Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 206 206.5. May News Good Friends

Chapter 206 206. May News Good Friend

Before you know it, May is here.

The climate in the Scottish Highlands has entered the most comfortable and pleasant time of the year.

Hogwarts students finally got rid of the heavy thermal equipment and put on light clothing one after another.

The whole castle seemed to have fully awakened in the long silence, the girls became more youthful and beautiful, and their laughter seemed to be much more pleasant.

Under the bright sunshine of Hexi, Scott leaned against a big tree and sat on the grass by the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Holding an old book in his hand, he read it leisurely.

There was a fluttering sound, and a huge raven descended from the sky and landed beside him.

It has a vigorous figure and streamlined wings, making it extraordinarily majestic.

Raven's mouth kept opening and closing, as if talking about something, while Scott opened his mouth to respond from time to time.

The voice of the conversation between one person and one crow seemed to be imprisoned a few steps away from the surrounding area, and it was not leaked at all.

After a while, Scott smiled and waved slightly.

The raven flapped its wings and soared into the sky again, then soared into the sky like a swift arrow.

clap la la...

As if in agreement, countless black shadows soared into the sky from the dense forbidden forest, following behind the raven.

Scott stood up and watched the huge crows go away.

During this period of time, Rimbaud has subdued all the crows he encountered, and has become a tyrant in the Forbidden Forest, a veritable crow king.

Crows are animals with high intelligence. Even ordinary crows without magical powers are much smarter than ordinary animals.

After Rimbaud took over a large group of men, it was much easier for Scott to find out any news.

For example, the Yaxley family who had been blacklisted by him a long time ago, the Carlo family where Elijah Carrow belonged, and even the only remaining prison in Azkaban where Travers was, all had crows in charge of monitoring , to provide Scott with a message.

Just now, Rimbaud brought the latest news about Elijah Caro.

Three days ago, the Slytherin student who attacked Brandon Yaxley in the Forbidden Forest together with Brandon Yaxley had quietly escaped from the dungeon of the Ministry of Magic, and even returned to the Carlo family safe and sound.

Although this scene had been expected for a long time, Scott still felt a little ironic.

It is an indisputable fact that the upper echelon of the British wizarding world is dominated by pure-blood families.

You must know that during the time when the incident happened, the newspapers were pursuing Dumbledore's responsibility for negligence and denying Medea's true identity.

But there has never been any report about the attack of Hogwarts professors and students by wizards from pure-blood families.

Scott and Professor Flitwick, as the victims of the attack, were never even given any explanation.

The wizard who attacked Professor Flitwick had at least put on a disguise, so he could escape and find the murderer.

But the two people who attacked Scott were witnessed by Dumbledore.

Even the Elijah Caro guy was sent to the Ministry of Magic by Dumbledore himself.

But the result?

Elijah Caro was released quietly after only being imprisoned in the Ministry of Magic's safe dungeon that was far different from Azkaban for a few months.

The biggest punishment he endured was to be expelled from Hogwarts.

Such a punishment is innocuous to a pure-blood wizard like Elijah Caro.

Because Rimbaud told Scott that in just three days after he was released from prison, Elijah Caro had completed the procedures for admission to the Durmstrang School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and his friend had already dropped out of Hogwarts. cousin Caitlin Rolle.

Durmstrang in Northern Europe, Beauxbatons in France, and Hogwarts in England are known as the three major magic schools in Europe.

Unlike Hogwarts, Durmstrang only admits pure-blood students and has a permissive attitude towards the Dark Arts.

The famous dark wizard Grindelwald, who once disturbed the situation in the entire European and American magic circles, also once studied in this school.

Dumbledore once told Scott that he would give him an account of being attacked.

But now it seems that the old headmaster is also unable to do what he wants.

After all, there are too many facts that the principal needs to worry about now.

Unlike in the "Original Book", Dumbledore probably not only has to worry about Voldemort and the "Savior" today, but also has to beware of Medea who doesn't know when she will come out to make trouble...

When the black crowd of crows completely disappeared into the sky, Scott took a deep breath.

Suppressing his mixed thoughts, he turned and walked towards the castle.

He had made up his mind that he could not allow his enemies to grow up in Durmstrang.

For Scott, Elijah Caro was no ordinary enemy.

Because he once really wanted to take Scott's life.

So he became an enemy that Scott could not tolerate.

At his request, Rimbaud has sent many crows to investigate the location of the Durmstrang School of Magic.

Yes, Scott wanted to take Elijah Caro's life, but he was not prepared to die in England.

Because nothing would save Scott from suspicion like the death of an enemy in a foreign land.

On the premise that he can indirectly control a large group of crows, it is not that difficult for him to kill the enemy.


A distant shout caught Scott's attention.

He turned his head to see the Weasley twins running towards him.

Fred and George soon came to Scott.

"Oh, Mr. Trollope." Fred glanced at the book in Scott's hand, "You are really leisurely."

Scott stretched his waist and said to him with a smile: "Today's sunshine is so warm, it's just right for you to enjoy a beautiful weekend leisurely."

"Listen!" exclaimed George. "Mr. Trollope can really enjoy life!"

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Weasley."

Scott gave him a smirk.

He carefully looked at the faces of the two, and said with concern: "Oh, you should pay more attention to your body, look, there are dark circles on your face."

"We're working on a new product."

"I was busy until 3am last night!"

The twins stared at him with dark circles in their eyes.

"You two...why are you running so fast?"

At this time, Eddie ran over panting.

"Here, Scott." He handed Scott a money bag, "This is last month's dividend, your part."


Scott took the purse, shook it with his hands, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have worked hard, not bad, not bad."

Eddie was immediately pissed off by his capitalist face.

"Vampire!" he muttered, in a tone Scott could hear.

Scott didn't take it seriously, with a money bag in his hand and a bright smile on his face.

It's so cool to be a successful hands-off shopkeeper.

"Eddie, Fred, George, you have worked hard." He said in a gratified tone, "As expected, I read correctly, you are really my best friends!"

Hearing this, the faces of the three good friends in front of him became even more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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