Chapter 25
Scott quietly crouched among the water plants at the bottom of Black Lake, listening to the conversation of the two girls through the bat that smuggled in.

Jasmine Travers's tone at this moment was already a little impatient.

She said, "Soon. Trollope's Mudblood will soon lose his reputation. What Ravenclaw transfiguration genius, Mudbloods should have been crawling in the mud!"

Morgan Avery may have really come from a family background. She has completely integrated into the role of follower, and at this time, she is immediately skilled in flattering her little master.

"Of course, it's impossible for a Mudblood to have a genius like you, Jasmine."

The tone of her speech was even a little too flattering, and it was obvious that she was deeply involved in the play.

"If you want me to say, it's all because Dumbledore likes to be close to Muggles too much. The atmosphere at Hogwarts has become more and more degenerate! It's unbelievable that such a person can be sought after as a genius!"

"Okay." Jasmine waved indifferently, "Don't worry about those guys who haven't seen the world."

If I hadn't heard the smugness in her tone, I would have thought that she was really indifferent.

However, in Scott's eyes, the drama of the two girls is just two children playing a house.

"It would be great if you could teach Trollope a lesson yourself, Jasmine." Morgan Avery said with some regret, "If it was you, even if Trollope was a fourth grader, you would definitely be punished by you. Magical Defeat!"

I'm looking forward to it too.

Scott laughed when he heard this.

It's a pity that Avery's little master, although a little naive and a sophomore, is not that stupid.

Jasmin Travers shook his head as expected, "No, Trollope is not the kind of guy Jacob can teach at will. If the opponent is him, it is difficult for even me to be silent."

Morgan Avery immediately agreed: "Yeah, although Trollope is just a lowly Mudblood, it's not worth the effort to get Dumbledore's attention."

"Tomorrow," said Jasmine Travers. "Tomorrow Caitlin Rolle will do it."

"When the time comes, I will use the fastest speed to spread the news through our group!"

Morgan Avery excitedly added.

"The whole of Hogwarts will know by then that Scott Trollope, Ravenclaw fourth year, is a hidden scum!"

Having said that, she laughed again like a little hen clucking.

Jasmine Travers laughed too, and the two girls were very excited, and they had a lively discussion, and even began to look forward to tomorrow coming sooner.

They can't wait to see a good show they have planned.

To be honest, Scott was a little disappointed.

He thought there was some interesting plot against him, but in the end he found that the plan the two little witches were talking about was the same old thing.

Even the same way to deal with Jacob is to let Caitlin Rolle, who was completely PUA by Jasmin Travers, use bitter tactics to frame the target.

It's just that this time their idea went a step further, and they wanted to make Scott a pervert who wanted to strike hard at lower-grade female students.

Unfortunately, their ideas are impossible to achieve.

Thanks to Scott's gift, Caitlin Rolle, the practitioner of the bitter meat scheme, will be in bed for some time from tomorrow.

Of course, even if Caitlin Rolle was still intact, even if Scott didn't know anything about it, he believed he wouldn't likely fall for this trap.

Scott even regretted it at this point.

Now that it was the end of September, the Scottish Highlands, where Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was located, had a cool climate, and he seemed to have absolutely no need to soak in the icy lake water at night to eavesdrop on such an old-fashioned conspiracy.

Thinking of this, Scott, who didn't realize it, suddenly felt a biting cold.He has been at the bottom of the lake for a long time.

He glanced at the two little witches in the glass window again, turned his head and swam a little further, and took out his wand from his arms.


Scott cast a spell on himself, and his body immediately rose vertically towards the lake at great speed.

When he got out of the water, the boat that changed with leather shoes was still floating on the lake.

He shook his wet hair, wiped his face with his hands, swam to the edge of the boat, climbed up, and rowed the boat to the shore in one breath.

Once ashore, Scott first restored his leather shoes, then spent some time drying his clothes and hair with the Heat Charm.

Finally, he put on his shoes and used the Disillusionment Charm on himself again. When his body merged with the night, he walked towards Ravenclaw Tower.

Scott felt that the two pure-blooded witches should be grateful for the protection of Hogwarts Castle.

Hearing so many "lowly mudbloods" under the condition of a window, if he hadn't been able to break through the defenses of the magic castle, he would have made the two girls experience a night they would never forget.

However, it's not too soon to teach them a lesson.

Scott walked briskly in the moonlight. At this moment, he was looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow just like the two pure-blooded witches.

Far bypassing the Weasley twins and Filch's "joy" hide-and-seek scene, Scott returned to Ravenclaw Tower smoothly.

When he returned to the dormitory, his three roommates were already asleep.

Scott gently took off his robes, found a bottle of refreshment for the cold, poured it into his mouth, and rushed into the bathroom with his pajamas before the steam came out of his ears.

When the hot water from the shower head fell on him, Scott's ears began to shoot steam.

After taking a hot shower and changing into dry pajamas, Scott felt a lot better.

The side effects of a pick-me-up usually last for hours, so Scott fell asleep while steaming.

It's a new day and the morning at Ravenclaw House is in chaos.

A first-year schoolgirl who was just trying to remind her roommate Caitlin Rolle to get up was horrified when she pulled back the bed curtain.

Then, the very penetrating scream of the first-year female student completely alarmed everyone at Ravenclaw House.

When Ravenclaw's fifth-year prefect, Eva Taylor, used a levitating spell to take Caitlin Rolle out of her bedroom, everyone in the common room saw her miserable.

"Oh! Merlin!"

"My God!"

For a while, exclamations came one after another.

"Everyone, please!" Penello, the female prefect of the sixth grade, also came over, "We are going to send poor Miss Rolle to the school doctor's office!"

Scott was standing above the stairs leading to the bedroom in the common room at this time, looking down at the messy scene.

Caitlin Roll, who was floating in the air, was breathing weakly at this time, and all her exposed skin was covered with a dense rash, accompanied by countless blood spots.

Her appearance was so terrifying that other students dared not approach, and even the two female prefects who had to take her to the school hospital wanted to stay away.

(End of this chapter)

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