Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 215 215. What color is your bird

Chapter 215 215. What color is your bird


In the main stand, Dumbledore stood up and began to speak in a voice that could be heard by the audience.

The huge stadium suddenly fell silent.

"Today is a somewhat special day. According to the guidance of the Wizarding Examinations Administration of the Department of Education of the Ministry of Magic, we have added some new tricks to the end-of-year exams at Hogwarts."

Dumbledore's voice sounded unhurriedly.

"This is a change that Hogwarts hasn't seen in many years. What such a change means, I think my students can make their own thoughts about it."

"Could it be that the addition of the duel exam this time was proposed by the Department of Education of the Ministry of Magic?" Eddie said with some surprise.

"They have so much control!"

"They are so idle, they actually meddled in our end-of-year exams!"

"OWLs and NEWT are already under their control, isn't that enough?"

"They didn't want us to have a perfect summer."

Some students who were not good at wizard duel immediately complained.

Why do I feel that Dumbledore is throwing the blame?
A strange idea came to Scott's mind.

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

Dumbledore is still very responsible, since he has agreed, it is impossible to blame him.

At this time, Dumbledore's voice continued to sound.

"This is a brand new attempt. Our professors and students should actively adapt to this new change..."

Listening to his speech, Scott couldn't help but want to laugh.

This was the first time he had heard Dumbledore speak in this form.

When I was studying in my previous life, the school principal spoke in a similar way.

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore also learned it?
Of course, Dumbledore is still not as good as those headmasters in his previous life.

Because he ended this speech very quickly.

Dumbledore only lasted for about 10 minutes compared to the hours-long speeches given by the headmasters in his previous life.

"For this exam, we are honored to invite some guests to watch, let us welcome them."

Dumbledore introduced the guests behind him very casually.

After finishing speaking, he took the initiative to applaud, without any intention of introducing the identities of those guests in detail.


Eddie, who was looking over there with a binoculars, suddenly let out a wretched laugh.

"You must not have noticed!"

he exclaimed excitedly.

"When Dumbledore was talking about the guests just now, our Minister Fudge was arranging his bow tie and preparing to stand up to speak. Unexpectedly, Dumbledore didn't give him a chance at all! His suppressed expression is so funny..."

Having said that, he couldn't help laughing again.

"I can laugh at this joke for a whole year!" He vowed.

After the applause, Dumbledore announced the start of the exam.

"Cough cough."

Professor McGonagall, who was sitting in the front row of the Gryffindor stands, held his wand against his throat and coughed twice to attract everyone's attention.

"The exam is judged by Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape," she said.

Soon, two professors walked into the stadium from under the side stands.

"Starting from the first grade." Professor McGonagall said again, "Now, all first-year students stand on the court!"

Soon, the first-years from the four colleges all stepped down from the stands, divided into four groups and stood in front of the two professors.

"The next step is random grouping." Professor McGonagall directed.

"Flocks of birds."

I saw Professor Flitwick waved his wand, and a group of colorful birds flew out of his wand, circling and flying above the students' heads.

"Students, catch a bird at random, and the students who catch a bird of the same color will be opponents in the duel."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's order, the first-year students stretched out their hands towards the sky.

The scene was very chaotic.

But the professors didn't intend to stop them, they just watched these students catch the bird with some difficulty, and then struggled to find their opponents in the crowd.

"My bird is black, black!"

"My bird is red and white, who else is?"

"Hahaha, my bird is purple!"

Left unchecked, the first graders all started yelling.

"Oh... that kind of conversation sounds really bad, doesn't it?" Eddie kept laughing.

How boring this kid is.

Scott turned to look at him.

Just then Roger said suddenly, "Oh, I know what color your bird is, Eddie."

His words attracted a lot of attention, and everyone looked at him and Eddie strangely.

"Ahem..." Eddie choked immediately, staring at Roger with wide eyes.

Then he couldn't help but shift his position, keeping his eyes away from Roger.

"Oh, why are you so surprised, Eddie?" Roger still looked at him with a grin. "Of course I know your owl is gray, don't I?"

"Yes... yes..." Eddie looked devastated. "It is indeed gray."

The others who were looking at them immediately looked away.

"Pfft." Milton couldn't help laughing out loud.

Scott looked down the field again.

At this time, those first-year students had already found their opponents.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Snape were telling them to spread out and stand facing each other.

It seems that the duel of everyone in a grade will be held at the same time.

Fortunately, the area of ​​the Quidditch pitch is very large, even if young wizards of one grade start a duel at the same time, it is enough for them to perform.

Scott looked around among the first-year little wizards.

In the first grade, he also had a few targets that he wanted to focus on.

First of all, Savannah, Scott is very curious about her druid inheritance magic, wondering if she will use it in the duel.

Followed by Jacob, Scott also wanted to see the true level of this kid.

Then there are the two children you know, Luna and Ginny, you can also pay attention to them.

How the rather maverick Luna would fight also made Scott a little curious.

Of course, there's Morgan Avery of Slytherin, the former Travers' sidekick, who also deserves some of Scott's attention.

Scott quickly found several targets of interest.

Savannah's opponent was a haughty Slytherin boy.

Jacob's opponent is a Gryffindor girl he doesn't know.

Luna and Ginny, two little girls who had a good relationship with each other, were assigned to the same group.

As for Morgan Avery, her opponent is a Hufflepuff boy.


At this moment, Professor Flitwick's shrill voice spread throughout the audience.

"Everyone, raise your wands and bow to each other!"

He directed the students to bow to their opponents following dueling etiquette.

Then, he raised his right hand.

"One! Two! Three! Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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