Chapter 253

Scott quietly walked out of the manor.

Following the guidance of the crows that occasionally flew in the sky, he saw the wizard at the turning point of the only road entering the manor.

It was a squat, unshaven man in a tattered coat.

With his short, bandy legs, his long, tousled ginger hair, and his swollen, bloodshot eyes, he looked like a stubby hound.

The uninvited wizard had already cast a powerful Muggle-repelling spell on his way into the manor.

He was sitting in the grass by the roadside like a beggar, and he had no intention of directly attacking the inside of the manor.

From the way he looked up at the sky from time to time, Scott knew maybe he was waiting for it to get dark.

Whatever he was waiting for, Scott had decided to strike first.

He deliberately made a circle around lightly, and shot suddenly from behind the wizard.

"Passed out."

The dazzling red light instantly hit the chunky wizard.

The wizard's body swayed, but he was not unconscious.

White light burst out of him suddenly, and he turned around and pointed his wand in the direction of Scott.

Scott immediately understood that the other party had magic items that could resist the spell, and the stun spell did not take effect.

Scott's magic perception had already started, and he moved calmly, avoiding a spell from the opponent.

"I didn't expect there to be wizards here?" The short fat man smiled, "Did you use the Disillusionment Curse?"

Scott moved behind a big tree on the side of the road, and a bat flew down from the tree and landed on his shoulder silently.

At this time, the chunky wizard was moving his steps slowly and cautiously, his eyes turning around.

Scott calmly waved his wand at the tree and chanted a spell softly.

The light of the Transfiguration Charm connected his wand to the tree, but due to the angle, it was not seen by the chunky wizard.

The big tree didn't change much, only a few thick branches silently and slowly drooped in the direction of the wizard.

At this moment, the wizard suddenly pressed the wand in his hand against his temple, "Super feeling..."

Of course, Scott did not let the other party successfully cast the Esperational Charm, but manipulated the slowly falling branches to speed up instantly.

Those few thick branches were like an angry python, completely binding the chunky wizard's whole body and hanging him up at an extremely fast speed.


Scott cast a smoke screen spell, and the white smoke quickly filled the air, completely obscuring the two people's vision.

He heard the wizard's panicked voice, "Wait...wait!"

But Scott didn't mean to answer at all. Under the guidance of magic perception, he decisively waved his wand again.

"Passed out!"

A red light pierced through the smoke and hit the chunky wizard who was bound by the branches.

The wizard didn't make any more noise, and seemed to have completely fallen into a coma.

But in Scott's perception, the magic item on the opponent's body activated again.

The Basset Hound-like wizard was obviously cunning, and was pretending to be unconscious to lure Scott forward.

Although the hands and feet of the other party were bound by branches, Scott did not take it lightly.

He couldn't be sure if the other party had any means to turn things around.

The moment he sensed the silence of the magic item on the wizard, Scott made another move.

"Except your weapons!"

The red light of the Disarming Charm pierced through the smoke, and Scott raised his hand to catch the wizard's wand.

Then he quickly moved a few steps sideways.

Sure enough, another magic item on the other party was activated, and a black awn hit the ground where Scott was originally standing.

Scott heard the sizzle of corrosion on the ground.

"Passed out."

Scott decisively started again.

The stun spell hit the wizard again. This time, Scott did not perceive the activation of the magic item, and the fluctuation of magic power on the wizard gradually calmed down.

Scott still didn't act rashly.

He backed away from the edge of the smoke, pointing his wand at a clump of bushes by the side of the road.

The branches and leaves of the half-person tall shrub twisted, and the roots rose from the ground, and the whole plant quickly turned into a rough human shape.

Under Scott's control, the human-shaped bush stepped into the smoke, and walked step by step in front of the hoisted chunky wizard.

There was a puff puff puff sound, and in Scott's perception, a group of small magical animals suddenly got out of the chunky wizard's robe, and rushed fiercely at the human-shaped bush.

Soon, the sound of teeth gnawing on trees sounded.

Scott waved his wand at the sky, and a group of crows immediately flew out of the forest on both sides of the road and got into the smoke.

Afterwards, ear-piercing screams came and went, and crows flew out of the smoke with small animals in their beaks from time to time.

Only then did Scott see clearly that what emerged from the squat wizard's dirty robes turned out to be a group of vixens.

Although this magical animal is small in size, it has sharp and poisonous teeth. If it is swarmed inadvertently, it will also cause a lot of damage to the wizard.

But these foxes were obviously not the opponents of the crows, and they were quickly devoured by the crows.

"I admit defeat...I surrender!"

The voice of the chunky wizard begging for mercy came from the smoke.

Scott raised his eyebrows and didn't respond. He wasn't going to give this cunning guy any chance.

"Passed out!"

"Passed out!"

For the two stun spells, Scott has already used the skill of combining spells.

Two identical beams of red light flew out from the tip of the wand one after another, but became entangled with each other halfway, forming a thicker red beam, which directly hit the chunky wizard on the head.

The begging for mercy stopped abruptly.

Scott felt it again for a while, and finally smiled.

With a wave of his wand, the humanoid shrub walked back to its place and re-rooted, returning to its original form.

Afterwards, he used the cutting spell to cut off the connection between the branch that bound the wizard and the big tree, and then used the floating spell to make the unconscious wizard float up, leading him into the nearby forest.


At this moment, Caleb came out of the manor with a few bodyguards with guns. He stood on the edge of the smoke and shouted.

"Uncle, I'm fine, I'll be back soon!" Scott responded loudly, leading the prisoner with a floating spell, and continued walking deep into the forest.

He walked all the way to the mountainside and finally found a satisfactory place.

Putting the comatose chunky wizard on a raised rock, Scott looked at the steep mountain below the rock, and then moved the wizard to the edge of the rock.

He took out his own handkerchief, turned it into a black cloth, and wrapped it around the wizard's eyes.

Having done this, he waved his wand again.

"Recover quickly."

The light of the curse enveloped the wizard's body, and he gradually came to his senses.

"You... who are you?" He said tremblingly, "I... I am willing to pay the price, as long as you let me go... I can give you many treasures..."

Scott didn't make a sound, took out the bottle of Veritaserum, and poured some directly into the wizard's speaking mouth.

When the wizard realized it, he quickly shut his mouth.

But it was too late, enough veritaserum had already entered his mouth.

His expression quickly became empty.

"Who are you?" Scott asked.

The wizard replied honestly: "I am Mundungus Fletcher, a thief and a businessman."

(End of this chapter)

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