Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 268 268. Yaxley minus 2

Chapter 268 268. Yaxley Minus Two
On the night of June 6, Rimbaud drove Scott across the dark ocean and stopped on a high cliff facing the sea on the Isle of Man.

It is an island in the sea between England and Ireland.

"I didn't expect that there are wizards hidden on this island." Scott sighed casually after landing, "I remember that this island is a British royal dependency."

He stood on the top of the cliff, facing the sea wind and looking at the dark sea below in the night.

A few crows chirped.

Scott turned and looked back, "Are the crows coming?"

While speaking, he activated the [truncated arm bone] in his pocket, and waved his wand to restore Rimbaud to his normal shape.

Several crows flew in front of him through the night, and croaked at Rimbaud again.

"Come on, Scott." Rimbaud said to Scott, "They say the castle of the Alex family is over there."

It flew slowly to the other side of the cliff with several crows.

Scott pointed his wand on himself and cast a disillusionment spell on himself.

Some icy breath enveloped his whole body, and his body slowly blended into the surrounding environment.

"I'll follow."

He responded and stepped behind them.

The moonlight was hazy, and Scott was not convenient for lighting, so he could only walk slowly. After a while, he arrived at the destination under the guidance of the crow.

"Is that there?"

He stood on the top of a cliff above the sea, looking at the small castle that seemed to be embedded in the rugged cliff in the bay in front of him.

At this time, the castle was brightly lit and crowded with people. Although he couldn't hear the sound here, it was obviously extremely lively there.

Scott took out his pocket watch and looked at it, and said softly, "The banquet is almost over."

When the crows found the castle of the Yaxley family by the method he said, the banquet was about to begin, and he and Rimbaud rushed over after receiving the news, and the banquet was of course nearing its end.


Scott squinted his eyes, fully activated his magic perception, and walked slowly towards the cliff above the castle.

However, when he was about a thousand meters away from the top of the castle, he stopped.

He sensed the magic fluctuation ahead.

I also want to know that as the foundation of a pure-blood family, there must be powerful protective magic protection on the periphery.

He decided to go down first.

Taking out the broomstick from the deformed lizard skin bag, Scott rode on the broomstick and flew directly down the cliff.

He made a temporary decision to come in person.

Of course, he didn't want to risk getting into the castle to do something, but thought it would be best to take a close look at it himself.

Riding a broomstick, Scott came to a pier hidden among the reefs below the cliff.

At this time, there was a rather old and gorgeous wooden sailboat parked on the pier.

Scott looked up at the castle above, and there was indeed a particularly steep path leading directly to the gate of the castle.

He didn't rush over, but left a listening bat on the reef next to the pier, and flew up on a broom.

He circled the cliff for a while, and finally hid in the shadows of a large rocky crevice above the pier.

Rimbaud flew in after him.

Not long after, he saw several flying carriages flying up from the castle, cutting through the night sky and heading into the distance.

Looks like the party is over.

Neither Scott nor Rimbaud made a sound and continued to wait quietly.

About 20 minutes later, a group of people followed the steep path to the pier.

The sound of their talking soon reached Scott's ears.

After listening for a while, Scott stretched his brows.

Two members of the Yaxley family were in the crowd, Liam Yaxley, the heir to the Yaxley family, and Jake Yaxley, the new dueling champion, who were apparently seeing off their guest.

This is really a rare opportunity.

Scott decisively made a decision to start.

He could tell that the guests were not English wizards, and their accents seemed to be French.

Scott paid no attention to the Frenchies.

He just watched the Frenchies board and leave, and the two Yaxleys wave goodbye to the starting boat.

The sailboat accelerated and went away instantly after starting.

This surprised Scott a little, and he was a little curious about the actual power of the sailboat.

But right now he had no time to think about it, and was paying close attention to the conversation between the two Yaxleys.

"Thank you, Brother Liam." Jacques said to Liam Yaxley in a respectful tone.

Liam Yaxley just said lightly: "It's nothing, I just hope that you can successfully inherit everything in the Travers family, and then our brothers will join hands to let Yaxley and Travers jointly Strong."

His voice was hoarse, but the tone of his speech was deliberately emphatic, which was very annoying.

But Jack Yaxley was obviously used to it, and he replied with some excitement, "I will try my best, Brother Liam."

While talking, the two started walking back.

And the listening bat followed the two of them not too far away.

Scott waited in silence until they were right under the crevice in the rock where he was.

The listening bat flew up silently and got into Scott's robe.

Scott could already hear the two Yaxleys talking directly.

He heard Liam Yax say in an unpleasant tone, "The contenders chosen by the two families were also present at the dinner. What do you think of them, Jarke?"

"Don't worry, Brother Liam, I am the most suitable for Travers." Jake Yaxley said confidently.

"Hmph, those portraits of the Travers family will of course choose you!"

Liam Yaxley sneered rather complacently.

"Just like what my father said, Travers needs a wizard who can directly take over the family, not a seedling that needs to be cultivated."

Jia Ke quickly agreed, and praised their father fiercely in the air.

In a crevice of rock above, Scott smiled in the dark.

He opened an unremarkable matchbox in his hand.

The midge that melted at the entrance had already flown down silently under his own control.

After Bork's death, this useful little flying insect has become his "standby weapon".

At this moment, in Scott's perception, small bugs that were barely visible to the naked eye had already actively flew into the mouths of the two Mr. Yaxleys while they were talking.

Their skin is essentially glutinous rice paper, which will melt when it encounters saliva.

This is equivalent to damage to Transfiguration, and it will be restored to its original state in an instant.

It was too late for the two Yaxleys to recover, the deadly poison had already melted in their mouths.

"What is this!" Liam Yaxley yelled furiously.

"Brother!" Jacques exclaimed, and then his voice faded, "I...I also...this..."

Immediately, Scott watched the two fall to the ground.

There was a sound of "pop", and a house elf suddenly appeared, screaming piercingly while pulling the two brothers and disappearing in place.

Immediately afterwards, with another "pop" sound, an old man with white hair appeared.

The old-looking wizard immediately turned his head to look in Scott's direction, and waved his wand decisively.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A jumping green light flew towards the crevice of the rock.

At the critical moment, Scott, who was holding Rimbaud in his arms, activated the silver snake-shaped necklace on his wrist, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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