Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 211 211. New Content for End of School Exam

Chapter 211 211. New Content for End of School Exam
Faced with the request to calculate the content of the end-of-year exam, Scott of course firmly refused.

In the empty classroom that Scott and the others used for their arithmetic and divination business, after the "guests" left disappointed, Fred and George came up to Scott and started their performance.

"Oh! Honorable Master Trollope! Why don't you do the math for those poor people?"

"By the way, tell us the test questions after the calculation."

"If we can really know the test questions in advance, we can reduce a lot of review time."

"If we can reduce the review time, we can launch new products sooner!"

"That way, we can earn more Galleons!"

"Of course, your dividend will also increase!"

"Sorry." Scott just smiled and shook his head, "I can't figure it out."

It's probably useless even if you figure it out.

He was very unimpressed with the sense of secrecy among Hogwarts students.

Once this kind of thing is done, it may spread to the ears of a certain professor.

In that case, not only would the test questions change, but Scott, the guy who calculated the test questions, would also suffer.

Fred and George also understood, so they just played for a while and then gave up.

George said to Fred, "Looks like we'll have to study hard for a while."

Fred nodded in agreement, "For the sake of a better life for the upcoming summer vacation."

"Have you made any plans for the summer vacation?" Eddie walked over and asked curiously.

Both Fred and George shook their heads and spread their hands.

"I'm going to Spain," Scott said. "Maybe to meet my grandfather and other relatives I've never met?"

Eddie gave him a pitying look, "Oh... relatives who have never met before, that must be boring."

"We also don't like dealing with relatives we don't know well," said Fred, scowling.

George also curled his lips. "It's very common for wizards to marry each other. We have too many relatives who don't have a good relationship."

"Like Malfoy?" Scott asked with a smile.


Fred and George made a sick face at the same time.


At this moment, Roger rushed in from outside the classroom door.

"Have you heard... Slytherin... Phew..."

It seemed that because of running too fast, he was out of breath and could not speak clearly.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?" Eddie hurried over and patted him on the back, "Quickly, what's wrong with Slytherin?"


Roger suddenly coughed, and the expression on his face became more painful.

He quickly dodged Eddie's hand, pushed him away hard, and it took a while to recover.

"The Slytherins have formed a new dueling club," Roger told them. "Of course they say it's the Defense Against the Dark Arts Study Group."

"Looks like Percy failed." Fred said gloatingly.

Because the dueling club was led by Gryffindor students, it turned out that no Slytherin students joined the club after its establishment.

And Percy had been trying to get the Slytherins involved.

"He hasn't given up yet?" Scott was a little surprised.

George shrugged. "I think he should give up now."

Roger added: "Also, Snape served as their advisor."

"Oh..." Fred frowned, "The nasty guys get together."

Eddie rubbed his chin, "Snape probably likes the Dueling Club very much. He was very active last semester."

"Obviously." Everyone else nodded.

"Don't you think it's strange?" Scott said. "You know, the semester is almost over, why would they set up this study group at this time?"

Fred was not surprised.

"I understand them very well," he said pityingly.

George nodded. "They're getting bored to death by Percy."


Scott glanced at the two of them, a little speechless.

Don't blame everything on Percy, please.

At this time, Eddie said, "Could it be that Snape wanted to compare himself with Professor Flitwick?"

"He's not that boring."

Scott took the lead and walked out of the classroom.

"Come on, whatever Slytherin wants to do, we'll always know, it's time for dinner."

"Hey! You're the one who asked this question first!" Eddie said dissatisfied.

During dinner time, Scott deliberately observed the movement at the long Slytherin table.

He saw many Slytherins whispering, and looked towards the long tables of other houses from time to time.

Scott took a few extra glances, and inadvertently met Strielner's gaze.

The seventh grader who lost to Scott several times in a row seems to have some changes. He has become deep, and he is no longer as restless as before.

Just like now, after meeting Scott's eyes, he was not as provocative as before, but calmly looked away.

It seems that Snape's Slytherin education is still very effective?

Scott raised his eyebrows and looked away.

Just then, he saw Malfoy standing up from the long table.

He took the two burly and silly attendants, walked to the long table of Gryffindor College with unrecognizable steps, and stopped behind Harry.

"Oh... what is this going to do?" Eddie whispered excitedly, "Is Malfoy going to provoke Potter again?"

Scott glanced back.

Harry and Ron had stood up, looking at Malfoy in disgust.

Malfoy seemed to have said something, and the expressions on Harry and Ron's faces suddenly became uglier.

Scott couldn't help smiling when he caught a glimpse of the baby Harry doll hanging from Harry's backpack.

In the next second, the voice over there immediately reached his ears clearly.

"I won't lose to you, Malfoy!" Harry said in a sarcastic tone, "If you go home crying, your dad will definitely comfort you!"

"Oh, poor baby Malfoy who can't live without Daddy," said Ron, also in a drawn-out tone.

Malfoy sounded annoyed.

"Shut up, Weasley, I didn't talk to you!"

He first slapped Ron, and then said to Harry: "You should really take care of your poor fellow, Potter!"

"Ron's my friend!" Harry said angrily, "Look at those two idiots behind you, they're called followers!"

Just like this, the two of you quarreled with each other.

For a while, neither Ron nor Malfoy's followers could speak.

Scott listened with gusto while eating.

After listening for a while, he finally figured out the point of the piles of trash talk between the two of them.

It seems that the end-of-year exam of Defense Against the Dark Arts class will be reformed this year, and a duel exam will be added.

It turned out to be the case.

Scott got it.

Slytherins had urgently formed study groups for the exam.

Duel to join the exam?

Scott was a little surprised that there was no such thing in the "original book".

It seems that since the birth of Medea, the "plot" has really changed completely.

(End of this chapter)

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