Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 233 233. Peter Pettigrew's Lies

Chapter 233 233. Peter Pettigrew's Lies
"Oh Peter, don't mention that name."

Professor McGonagall said sadly.

"That kind of thing happened at that time, who would have thought... I always remember you guys, the most troublesome students in Gryffindor history..."

She was rambling a bit, but stopped when she got to the point.

Scott heard the Weasley twins whispering.

They were surprised that they didn't take the crown of "Gryffindor's most troublesome student ever".

"Poor Peter." Professor McGonagall couldn't help but wiped the corners of his eyes, "You're already old, and you're still so timid..."

As she spoke, she looked at Peter with some dissatisfaction.

"No matter what, you should trust us, at least trust Dumbledore, he can protect you."

Peter glanced at Dumbledore with his small eyes.

"Yes... yes." He said flatteringly, "Professor Dumbledore is the greatest wizard."

Professor McGonagall sobbed softly, "Peter, you turned into a mouse and hid at the Weasleys' house for 12 years. It's a weird thing, and it can't be explained so easily."

"I... I didn't think about it that much. I was just terrified. The mysterious man's henchmen have not been wiped out, no... isn't it?" Peter stammered.

He was hunched over, looking like a submissive, hunchbacked little old man.

"You know, professor, those people who claim to have been under the Imperius Curse, they cunningly escaped punishment, but the loss of the family is great...they hate me..."

He rubbed his hands habitually, and shrugged his pointed nose.

"I... I'm afraid that they will come to trouble me, so let them think that I'm dead, that's the safest way, I..."

He looked back at the four Weasley brothers.

"I'm sorry, Ron, and Percy... I'm hiding at the Weasleys' house, just... wanting to hear some news from the wizarding world."

He blinked his little round eyes pitifully, making Percy and Ron retch even louder.

Even Fred and George looked away in disgust.

Peter smiled embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I just want to make sure I'm safe."

He's speaking more and more fluently.

Scott watched Peter's play quietly.

I have to say that this mouse is quite capable of making up.

In the haste after being arrested by Professor McGonagall, he had already thought of his response.


This may also be the "standard answer" it has preset countless times in the past 12 years.

Scott looked at Dumbledore.

The old principal has been silent just now.

Behind the half-moon glasses, his blue eyes have been quietly watching Peter's performance.


He finally spoke, with a soft voice.

"Professor Dumbledore."

Peter's fat body curled up, and he answered tremblingly.

It is worth noting that he always lowered his head humbly and did not meet Dumbledore's eyes.

"Thank you, Peter." Dumbledore sighed, "But, in people's hearts, you are a hero, and you shouldn't be hiding like a mouse. Twelve years is too long..."

"Professor Dumbledore."

Peter lowered his head, wiping his tears with his dirty and fat hands.

"Sorry, professor, I... I'm just an insignificant person who was... scared out of my wits. I lost all my courage in that explosion..."

He whimpered and wept.

"Oh Merlin... I can't believe it...he...he used to be my best friend since school, I'm not really a Gryffindor..."

Peter's words of self-pity and self-pity worked, at least Professor McGonagall's eyes softened a lot when he looked at him.

But Dumbledore's expression was always intriguing, and Scott noticed that his eyes became brighter.

Scott blinked silently.

In his opinion, Dumbledore already had doubts about Peter.

The shrewd old headmaster did not preconceivedly believe Peter's rhetoric like Professor McGonagall.

Scott could sense that Dumbledore had even slightly used the instigator just now.

But unfortunately, judging from his expression, he seems to have gained nothing.

Peter Pettigrew either has his secrets hidden deep in his brain, or already has Occlumency on the same level as Snape.

As he said, Peter is a hero in people's hearts.

Even Dumbledore, he couldn't use illegal means on him just because of the slightest suspicion.

Like veritaserum or something.

And Scott has been perceiving Peter's magic power. He doesn't know if Dumbledore can also perceive it, but...

In his perception, Peter's magic fluctuations are wonderful.

Perhaps for more than ten years, Peter has been practicing the words he said today. When he was lying, the magic fluctuations were calm.

But this also happened to be his flaw.

Most of the time, Peter's magic fluctuations fluctuate like a parabola.

Because he's like a real, startled mouse.

But when he talked about those lies that he carefully prepared, even though on the surface he was holding his tone and interpreting it with emotion, his magic power fluctuations were calm.

Perhaps he has become numb after practicing too many times.

Scott lowered his eyes and thought for a while, then looked up at Dumbledore again.

The old headmaster remained calm on the surface, only tapping his finger on the table with small movements, which showed that he might also find this matter a bit tricky.

Professor McGonagall looked at his former student and said with a trembling voice: "What should I say about you, Peter. Your mother received your body with only one finger, and she collapsed soon, but you..."

She obviously has some feelings of hating iron but not steel.

"Only you know that you are still alive, but you turned into a mouse and hid, and you didn't show up when your mother died!"

Peter trembled, and a series of whimpers came out of his mouth.

"There, Minerva."

Dumbledore shook his head.

"Maybe we should be happier." He said meaningfully, "Our hero is coming back."

"Hero?" Professor McGonagall sighed, his eyes softened again, "This kid... maybe that was the most courageous moment in his life."

Scott is sure that the two may not be talking about the same person.

He wasn't sure until now that Dumbledore had sensed that Peter was lying.

Just now, he seemed to have figured out the ins and outs.

Maybe he has the same level of magic perception as Scott, maybe he has other unknown means.

In short, it seems that this matter does not need Scott to speak.

That being the case, he was too happy to start.

Of course, he was very interested in what Dumbledore would do next.

The difficulty of this matter is not only how to break through Peter Pettigrew's lies, but also how to get the Ministry of Magic involved and do things according to Dumbledore's ideas.

They need to withdraw Peter's Medal of Merlin and revise the results of Sirius Black's trial.

(End of this chapter)

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