Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 201 201. Savannah's Lie

Chapter 201 201. Savannah's Lie
Savannah stood in the forest, looking at Scott in a daze.

She didn't seem to think that the way she emerged from the Forbidden Forest would be seen by others.

It wasn't until Scott greeted her that she came back to her senses.

"You... hello, Scott."

She greeted with a stuttering voice, blushing and hastily peeled off the leaves stuck to her hair.


She seemed to want to explain why she came out of the Forbidden Forest, but she didn't say anything in a hurry.

But Scott didn't want to explore her behavior.

He speculated that this might have something to do with the way druids practiced magic.

He just smiled, and deliberately said in a teasing tone: "Sawanna, did you go to play in the Forbidden Forest? I can't tell, you are quite courageous."

"Yes... yes." Savannah hurriedly followed his words, "but it's okay... I mean there is no danger, because I have lived in the forest since I was a child."

When the girl spoke, she looked away guiltily, not daring to look into Scott's eyes.

Scott wanted to laugh a little, but nodded calmly.

"Are you going back to the Ravenclaw Tower?" he said. "Come together."


The girl answered happily and ran to Scott's side.

But when Scott turned his head to look at her, the girl quickly lowered her head again.

"Let's go."

Scott stopped looking at her and walked directly towards the castle.

Savanna followed behind him step by step.

"I can sense that your magic power is very special." Scott said suddenly while walking.


Savannah exclaimed and froze in place.

Scott, who was walking in front, turned around and asked knowingly, "What's wrong?"

"This... this is..." The girl looked away and tried to explain, "This is innate!"

After saying this lie that even she didn't believe, Savanna's face flushed red, but uncharacteristically, she stared at Scott stubbornly.


Scott silently retracted his gaze, turned around and continued walking forward.

"I see." He said, "Let's go."

The sound of footsteps came to mind, and Savannah chased after him.

"It''s true." She emphasized again.

Scott nodded and said deliberately: "I know that there are always some wizards with unique talents in the magic world."

"Right, that is it."

Savannah walked up to Scott and kept peeking at his expression, trying to see if he had believed her lie.

Scott stopped teasing her, and the two of them made their way back to the Ravenclaw common room.

"I... I'm going back to the dormitory, goodbye, Scott."

Savannah said something in a low voice, and before Scott could respond, she quickly ran up the stairs leading to the female student's dormitory.

Scott watched her disappear into the corridor above the stairs.


Jacob, who was reading a book on the sofa in front of the window in the common room, waved to Scott.

He had a teasing smile on his face.

"what happened?"

Scott walked over to the sofa next to him and sat down.

Jacob closed the book in his hand, smiled and said to him, "It seems that you already know."

what do you know?
Scott didn't know what was going on in his heart, but he pretended to understand and nodded, humming.

"When I told Savannah you didn't like that nickname, she panicked." Jacob continued.


Scott suddenly understood...

"The Hound of Ravenclaw".

The nickname that annoyed me back then, and the letter of apology I received on Valentine's Day this year...

It turned out to be from Savannah.

No wonder.

When he did the arithmetic divination for Savannah the day before, he felt that the handwriting on the parchment looked familiar.

Because he had long forgotten that letter, he didn't remember where he saw Savanna's handwriting for a while.

Perhaps this was also the reason why the girl was so nervous in front of him?

However, in the traditional culture of the Celtics, being called a hound or something does not mean humiliation.

Just look at the hero Cu Chulainn in traditional Irish mythology.

The name Cu Chulainn means the bulldog of Cu Chulainn.

"According to my observation, the previous Savannah kept avoiding you." Jacob said with a smile again, "Now she should know that you didn't mean to settle accounts with her."

He was in the same grade as Savannah and knew better.

"It's just a misunderstanding. I'm just not used to that nickname, and I don't mean to blame that little girl." Scott said to Jacob calmly after recovering.

No wonder he hadn't noticed the girl's strange magic before.

"How's Savannah's grades?" Scott asked curiously.

Ravenclaw said that after practicing Druid's inherited magic, it will affect the effect of other types of spells.

"Are you concerned about her?" Jacob winked at Scott.

This kid also became lively.

Scott said angrily: "I feel that her magic power is a bit special.

Jacob said: "She did well in Herbology and Potions, but the rest of the class was mediocre. Oh, and she did better in Transfiguration than in Charms."

Sure enough.

Scott nodded.

"Aren't you really concerned about her?" Jacob looked at him curiously again, "If it's true, I think she will be very happy."

"What do you think?" Scott looked at him with calm eyes.

Jacob said again in an exclamation-like tone: "I'm afraid you haven't noticed that you have quite a few admirers in the lower grades of the academy."

"Worship?" Scott looked at him with some surprise, "It's hard for a Ravenclaw student to feel adoration for someone."

"It's true, Ravenclaw students are more self-centered."

Jacob nodded in agreement first, and then said, "But you are different."

Scott raised an eyebrow.

Jacob said: "Not to mention anything else, just defeating Slytherin with transfiguration, and finding the crown with arithmetic divination, these two things are enough to make many students talk about you."

"So it is." Scott nodded in understanding.

"You are very popular, isn't this worthy of your happiness?" Jacob looked at Scott's calm face with some surprise.

"Happy? A little bit," Scott said.

If he really wants to set up some kind of organization and become some kind of devil king as Jacob thought before, then he will indeed be very happy.

But he had no such thoughts.

So, there is only a little happiness.

Compared to these, there are too many things that can attract his attention.

"It seems you don't take this kind of thing to heart," Jacob said.

After saying goodbye to him, Scott went back to the bedroom.

He took out the recipe from the alchemist, and continued to delve into the book he borrowed from Professor Babling.

(End of this chapter)

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