Chapter 262

Listening to Rimbaud's description, Scott was happy that his trip went smoothly.

Rimbaud came to Knockturn Alley according to what Scott said, seized an opportunity when there were no customers in the Bojinbok store, and landed at the door of the store.

When Boginbok didn't look at it, he opened the matchbox with his claws, and flew to the roof opposite the store.

It didn't take long before he saw Bojinbok fell to the ground.

Of course, this Mr. Bork called for help immediately, but unfortunately he couldn't shout loudly.

Later, he wanted to crawl out of the store again, but after climbing not far, he completely lost the ability to move.

Scott prepared too much toxin this time, causing him to be poisoned to death in a very short period of time, before he even had time to take any self-rescue measures.

"No one noticed that scene at the time."

Rimbaud said to Scott.

"People in Knockturn Alley don't dare to mess with Mr. Bork. They don't even look into his shop. After his accident, no one found out about it for a long time."

"Well done, my friend." Scott touched Rimbaud's wings, "You really helped me a lot."

Rimbaud raised his head proudly, "Hahaha...Scott, what would you do without me?"

"of course."

Scott flattered it for a while again.

Rimbaud was so excited.

Then it took the initiative to care about Scott's purpose in letting him kill Borginberg.

"Is that all right, Scott?" It looked at Scott and asked him, "What if Bock has other wizard accomplices and still won't give up snatching your map?"

Scott thought for a while and said to him: "The possibility of this matter is very small. Bock is a greedy guy. I guess he would not want to share the secret of the Reis map with others."

Scott is sure that even the thief Fletcher doesn't know the origin of the commissioned map.

Rimbaud nodded.

"Of course." Scott said again, "It's indeed a wise move for you to keep a few crows there and continue to monitor Knockturn Alley just to be on the safe side."

Rimbaud raised his head proudly again.

Scott also knows that the current situation is not safe.

Although Bojinbok, who wanted to get the map of Lace, had been poisoned to death, there are still two doubts about this matter.

One is what Rimbaud said. He didn't know if Bojinbok had any companions who knew the inside story.

This issue can only be selected through follow-up observation and monitoring.

The second is related to the "local area network" built by the small fireplace.

Scott can be sure that Bojinbok's behavior is a private behavior, not Medea's instigation.

But as the master of the "local area network", does Medea know everything that happens in the "local area network"?
Scott has no way to confirm this question.

But since Medea did not appear, and did not speak to him through the small fireplace, Scott could only pretend that she did not know about it.

Scott shook his head, putting aside other thoughts for a moment.

Because right now he still has one person to deal with.

Flying from the canopy to the ground on a broomstick, Scott came to the root of another oak tree, in front of the thief Fletcher.

He looked down at Fletcher lying on the ground.

Fletcher looked very weak after not eating or drinking for two days.

His eyes were still blindfolded, and his mouth was still stuffed with a cloth, but at this time his lips were so dry that he couldn't even make a humming sound.

Scott drew his wand and aimed it at Fletcher's head.

After a long time, he withdrew his wand again.

"Although I can give you a forgetting curse and let you go, but the memory can be forcibly forgotten by the curse, and it may be restored someday..."

He spoke softly, as if talking to himself.

But Fletcher still heard him clearly.

"Woo... woo woo woo..."

This Mr. thief did not know where the strength came from, and suddenly began to struggle violently.

Scott still said to himself: "This time, Bojinbok can be solved smoothly, thanks to my mother who hasn't contacted my uncle for a long time. No one knows my relationship with the Hill family."

He paused, and then said: "Because of the arrogance of wizards facing Muggles, neither you nor Mr. Burke have investigated the Hill family properly, otherwise you would have easily discovered my existence."

"If that's the case... I will definitely be caught off guard." Scott was still talking about himself.

"For the sake of safety and caution." He said to Fletcher, "Mr. Thief Fletcher, please shut up forever."

Fletcher whimpered in his throat, and he writhed on the ground like a fat worm, the chains that bound him rattled.

"Get bigger fast!"

Scott casts a spell to make Rimbaud huge.

"Take him away, as you said." He turned around, "Whether it's a pack of wolves or a tribe of trolls, in short..."

"I know, in the end I still have to adopt my method."

Rimbaud joked, firmly grasped the iron chain with his claws, and flew into the sky with Fletcher's fat body.

A scream-like sound escaped from Fletcher's throat.

Scott didn't look.

He is very clear about his character, if he wants to go on the road of magic, he will definitely kill people.

But in principle, he would try not to kill with his own hands, especially with magic.

Only in this way can he control his magic power and maintain its original state, so that no one will perceive the changes brought about by killing people.

Strictly speaking, his behavior is to take advantage of loopholes.

Rimbaud will be back soon.

"Is he dead?" Scott asked.

"It's dead." Rimbaud didn't have as many thoughts as Scott, and told him directly, "I threw him to the wolves."

Scott produced Fletcher's wand from the shapeshifter pouch.

"Go again later, please," he said to Rimbaud. "Throw his wand where he died, and throw that chain somewhere else."

Rimbaud agreed.

Scott rode back to the cabin on his broomstick and began reading the Daily Prophet.

The heat of Sirius Black still hasn't dissipated.

Reporters were following him, as if trying to celebrate the greatness of the Ministry through the wizard's new life.

But Blake himself seems to be very annoyed. In the photo, he looks like he will violently beat the reporter at any time.

Scott casually browsed through several news articles that covered Blake and Pettigrew in all directions, and finally caught his eye by one that wasn't on the front page.

"Jake Yaxley, the wizard of the Yaxley family won the championship of the British Wizarding Duel Competition! "

Duel champion?

Scott quickly read the details of the report.

He thought the report was obviously interesting in its intent.

Nowadays, the gold content of the champion of the All England Wizards Duel Contest has been declining year by year, but it is still a name to say.

 Sorry, I'm so sleepy today, I'm updating while dozing off, and I only coded two chapters.

  It will be added tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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