Chapter 191. 191. Helena Returning to the Academy
Time always passes inadvertently.

One day in early March, a day of classes ended, and when Scott stepped into the library of Ravenclaw College, he saw a familiar figure from behind.


Scott walked quickly behind the figure.

"You're back."

His tone of voice was dry.

The presence of Helena here means that Ravenclaw has completely left.

At this time, he knew that no matter what he said specifically to Helena, it would not be able to comfort her.

"Scott?" Helena turned around, "Good afternoon, long time no see."

Seeing her calm expression, Scott couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

Seemingly aware of Scott's emotions, Helena couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Do not be nervous."

She turned to look out the window again.

"I have been mentally prepared for a long time. It is my luck to be able to get along with my mother again for such a period of time and hear her say that she has never blamed me."

Scott suddenly felt that she had changed a lot.

The whole person... No, the whole ghost looks much more transparent.

The atmosphere of bitterness and hatred that lingered around her before has completely disappeared.

Can just ghosts grow too?

"Are you surprised?" Helena smiled again, "Actually, I was surprised too."

Scott nodded.

This is indeed very strange.

"Ghosts are traces of the dead in the world, and logically speaking, they will not change."

Helena took the initiative to broach the subject.

"Usually, once the ghosts have completely changed, that's when they leave completely."

Having said that, she smiled a little proudly.

"But who makes my mother the great Ravenclaw. She can always do things that others seem unbelievable."

Hearing what she said, Scott has become more and more looking forward to his own full-time exclusive professor.

"It seems that you can't wait?" Helena turned to look at him.

"That's right." Scott said bluntly, "You know it's Ravenclaw! I've been looking forward to it for a long time."

But Helena said: "Wait until the weekend, mother said, you can only go in there on weekends."

"No problem, the weekend will come soon."

Scott suppressed his inner desire and said goodbye to Helena.

Of course, he still felt a little regretful that he could only enter Helena's study to study with Ravenclaw on weekends.

But he won't bother with such things that can't be changed.

Because that would just waste your time.

"Did you make it?"


"so hard!"

"too difficult!"

"It should be difficult, it is a treasure belonging to our Ravenclaw College!"

While walking out of the common room, Scott overheard a discussion of fellow students gathering.

Regarding Ravenclaw's diadem, Professor Flitwick has already announced how to use it.

All students belonging to Ravenclaw House can apply to the professor for a 10-minute use of the Crown once.

Of course, in order to pass your application, applicants must meet the following conditions at the same time—

The first, only Ravenclaw students in the fourth grade and above can apply.

Second, applicants must state a legitimate reason for their need for crown assistance.

Third, this matter must be signed by more than 10 Ravenclaw students.

And after meeting these three conditions, it is not certain that you will be able to touch the crown.

Because there is one final hurdle—Professor Flitwick's judgment.

In short, after the announcement of this rule, the students of the entire Ravenclaw College were enthusiastic.

Up to now, only a few people have successfully worn the legendary crown... 10 minutes.

But the enthusiasm of the Ravenclaw students has not diminished in the slightest.

The few lucky ones who managed to wear the diadem gave public feedback on their trial of the diadem, which made the students flock to it even more.


Scott, who was passing by his classmates, was stopped.

"Tell us more, is the crown really that magical?"

"Let's talk about it."

"That's right, and what reason do you think we should use to get Professor Flitwick to approve us?"

This is the first time...

Scott sighed silently.

As a probationer who was exposed by Professor Flitwick, Scott has lost count of how many times he has talked about the trial experience of the crown.

Just horrible.

But in the face of a group of students staring at him, Scott had no choice but to say it again, winning several cheers.

Merlin!I'm tired of this drama!

Scott cried out inwardly.

At this moment, Merlin seemed to really hear his cry.

"Scott! Are you here?"

Eddie who entered the door pointed to the outside.

"Fred and George are waiting for you outside the door."


Scott finally got rid of the curious classmates, pushed open the door of the common room and walked out.

"Why are you here?"

he asked the Weasley twins standing by the window.

"Is it a map?"

He pulled out the map from the leather bag and handed it to Fred.

"Sorry, I forgot."

he said apologetically.

"Although we really need this treasure, it's not because of this that we came to you!"

Fred took the map and put it in his pocket.

"Listen to me, George and I have planned a great adventure!" He said mysteriously.

George nodded, "But we agreed that we might need your help."

Scott looked at the two guys several times.

"Now? Hogwarts?"

he asked in surprise.

"I thought you guys had already explored this school, and I wouldn't give you any more surprises."

"You're right." Fred put on a lonely expression of a master, "The whole castle has no secrets from us."

George nodded seriously.

"So..." Fred moved closer, "The place we're going this time is the Forbidden Forest."

Scott said angrily, "Why do you go to the Forbidden Forest? Besides, you used to go a lot, right?"

"We used to only go to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest," Fred emphasized.

George said: "We are going to go deep into the Forbidden Forest this time and have a real jungle adventure!"

"Purpose." Scott asked calmly, "I don't think the two of you want to go to the Forbidden Forest for no reason. What is your purpose for going there?"

"Alright alright."

Fred threw up his hands in surrender.

"We want to get that car back."

"The flying car lost by Ron."

George said.

"That was originally Dad's car, and he modified that car so that it could fly."

"But that jerk Ron came to school in his car, and that got the car out."

"After being punished by the Ministry of Magic, Dad can't drive it anymore."

"So I figured, that car is ours."

"We're going to find it, fix it, and drive it home over the summer!"

(End of this chapter)

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