Chapter 224
Ravenclaw praised a few words for the first time, which made Scott feel a little flustered.

Then, she deciphered the remaining content on the old parchment in the shortest time.

By the way, it also corrected a few small mistakes left by Scott when he cracked it earlier.

So far, the secret recipe left by the alchemist has finally revealed its true colors.

Scott couldn't be happier about that.

"Okay, I'll take it as a summer vacation gift for you."

Ravenclaw said calmly.

"Have a nice summer vacation."

"Thank you, Professor."

Scott quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.

"Now, you're ready to enjoy your vacation."

Ravenclaw smiled.

"However, before that, I would like to say a few words to you."

Scott nodded.

Ravenclaw looked him in the eye.

"I don't restrict your behavior, as long as you are not full of crimes. I don't demand your morality, as long as you are not full of evil."

Her eyes sparkled with wisdom, as if she could see through his thoughts.

"But on the road of exploring magic, I hope you will always be wise, always firm, and never stop."

Scott bowed solemnly again, "I see."

He straightened up and changed his address, "Mentor."

What Ravenclaw said just now was a warning that ancient wizards would solemnly say when they were accepting apprentices.

At this moment, Ravenclaw recognized him as a student.

The relationship between them has also changed.

They are no longer the usual relationship between professors and students in schools, but closer mentors and apprentices.

Even Scott was thrilled at this moment.

Because for Scott, who lived in the East in his previous life, this master-student relationship is even more important.

"Then, see you after summer vacation."

Ravenclaw just nodded and bid him farewell.

"Goodbye, Master."

Scott packed his things obediently, turned and left.

He still couldn't believe it at the moment, he felt his heart beating fast.

His feet were as light as if they were stepping on cotton.

In this way, he left the inner room with a deep kick and a shallow kick.

The door of the inner room was closed and disappeared. Scott was still standing in Helena's study, trying to calm down.

Although Ravenclaw would teach him as agreed without the status of a mentor or student, he still felt extremely excited.

This is a very precious recognition.

Approval from the critical Ravenclaw.

This means that his path has been favored by Ravenclaw, and it also makes him more confident in his future.


Helena gradually called out loudly, which brought Scott back to his senses.

"what happened to you?"

Helena in the painting looked at him worriedly.

"Have you been criticized by your mother?"

Before Scott could answer, Helena nodded on her own.

"I think so too."

Then, she put on a pose of someone who had experienced it, and began to comfort Scott.

"It's okay, you know, my mother often criticizes me too."

She even used herself as an example.

"My mother never understood that it is rare to see a wizard with such lofty wisdom as her."

She said with some regret.

"She always uses her own standard to look at others, and she is not used to such a gap."

After Helena talked about this topic, she seemed to be eloquent.

It seems the lady suffered from it in her teenage years.

"At first, my mother didn't think that I was not smart enough, but that I was not working hard enough."

She looked downcast.

"It wasn't until she encountered too many setbacks in the process of teaching me that my mother finally figured it out. She gave up her plan to train me to be a great wizard."

Scott suddenly understood why Helena was so stressed out to steal the crown.

As a child, it will be painful when it is strictly demanded by parents, and it will be even more painful when it is abandoned by parents.

But Helena in the painting looks at Scott with sympathy.

"You may be smarter than I am, Scott, so Mother will be stricter with you."

However, Scott found that there was still imperceptible envy in her eyes.

But Scott had other thoughts on his mind.

The part of consciousness left by Ravenclaw has disappeared, and the ghost Helena has also left.

The Ravenclaws and Helena in the paintings now are undoubtedly only real portraits.

However, whether it is Ravenclaw or Helena, their portraits are more vivid than other portraits in the castle.

Scott never thought that he could understand the eyes of the portrait.

But at this moment, he didn't know whether to solve Helena's misunderstanding.

If truth be told, would Helena be a hit as a girl in the painting?

But Scott thought about it and chose to tell the truth.

Because the Ravenclaws in the inner room must have noticed what was going on here.

Although she is just a portrait.

But Scott feels for no reason that the portrait of his mentor is completely different from the portraits of others.


Scott looked at the girl in the painting.

"Thank you for comforting me, but you misunderstood, I was just too excited just now."

Helena immediately asked curiously, "Excited? Did something good happen?"

"Of course." Scott puffed up his chest and said proudly, "I think Ms. Ravenclaw has recognized me, and she has become my mentor."


Helena repeated, then put her hands over her mouth and stared at Scott with wide eyes.

"Yes, mentor." Scott said affirmatively.

"Congratulations, Scott." Helena looked at Scott with some confusion, "You know, my mother only taught those students as the dean and professor during her lifetime."

Scott said solemnly: "This is my honor."

Helena suddenly laughed.

Scott could see that her smile was genuine.

"That's great." She said happily.

Scott's pupils trembled slightly.

It seems that he has misunderstood Helena a little bit. The character of this young Helena in front of him is much better than the Helena who later became Ms. Gray.

She doesn't have the kind of strong pride and stubborn obsession.

At the same time, he felt a little regretful.

It has to be said that it is a devastating tragedy for such a beautiful girl to become such a paranoid ghost.

"It's a pity." Helena sighed suddenly, "It's a pity that you didn't appear in the era when mother was alive."

Helena looked at Scott.

"If you could appear in that era and become a student of my mother, I think she would be much happier. And I would be much more relaxed."


Scott was tempted to say that Helena was being serious.

How can oneself be.

But Helena suddenly disappeared from the painting.

"Helena?" Scott was a little confused.

At this moment, Ravenclaw's voice came from the painting, "You go first, Scott, I have something to say to Helena."

"Yes, teacher."

Scott responded helplessly, and finally left the Room of Response.

(End of this chapter)

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