Chapter 199

"Madame Zabini?"

Scott looked at Milton in shock.

He absolutely did not expect that Mr. Graves would have anything to do with the famous "Black Widow" in the British magic circle.

"What about this lady..." he asked hesitantly, "Even I, a Muggle-born, have heard of her great reputation, don't you...don't you know?"

"I know the bad rumors."

Milton's voice was a little hoarse.

"It is said that the lady has been a widow six times, and each husband who passed away left her a large inheritance."

and so……

Scott looked at him.

Shouldn't your father's life be what you need to worry about now?
Milton's expression was a little disheartened, "What's the use of knowing, my grandfather must know about those things, and so does my father...but they won't care."

Scott said helplessly: "Speaking more seriously, is this for the sake of marrying a 'true pure blood'?"

"My grandfather probably only saw the benefits of marrying a pure blood, not to mention that lady's wealth and connections are amazing."

Milton suddenly smiled ironically.

"As for my dad...he's completely lost his mind. He's confident that he's the special one. He thinks he's got that lady's true love!."

Scott wanted to ask Mr. Graves, where did he get his confidence?
But he also knew that no one could persuade Mr. Graves at this time.

A man who is already on top will never admit that he can't control that lady.

But Scott still thought it sounded a little strange.

"There is one more thing I don't understand." He asked Milton with some hesitation, "Could it be that your family is actually very rich?"

Milton shook his head.

Of course he understood what Scott meant.

"To be honest, I don't understand why that lady chose to marry my father. She comes from a pure-blood family with huge wealth."

He smiled sarcastically again.

"But it's also the source of my dad's self-confidence."

Because Mr. Graves knows that he has nothing worth plotting by the other party?
This angle is also surprising.

Scott thought.

He asked softly: "What are you going to do? And if I remember correctly, that lady's son is now in the second year of Slytherin House..."

It's embarrassing just thinking about it...

Scott felt embarrassed for Milton.

Milton was silent for a long time, and finally just shook his head blankly.

"I have no idea……"

He took a deep breath, raised his head and stared blankly at the sky.

"Now I can't do anything, and I have no reason to prevent them from getting married."

Scott knew Milton was right.

As a son, he has no reason to prevent his father from remarrying.

Can't stop it either.

In this matter, too, Scott was unable to render any effective assistance to Milton.

The only thing he can do is to be a listener who listens to his troubles.


Scott suddenly thought of something and turned his eyes.

Maybe I can really help.

But he has no idea about this matter, so he didn't say anything for the time being.

Neither of them spoke after that, but just sat quietly for a while.

After a long time, Milton spoke again.

"Thank you, Scott."

He forced a smile.

"Thank you for listening to me...I feel better."

"No thanks." Scott said, "I didn't do anything, just hang out with you."

"That's enough." Milton waved his hand, "You go first, I remember you are going to Professor Babling's place every Sunday afternoon."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Scott asked.

"I'm sure," Milton said, looking at him.

Scott just nodded.

He thought for a while and said, "Milton, you are only three years away from becoming an adult."

Hearing this, Milton genuinely laughed.

"I know," he said, "I had a hunch that I would leave that family, and now it's just a little bit earlier."

Seeing that he finally felt a little more relaxed, Scott left with confidence.

In the afternoon, Scott, who came out of the ancient rune classroom, went straight back to the dormitory.

At this time, the roommates were not there, so Scott closed the door of the dormitory tightly, took out the cardboard box Medea sent him and put it on the table.

There was always something strange about Mrs. Zabini and Mr. Graves to him.

He could ask Rimbaud to investigate this matter, but Rimbaud could only use surveillance and monitoring to find clues.

This takes a lot of time and may not yield results.

Now there is a better and more convenient choice in front of him.

Scott opened the carton, took out the small fireplace in the carton and put it on the table.

At this time, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he vaguely understood something.

Why did Medea reveal her information network to him and give him the right to use it?
I am afraid this is an unusually sweet bait.

Once Scott started to use Medea's intelligence network to do things, it was easy to become dependent on it.

And the consequence of dependence is that you can't help but use it many times.

When the number of times of use increases, what Scott is going to do and his own intelligence will inevitably be exposed to Medea's eyes.

In this way, he will be trapped deeper and deeper in the web she wove, and in the end he will never be able to escape from her control.

Thinking of this, Scott's hand that opened the Floo powder jar suddenly paused, hesitating a little.

Just asking why Mrs. Zabini chose to marry Mr. Graves would not reveal Scott's own intentions.

But Scott still hesitated.

He worried that Medea's intelligence network was too easy to use.

If he hadn't tried it, he could refrain from using it.But if he has tasted the sweetness, he is not sure whether he can resist the temptation in the future.

After thinking for a long time, Scott closed the Floo powder jar again.

He put the small fireplace back into the carton, and stuffed the carton into the shapeshifting lizard pouch again.

Afterwards, he hurriedly left the dormitory, went downstairs, and walked quickly to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Then he blew a loud whistle.

Not long after, Rimbaud flew out of the Forbidden Forest.

Since the new Rimbaud has wisdom, he no longer wants to stay by Scott's side all the time, or live in the dormitory.

He chose to live in the Forbidden Forest when he was free.

Scott asked Rimbaud to rest on his arm, and touched its wings lightly.

Afterwards, he explained again and let his raven partner fly.

I hope Rimbaud can find useful clues.

Scott looked up and watched the raven go away.

After that day, Milton appeared to be basically back to his original state.

At the same time, he also made some changes.

He reduced some of his piano practice time and began to devote more time to the study and practice of magic. His intention to improve his strength was obvious.

Nor did he say anything more about Mr. Graves' remarriage.

Scott, of course, never mentioned it again.

Everything will have to wait until Rimbaud comes back.

(End of this chapter)

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