Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 197 197. Let's do business

Chapter 197 197. Let's do business

Scott looked down at the unfolded parchment in his hand.

[Aaron Doherty, born March 1972, 3, Aries.

Disappeared in May 1989...]
Scott looked at it for a while before finishing the parchment that recorded Aaron Doherty's brief life before his disappearance.

He looked at Savannah again.

As the surname suggests, the girl was from a wizarding family in Northern Ireland.

Moreover, this family seems to be somewhat special.

Although the girl didn't write down this special feature in detail, Scott still saw some clues when he thought of some information on the parchment and the special nature of the girl's magic power.

"Your brother didn't go to Hogwarts?" Scott asked the girl softly.

Savannah nodded, "Yes, our family has no tradition of going to Hogwarts, I am the first."

"Do you practice homeschooling?" Scott asked again.

The girl glanced at him and nodded again.

But Scott saw a little hesitation before she nodded.

But he didn't ask any more questions.

"Let me give it a try, although I'm not too sure."

He took out a new piece of parchment from the shapeshifting lizard pouch on his waist, and took out his pen.

He put aside the piece of parchment that the girl gave him, extracted key words from it and wrote them as known conditions.

This arithmetic divination will soon be over.

Scott's final result is the number [3].

"It's a little weird."

He closed his eyes and sensed for a while, then looked at Savannah again.

"My conclusion is that your brother is still alive," he said, frowning.

A look of joy immediately appeared on Savannah's face, but when she saw Scott's expression, she asked with some trepidation: "Is there anything strange?"

"Aaron's body, consciousness and spirit are not unified."

Scott considered it for a while before he began to explain.

"How should I put it, the number [3] tells me that Aaron's body is in a deep sleep, his consciousness is half-dream and half-awake, but his spirit is very active."

He thought for a long time just now but couldn't figure out what was going on, and almost judged that his arithmetic divination had made a mistake.

But seeing Savannah's enlightened expression after listening to the explanation, Scott immediately understood that his divination should not be wrong.

It seemed that Savannah hadn't told him the truth. She should know something about Aaron's condition.

But this is a private matter after all, and Scott has no idea to delve into it.

He's just a guy who gets paid to do things.

"Thank you, Scott."

Savannah took out two gold Galleons from her pocket and put them on the table, then packed her things on the table.

"Goodbye, Scott."

She glanced at Scott again, and after staring at him for a second, she turned around quickly with a blushing face, and left the empty classroom quickly.

Scott raised his eyebrows, watching her back disappear outside the door.

With a mature soul, he certainly understands what the girl's subtle abnormal behavior may represent.

But it's a pity that the other party is just an 11-year-old girl, and he is a child in his eyes.

So he shook his head and quickly put the matter aside.

Just then, Eddie and the Weasley twins ran in.

Eddie was still holding a bag of food in his hands.

"How about it……"

Eddie put the food in his hands on the table, and immediately laughed when he saw the two Galleons on the table.

"It seems that Miss Doherty is very satisfied with this arithmetic divination."

He stretched out his hand with a smile, wanting to pick up the two Galleons.

But Fred, who had quick eyes and quick hands, took the gold coin in his hand first.

"Oh, lovely Jin Gallon."

He looked at the gold coin in his hand intoxicated.

"No matter how many times I look at them, they are just so captivating."

"Hey!" Eddie said sarcastically, "You look as greedy as those goblins at Gringotts!"

Fred glanced at him, puffed out his chest, gestured at the height difference between the two, and said proudly, "Eddie, have you ever seen a tall and handsome elf like me?"

George followed suit with a laugh.

Eddie blushed with anger. He only admitted that Fred and George were slightly taller than him, but he refused to admit that they had anything to do with the word handsome.

Fred and George thought Eddie was just jealous of them, and they smugly said they were the most handsome Weasley boys ever.

Since Eddie had only met Percy and Ron of the Weasley family, he didn't know how to refute for a while.

"All right, gentlemen."

Scott said helplessly.

"The question of who is more handsome among you, I think you should let the girls judge, instead of fighting meaninglessly here."

Of course, I am much more handsome than you.

He thought confidently while nibbling on the sandwich.

But in order not to dampen the self-confidence of these three good friends, he decided not to tell this obvious fact.

"I have an idea."

He swallowed the food in his mouth and said to the three.

"We don't have any place to use the money for the time being, so we just keep these Galleons, why don't we use them as capital to start a small business?"

"Aren't we in business all the time?" Eddie asked.

Indeed, no matter he, the self-proclaimed Ravenclaw underground businessman, or the twins who are determined to open a Weasley joke shop, they are usually doing some sneaky small businesses.

"I mean do some serious business."

Scott gave him a scornful look.

"It's not like you are bluffing and deceiving, calling Hu Meizi's feces a Buffy brain refresher, and a Muggle hair conditioner as a hair care potion."


Eddie, who was exposed by Scott, looked at him very dissatisfied.

The twins burst out laughing.

"I admit that you are much better than us, Eddie." Fred looked at him in surprise, "We just sell some immature prank props."

"But that's all valid!" George emphasized, "just maybe a little unstable."

Scott would like to directly comment that they are all fake.

Although Eddie sells fake drugs, his fake drugs are harmless to people anyway, but the immature products of the twins are often accompanied by some unpredictable side effects.

That is to say, the little wizards have tenacious vitality, and they especially like to die, which makes their products sellable.

Scott said: "I mean, with the capital, we can do some businesses that can make stable money."

Even though he only performed two arithmetic divinations, he earned a total of four Galleons, but in the magic world, the purchasing power of one Galleon is very strong.

"I have no experience in doing business. You need to think about this." Scott continued, "If you think about it, we can receive two more guests at a time from next week."

The truth is, Scott really believes in the earning power of these three good friends. He wants to continue to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and he is only going to pay the capital.

"no problem!"

Eddie and the twins said in unison.

They are already eager to try.

 Sorry, it's a bit late today, it looks like Chapter 3 will be after 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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