Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 240 240. Scott leaves London

Chapter 240 240. Scott leaves London
"Eddie?" Scott blinked at Eddie who was running over, "What do you think happened to Roger?"

Eddie also saw Professor Flitwick at this time.

He was taken aback, and his speech became a little fluent, "Oh...Professor Flitwick, hello...I mean...Roger won't come out until later."

"Hello, Eddie." Professor Flitwick gave him a strange look.

At this time, Scott noticed that the "girl" standing next to him was as stiff as if under a petrification spell.

"Miss Pat."

Scott nudged Milton to bring him back to his senses.

"The most convenient place to take a taxi is over there."

Scott held out his hand as if to show the way.

Of course, he was pointing in the direction where Mr. Davies and Mr. Carmichael had parked every time.

"Oh... yes... yes, I want to take a taxi, thank you." Milton stammered.

He bowed to Professor Flitwick in a daze.

"Goodbye...bye...Professor Flitwick."

After finishing speaking, he picked up his luggage and hurriedly ran towards the direction Scott pointed.

Scott said to Eddie again, "Eddie, Miss Pat has no family to pick her up, and she doesn't seem to be familiar with the environment outside the station, please go over and help him guide the way."

Eddie blinked, understood immediately, and nodded quickly.

"Okay." He waved his hand, "Goodbye, Professor Flitwick, Scott! See you next term!"

"Goodbye, Eddie." Scott and Professor Flitwick also waved to him.

When Scott saw Professor Flitwick's expression, he knew he had noticed the truth.

It's just that the kind-hearted Professor Flitwick didn't expose his students.

"Sorry, Professor." Scott apologized proactively, "I'm afraid Milton won't be able to step down."

"It's all right." Professor Flitwick said with a smile.

However, he was still concerned about the safety of the students, so he asked Scott, "Didn't Milton get his father's permission to live alone in the Muggle world?"

Scott told Professor Flitwick the truth about Milton's situation.

"Professor, don't worry, Milton is not in danger living in London."

He tried to reassure Professor Flitwick.

"Eddie and Roger both live in London, and Roger's home is not far from Milton's apartment. He will take care of Milton."

Professor Flitwick nodded in relief.

"That's good." He sighed, "The child's family has changed, and he can calm down better by living alone for a while."

At this time, Roger finally walked out of the station.

He seemed to want to complain to Scott about Mr. Graves' questioning of him, but the moment he saw Professor Flitwick, he quickly changed the words he blurted out.

"Professor Flitwick." He suddenly realized, "Are you taking Scott to the airport?"

Professor Flitwick just smiled and nodded.

After Scott and Roger said goodbye to each other, Professor Flitwick took Scott to an empty corner, took Scott's hand and performed Apparition.

After the world was spinning, when Scott felt his hand was let go, they were already inside London Heathrow Airport.

Scott looked around.

Although they were located in an inconspicuous corner of the airport hall, and there was no one walking around, those people undoubtedly did not notice the sudden arrival of the teacher and the student.

"Thank you, Professor." Scott thanked Professor Flitwick, "There should be no danger now."

Professor Flitwick shook his head.

He insisted on watching Scott get on the plane.

"Since I have sent you here, I must see that you get on the plane safely."

Professor Flitwick was still a little awkward when he said the word airplane.

In this regard, Scott can only compromise.

He first inquired about the earliest air ticket to Madrid, Spain, and finally bought a ticket that took off in one hour.

"It's really okay to send it here, professor."

Scott bids farewell to Professor Flitwick outside the security checkpoint.


Professor Flitwick looked curiously at the procedures of people going through the security check, and let out a drawn-out exclamation.

Scott gave him a detailed introduction to the security check process and the functions of those security check machines.

Professor Flitwick looked at it for a long time before sighing: "Although it is not as convenient as a magic spell, Muggles can also use their wisdom to achieve the effect of the magic spell."

He finally concluded, "Sure enough, wisdom is the most precious wealth of human beings."

Scott nodded approvingly.

Satisfied with his curiosity, Professor Flitwick told Scott to pay attention to safety, and then quietly disappeared from his presence.

Scott couldn't help admiring Professor Flitwick's superb skills in using spells again.

It wasn't that he hadn't seen someone cast the Apparating Charm before.

Usually, when other wizards use this spell to travel through space, there will be a loud noise behind it, and no one can be as silent as Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick is indeed one of the most powerful spell masters of our time.

After that, Scott passed the security check smoothly, waited in the waiting room for a while, and boarded the flight to Madrid Barajas Airport.

More than two hours later, the flight landed at Barajas Airport.

Scott, who only carried a small backpack, had no luggage to check in, and quickly walked to the exit.

At a glance, he saw Michael and Emilia waiting outside the exit.

He waved his hand and strode towards his parents.

Michael and Emilia also met him soon.

Emilia rushed up impatiently, and hugged him tightly the moment he stepped out of the exit.

"Scott! Honey, I miss you so much!"

Emilia kissed him hard on the cheek excitedly.

"I miss you too, Millie."

Scott patted her on the shoulder and smiled at Michael.

Michael walked up to the mother and son and pulled Emilia away.

"Millie, you are blocking someone else's exit."

"I know!"

Emilia shook off his hand, took Scott's hand and walked aside.

She carefully looked at Scott's appearance over and over again, and kept saying things like growing taller and thinner.

Scott could only smile and let her look at him.

"Is this my little cousin Scott?"

At this time, a burly young man with the same brown-red hair as Emilia walked over.

He spoke not-so-fluent English and smiled kindly at Scott.

"Oh sorry, Ramiro! I'm so excited!"

Emilia quickly reached out to the young man and introduced him to Scott, "This is your uncle's youngest son Ramiro. He is only 5 years older than you. You can play together during the summer vacation!"

Scott looked up at the cousin he had never met.

Ramiro was tall, athletic-looking, and seemed to have a good temper.

"Hello, Cousin Ramiro." Scott held out his hand.

Ramiro shook hands with him and said with a smile, "Just call me Ramiro."

(End of this chapter)

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