Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 203 203. Fred vs Cedric

Chapter 203 203. Fred vs Cedric
Scott got up and went to the Gryffindor table to call Eddie and the Weasley twins who were having a heated discussion.

I went to the Hufflepuff table to inform Roger and Caccini, who were whispering, and also picked up Cedric who recommended himself.

The last group of eight people found an empty classroom on the second floor of the castle.

"As I said just now, the cause of this incident was that Milton wanted to conduct actual combat training."

Scott said to the others.

"I think this kind of training is actually indispensable for us, so I called everyone."

"Practice training?" Fred pulled out his wand, imitating Lockhart's appearance and doing a few tricks, "Is it like in the dueling club?"

Scott nodded, "Yes, I think everyone generally lacks this kind of training, so this is not acceptable."

"I agree." George raised his hand deliberately.

He smiled and said: "During the dueling club last semester, many people ended up throwing away their wands and starting fighting each other. It's not wizards, and it's not magic."

"You're right, Scott," said Cedric. "I admire your skill in dueling."

He said honestly: "And I also practiced imitating your fighting style in private."

However, not everyone is interested in actual combat.

"Why do you need to practice fighting?" Caccini shook his head in confusion, "You boys, isn't the Quidditch game enough to release your excess energy?"

Roger quickly explained, "Oh, dear, Quidditch and actual combat training are two different things. Actual combat training is to better protect yourself in the future."

Caccini still shook his head.

"We learn magic because we are wizards. Magic allows us to do many amazing things, not just for fighting."

She looked at the boys disapprovingly.

"In such a peaceful age, why do you spend time and energy on this kind of thing?"

The boys present looked at each other and didn't speak for a while.

Caccini seemed to think that the boys were silenced by her words, so he added: "You just like this, of course, I shouldn't object to your interest."

She said to Roger, "Sorry, dear, I won't be participating in this event, but I will cheer for you."


Roger looked at his girlfriend with a tangled expression.


He tries to change her mind.

"Even in a peaceful age, it doesn't mean that there is no danger in the magic world. Whether it is a dark wizard or a magical animal, it may hurt you."

He even begins with Medea as an example.

"Don't you remember Medea, she is so dangerous!"

"What you said is meaningless." Caccini said disapprovingly, "I will not go to an occasion with dark wizards and magical animals, and Medea gave me what I wanted."

This is Caccini.

Scott thought.

A man who could choose to trade his magical powers and magical talents for his musical talents.

She is a very innocent girl.

Roger opened his mouth, and seemed to give up persuasion.

"Then you go first, my dear." He said, "If you are not interested, you will not be happy staying here."

"What do you mean?" Caccini's eyes changed, and he looked at Roger warily.

"I mean……"

Roger turned his head and took a look. Seeing that everyone was watching them, he quickly gestured to Scott, and left the classroom with Caccini in his arms.

After the two left, the rest of the people looked at each other for a while before laughing.

"Okay, let Roger go and coax his girlfriend, let's start first." Scott said, "Let's move the table and chairs to the side first."

Everyone sprang into action, waving their wands and moving the tables and chairs away, leaving the middle of the classroom empty.

Scott sat on the desk against the wall and asked the others, "This venue is not big, so we can only come in groups, so who will try first?"

"Let's go first!"

The Weasley twins hurried to the middle of the classroom, pointing at each other with their wands raised.

"Change someone else," Scott said, "You two are too familiar with each other, it may not achieve the purpose of training."

"You're right."

George walked off the field and sat on the desk next to Scott.

"I'll be your opponent, Fred." Cedric stepped forward.

"Oh, top student Cedric, good card Cedric." Fred said awkwardly.

Cedric just smiled at him.

"Okay, okay." Fred held up his wand reluctantly, "Come on."

"What's wrong with him?" Scott asked George next to him.

"Our two families live not far away, but our good student Cedric is not the same person." George muttered.


Scott nodded.

For the children of the Weasley family, Cedric may be the child of other people's family in the parents' mouth.

He jumped off the desk.

"Let me be the referee," he said to Fred and Cedric, "but you don't have to bow to each other like you did in the Dueling Club, just follow my command and start right away."

Both Fred and Cedric nodded.

"Very good." Scott raised his right hand, "One! Two! Three! Let's go!"

As he swung his right hand down, both Fred and Cedric moved.

"Except your weapons!"

"Except your weapons!"

Both of them used the Disarming Curse at the same time.

Two red glows came from both sides and collided fiercely.

Afterwards, the two curses stalemate like this.

Both Fred and Cedric held the wands in their hands vigorously, gritted their teeth and persisted.

The place where the magic spell is connected seems to move to the left for a while, and move to the right for a while.

"Come on! Fred!" George shouted excitedly, "Shoot the good Diggory boy away!"

"Look at me!"

Fred roared and stretched his wand hand forward.

The joint of the spell began to move in Cedric's direction.

"Come on, Cedric!"

Not to be outdone, Eddie cheered for Cedric.

Cedric roared too, and the joint of the spell began to move in Fred's direction again.

Scott didn't expect that the two would do this at the beginning of the training, and neither of them would give up the spell.

"Who do you think will win?" George asked Scott nervously.

Since ancient times, have you lost to the left side of waves?
Scott looked to Fred, who was standing to his left.

"No!" George dismissed the hint.

But at this moment, Cedric suddenly broke his disarming spell, nimbly ran to the side to avoid the oncoming red beam, and waved his wand at the same time.

"All petrochemical!"

Fred was caught off guard by the petrification spell and froze in place.

See it.

Scott turned and spread his hands to the stunned George.

"Well done, Cedric!"

Eddie, who was on the other side, started clapping.

"Stop the curse."

Cedric smiled and lifted the petrification spell on Fred.

(End of this chapter)

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