Chapter 245

Scott looked into Benita's eyes again.

Although the charming girl in front of him took the initiative to invite him to talk about a "summer vacation limited love", Scott could see that she didn't really have any sincerity.

Scott guessed that the girl probably had a happy attitude towards him.

But he replied, "Okay."

Because his mentality is similar to hers.

They were delighted to see each other, and they scheduled an end time, and there was no entanglement afterwards, so what are you waiting for!

"Really?" Benita laughed, shaking his hand tightly.

"Of course it's true." Scott laughed too.


Scott heard Louis on the side say a dirty word.

At this moment, the boy was looking at the two in disbelief.

The boy and the girl looked at each other and smiled, surrounded by ambiguity. What he saw seemed to be a scene of envy.

Scott raised his head and smiled at him. Louis looked shocked, and the envy in his eyes was about to overflow.

But Louis didn't know that both Scott and Benita were just playing games, and they didn't have much sincerity at all.

But Scott also understands that for young boys, sincerity doesn't matter.

Getting the favor of a pretty girl is enough to show off.

At this time, there were more and more sights looking at Scott and Benita, but the two didn't care about these sights.

They held hands as if no one else was there, and walked to the resting place on the other side of the villa and sat down.

Drinking low-alcohol drinks, they began the second round of heart-to-heart talk.

This time, Benita gave up the initiative wisely and decisively, and Scott also tacitly began to dominate the conversation between the two.

He figured out the basic situation of this girl in the conversation just now.

Benita's surname is Hernandez. She is 16 years old this year. Since Spanish junior high school is a four-year system, she has just graduated from junior high school.

Her older sister, Irene, was a college classmate of Ramiro's.

Scott didn't ask more about the situation, he just learned more about the girl's character during the ensuing chat.

Overall, the chat was very pleasant for both of them.With each other's hearts in mind, the sense of distance between them has been further eliminated.

Unknowingly, it was past 10 o'clock in the evening, and people at the party began to leave one after another.


"Irene is calling me." Benita pointed to her sister who was waving in the distance, "I think the car to pick me up has already arrived."

She kept looking into Scott's eyes when she spoke.

Scott nodded.

Benita leaned closer to Scott's ear and whispered again: "Thank you, Scott, I had a great time tonight, remember to call me tomorrow."

Then, she kissed Scott lightly on the face, smiled brightly, and left decisively.

Scott watched the girl leave with her skirt fluttering.

Not long after Benita left, Ramiro found Scott drunk.

"Not bad, Scott, I've seen it all!" He put his arms around Scott's neck tightly, "You are indeed my cousin of Ramiro!"

The strong smell of alcohol and sweat came straight at him, and Scott felt a little nauseous, so he quickly pushed the drunk cousin away.

"That Irene's sister, Irene told seems that you are very I can rest assured...I have been worried that you can't let go...or you have no experience, dare not talking to girls..."

Ramiro chattered with his tongue wide open.

"But it's still a pity..." He said with a smile again, "That girl's house is locked...Irene said she had to take her sister back...otherwise..."

Speaking of this, he smiled and winked at Scott.

Scott ignored his drunken words.

He glanced at the girl who was obviously waiting for Ramiro on the other side, then turned to him and asked, "Ramiro, where do I sleep tonight? Can you call a car to take me back?"

He just noticed that during the party, several couples entered the villa and entered the room.

Not to mention the question of whether there are enough rooms, but even if the rooms that were used by those people just now are vacant, he dare not live in them.

"Oh! Don't worry!" Ramiro patted Scott on the shoulder, "I've already called, the car will be here soon, you go to the door and wait."

After finishing speaking, he stood up, waved his hands and stumbled to the girl who was waiting for him, put his arms around the girl's waist and entered the villa.

This cousin is pretty reliable.

Scott raised his eyebrows and walked to the door of the villa.

Around 11, Scott returned home.

At this time, Michael and Emilia were sitting on the sofa watching TV.


Emilia stood up in surprise when she saw Scott enter the door.

She picked up the remote control and turned off the TV. Regardless of Michael's dissatisfied eyes, she hurried to Scott and looked at him.

"What's the matter, Millie?" Scott asked her inexplicably.

"Oh... oh, it's all right."

Emilia talked about what he meant, she took Scott to the sofa and sat down, and couldn't help but look at him.

"You..." She hesitated to speak, "What do you think of the party organized by Ramiro?"

"not bad."

Scott responded, picked up a bottle of pure water on the coffee table, opened it, and took a few sips with his head raised.

"Then...then why did you come back so early?" Emilia asked cautiously.

"Huh?" Scott finally understood what she meant at this time, and was a little dumbfounded.

"Millie thought you wouldn't be coming home today." Michael patted Scott's head with a smile, "It seems that you have let your mother down, son."

Scott shrugged.

"Impossible, how could my Scott be unpopular?" Emilia leaned on the sofa, looking like she had been hit hard.


Scott was speechless.

"Maybe there is no girl Scott likes at the party?" Michael said in a hesitant tone with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"So that's how it is!" Emilia's eyes lit up, she clapped her hands and immediately sat up, "I knew it should be like this!"

Scott almost spit water out of his mouth.

Emilia turned to look at him, and said earnestly, "Scott, maybe you want to marry a witch... But if it's just a relationship, an ordinary girl is fine too."

"I don't think so, and I don't look down on ordinary girls, Mom." Scott had to explain.

In order to avoid further troubles for Emilia, he told the truth, "Actually, I had a good talk with a girl named Benita tonight, but she has gone home, so I am back."


Emilia immediately smiled.

"Benetta, what a nice name..."

She muttered a few words, then stared at Scott suddenly and asked, "Then... when she left, did she leave your phone number?"

Scott nodded helplessly.

"Well done, as expected of Emilia's son!" Emilia hugged Scott, smiling proudly.

Scott only felt that she was worthy of being Ramiro's aunt.

 Sorry for being a little late.

(End of this chapter)

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