Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 243 243. About future plans

Chapter 243 243. About future plans

Before the dinner started, as Flora said, after get off work, cousin Adelina and cousin Ramos dragged their families to the villa.

The villa became more lively, and Scott met many relatives.

Cousin Adelina is 30 years old, beautiful and capable, and is a TV presenter.Her husband is a doctor and runs a private practice.

Cousin Ramos is 28 years old this year, looks very serious like Uncle Caleb, and is an investment broker.His wife is a university lecturer.

On the surface, the Hill family seems to have completely shed the gang background it had two generations ago.

After the lively dinner, Scott didn't realize it until all the relatives said goodbye and left——

"So, this is our home."

Scott sighed, he was too tired to slump on the sofa.

Cousin Adelina and cousin Ramos have a total of five children, and Scott struggled a lot to remember the names of these children.

It was also the first time he felt tired from playing with children.

"I almost thought this wasn't our home just now." With only a family of three left, Michael finally had some sense of presence.

"You father and son are talking nonsense!"

Emilia said dissatisfiedly, and brought Scott a cup of tea.

"Honey, did you demonstrate magic to Caleb just now?" She asked Scott curiously.

Scott nodded.

"Did he react?" Emilia asked again.

Scott shook his head.

Although Caleb was a little surprised, he didn't react too much.


Emilia looked terribly disappointed.

"That guy didn't believe me all the time, and I was expecting him to show a shocked expression." She muttered.

"Speaking of which, Scott has never cast magic in front of us." Michael looked at Scott, "I don't know what you can do with magic now."

Emilia immediately looked at Scott expectantly, "Since you demonstrated it, does it mean that in Spain you can use magic outside of school?"

Scott blinked, not wanting to move.

But in the expectant eyes of his parents, he still compromised.

First use the power of the [truncated arm bone] to envelope the living room, and then wave the wand to make the curtains all around automatically close.

Then, with a series of wavings of his wand, he turned the living room furniture into animals, including some beasts of prey.

The living room is like a zoo.

Finally, amid Emilia's screams, Scott put everything back together again.

"Very good." Michael applauded, "You can become a whole circus by yourself."


Scott collapsed on the sofa again, indifferent to his "compliment".

Michael asked him, "Have you figured out what you want to do after graduation, since you're halfway through your Hogwarts career?"

"You've got to plan for the future, honey," Emilia said too.

Scott raised his eyes and saw the concern and worry in the eyes of Michael and Emilia.

This is the first time they have talked about this topic with Scott.

Scott sat up straight subconsciously.

"I want to go further in magic." He said earnestly, "After graduation, I want to travel around the world. After my travels, I will strive to return to Hogwarts as a professor."

The reason why Scott thinks this way is because for him, the best place to study magic after graduation is still Hogwarts.

It has the best library in the wizarding world in Britain, and the portrait of his mentor Ravenclaw is there.

There is also Medea's Chamber of Secrets, the Chamber of Secrets that used to be the Slytherin laboratory, which Scott also wanted very much.

Of course, traveling around the world is also necessary, and Scott is very interested in different magics in various places.

His current idea is to strive to be a professor at Hogwarts after traveling, and be responsible for a less important subject.

Preferably an elective that isn't too strenuous, such as Muggle Studies.

After Scott finished speaking, Michael took a special look at him as if to confirm his determination.

Scott looked at him seriously.

In the end Michael just nodded and didn't comment on Scott's plan.

"So you will stay in the magic world forever, marry a witch in the end, and give birth to a few little wizards?" Emilia couldn't help asking.

She looked at Scott sadly, as if Scott was about to leave her completely.

Obviously, she was worried that Scott, who stayed in the wizarding world, would drift away from his parents in the Muggle world.


Scott really didn't think about the issue of getting married and having children.

That's far away for him, and not in his current plans.

"Don't worry, Millie, distance is not a problem for wizards." Scott held her hand to comfort her.

He began to describe to her wizards' transport, the Floo network, Portkeys, and the Apparition Charm.

“I can make my home anywhere in the UK, and I can come and go through the fireplace whenever I want as long as I have Floo,” he laughs.

"But we are in Spain..." Emilia said still dissatisfied.

"Just temporarily."

Scott and Michael looked at each other, and then continued to say to Emilia: "We will go back, back to Hastings."

"Of course, I prefer the small town of Hastings in England to Madrid, the capital of Spain." Only then did Emilia become happy.

"Of course, I think so too." Scott said with a smile.

Next, he told his parents a lot of interesting things at school during the semester that just ended.

On the premise of reporting good news but not bad news, let them know as much as possible about their study and life in Hogwarts.

Clearly, both Michael and Emilia are interested.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, Scott finally entered his room in this villa under the leadership of Emilia.

"This..." He looked in surprise at the familiar furniture and furnishings in the room, as well as the owl on the windowsill.

"How is it?" Emilia asked proudly.

"You brought all my things here?" Looking at the familiar desk and the familiar books on the bookshelf, Scott was very happy, "I like it very much."

It was an exact replica of his room at the Hastings house.

Emilia said: "Caleb helped, he got someone to ship everything in your room from England."

"It seems that I have to thank Uncle Caleb very much." Scott said with a smile.

"Of course, you can thank him next time we meet."

Emilia hugged Scott.

"Good night, dear."

"Good night, Millie."

After Emilia left, Scott closed the door of the room and walked to the window sill.

"Long time no see, how are you, Shay."

He whispered to the owl who was staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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