually fight at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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