Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 189 189. Toy Fireplaces and LANs

Chapter 189 189. Toy Fireplaces and LANs
Another night came, and Scott stood alone on the top floor of the Astronomy Tower.

Not long after, a black shadow swooped down from the sky at an extremely fast speed.

It's Rimbaud, it's back on time.

Scott held out his arm.

The speed of Rimbaud's dive suddenly slowed down when he approached Scott.

The flapping of its broad wings ruffled Scott's hair.

"Good night, my friend!"

Rimbaud greeted and slowly stopped on Scott's arm.

"Good evening." Scott looked at it with a smile, "Welcome back to Hogwarts, Rimbaud."

Rimbaud said proudly: "Of course, what you asked me to do has already come to fruition."

Scott looked around, "Let's leave here first and go to a place where we can talk."

Rimbaud agreed.

So Scott spoke to it softly, let it fly again, turned around and left the top floor of the Astronomy Tower.

It didn't take long for Scott to appear on the first floor. He walked through several corridors and came to the deserted grass next to the Quidditch pitch.

When he sat down, Rimbaud fell from the sky again and landed in front of him.

"It can be said now."

Scott looked at Rimbaud.

He asked it, "Katie Shafik, what kind of witch is she?"

"Oh, she's a boring witch."

Rambo said angrily.

"It's so boring. She is a serious and old-fashioned young woman. She is so meticulous both at work and in private."

Rimbaud flapped his wings and complained.

"I'd say observing this witch is the most boring thing I've ever done!"

"Okay, sorry."

Scott reached out and smoothed it.

"So is there anything else worth noting about her? Or who has she been in contact with?"

Rimbaud nodded, "She did contact someone once, but I'm sorry, I have no way of knowing who she contacted."

"What's the matter? Can you follow the owl delivering the letter?" Scott asked curiously.

"She didn't owl the letter!"

Rimbaud flapped his wings and said excitedly.

"You can't guess what she used to send the message!"

"Yes, I can't guess."

Scott said very simply.


Rimbaud froze.

Scott asked casually, "So, please tell me, my best friend."

"Okay, okay." Rimbaud folded his wings, "She used the fireplace to send messages, probably through the Floo network."

Scott understood, "She happens to be working for the Floo Network Authority, so that's a good use of it."


"It doesn't seem worth mentioning it?" He asked curiously, "Could it be that you didn't hear the name of the place on the other side she read when she used the fireplace?"

"Oh, the main thing is that the witch's fireplace is different from other people's."

Rimbaud said with some surprise.

"On the desk in her room, there is a small toy fireplace. The fireplace is not much bigger than your fist, but it can be used to pass notes."

"Is that so?" Scott nodded, "She took advantage of her position to connect the fireplace toy to the Floo network."

"That's not the point either."

Rimbaud let out a few strange laughs before continuing.

"The point is that I heard her say 'number 25' when she dropped the note in the fireplace toy."

"Why didn't you see the contents of the note?" This was Scott's first reaction.

"Of course it's because I can't get too close!"

Rimbaud angrily slapped Scott's arm a few times with his wings.

"And that's not the point! That's not the point!"

"OK OK."

Scott rubbed his sore arm.

"I see the point," he said. "Maybe Shafik used a fireplace toy to set up a private local area network on the Floo network supervised by the Ministry of Magic?"

Rimbaud said loudly, "Didn't you hear me, the target of her message is 'number 25'! By the way, what is a local area network?"

"I know what you mean." Scott quickly comforted it, "Shafiq is in an organization, and this organization has at least 25 people."

"That's it!" Rimbaud nodded quickly.

"Thank you, Rimbaud." Scott looked at Raven seriously, "but I need you to keep watching her for me."

"I don't want to do this job!" Rimbaud shook his head, "I said it, it's boring!"

Scott said, "I know you can recruit some other birds to work for you, can't you? You can communicate with them."

"Is that so?" Rimbaud hesitated, "I can indeed do this, but you know, they are not very smart."

"Of course, you are the smartest, you can command them well."

Scott stroked its feathers again.

"As far as I know, wizards can talk over the Floo network. You only see her passing notes, and maybe next time you can hear her talking to someone using a toy fireplace."

"Why do I have a friend like you!" Rimbaud said angrily.

Scott stared into its eyes, "Please, Rimbaud, I want to find out who Shafiq's companions are."

He knew best whether Shafiq was taking orders from Medea or someone else.

"Okay, okay, I'm always soft-hearted!"

Rimbaud said angrily, flapping his wings and flying up.

"Goodbye, Scott!"

It flew over Scott's head.

"Of course, I'll follow your advice and find some help!"

After speaking, it suddenly accelerated and flew away.

Scott watched its figure disappear, and slowly stood up.

He wiped off the grass clippings that were still on his robe, turned and walked towards the castle.

A mini floo network of toy fireplaces?

Scott thought the idea was quite interesting.

You can talk, you can send notes, and it can almost replace a desk phone.

Unfortunately, such a method is not everyone can follow.

The establishment of this communication system must be inseparable from Shafiq who works in the Floo Network Administration.

Just as Scott was thinking about this, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from above his head.

He raised his head and hurriedly reached out to catch a cardboard box that fell from the sky.


The owl that suddenly dropped the carton honked and flew away quickly.

Scott looked down at the paper box without any writing in his hand, always feeling ominous in his heart.

He took a deep breath, turned around, walked back to the grass and sat down again, and opened the carton.


He reached out and pulled out from the box a small toy fireplace that seemed to be made of clay, a box of Floo powder, and a letter.

Scott put the toy fireplace and Floo powder back in the carton and opened the blank envelope.

[Good evening, Scott. ]
This handwriting...

Scott quickly recognized that the letter was written by Medea herself.

(End of this chapter)

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