Chapter 181

Facing the eyes of other people present looking like crazy, Scott didn't care.

He continued to ask Luna, "Have you thought of something, Luna?"

Luna sat next to him without saying a word, resting her chin with both hands, and continued to stare at Neville.

At this moment, Neville's face was very stiff, only his eyeballs were moving, as if he was constantly sending out distress signals to others.

Seeing his bewildered look, Scott smiled reassuringly at him.

"Don't worry." Scott said gently, "It'll be fine soon."

"What are you talking about...that's impossible."

At this moment, Ron couldn't help but speak.

Scott watched him come forward, his face scrunched up.

"What's wrong?"

Startled by him, Luna turned to look at him.

"According to what you said... I only think of one possibility." Having said that, Ron paused.

He looked down at Neville, and reached out to pat him on the shoulder.

"I can assure you that Neville is no Obscure!" he exclaimed.

"I'm not silent!"

Neville was also speaking loudly, and his face grew even paler.

"Momly? What's that?" Harry asked curiously.

"I know!" Hermione hurriedly said, "I read it in a book."

She raised her chin slightly, and said quickly as if she were endorsing a letter: "When little wizards are forced to suppress their magic by physical or psychological abuse, they will create a dark parasitic magic power called silence because of their painful emotions. !"

"A silent person will lose control of his body when his emotions and spirits break down, releasing the silent in his body, forming a very terrible storm."

Ron went on.

But he seemed to be a little scared when he thought of this statement, and his face turned slightly pale.

"In the worst case, the body of the obscurant may directly transform into obscurity.

He couldn't help swallowing, and patted Neville on the shoulder again.

"Of course, Neville, you're definitely not the Obscure." Ron forced a smile on his face, "The Obscure is very rare, and they usually don't live past the age of 10."

"Is there such a thing?"

Harry's eyes widened in surprise.

"Why does it sound like..."

His face was a little ugly, as if he remembered something unpleasant.

"Oh! I suddenly feel so lucky that I didn't become the Obscure!" He said a little bit resentfully.

Scott glanced at Harry.

Judging from Harry's experience from childhood to adulthood, it has to be said that what he said made sense.

But the most important thing right now was Neville's business.

"Neville is certainly not an Obscure," Scott said. "He has not suppressed his magic."

Having said that, he looked at Neville.

"On the contrary, your family always wanted your magic to be stronger, didn't they?"

Neville nodded with lingering fear, "In order to awaken my magic power, my family members are all crazy."

"Then what are you talking about?" Ron looked at Scott and Luna and asked in confusion.

"I'm talking about the subconscious mind."

Scott said it straight.

"A part of Neville's subconscious mind believes that magic is something that can hurt others. It may be because of his past encounters, or because he is too kind, and he is unconsciously resisting magic."

"That's not what you said to Luna just now, Scott." Fred and George approached with smiles.

Scott turned his head to look at Luna.

The girl's eyes are wandering at this moment, as if she is wandering away.

"This is Luna's statement."

Scott also didn't shy away from Luna being there.

"Luna can see some other people's emotions, and if you're upset, she'll think it's a magical creature called a harasserfly invading your mind."

"The Harassing Gadfly?" Fred leaned in front of Luna, "Luna, do I have any in my mind?"

Luna glanced at him.


She said something, then turned her head and said to Scott seriously: "The Harassing Gadfly is real."

"I didn't say it doesn't exist." Scott said with a smile, "Although I can't see it, I don't rashly deny what I can't verify."

Having said that, he lowered his voice, "But now we need to say something that they can accept."

He winked at Luna, and continued to say to others: "Maybe it's just a romantic statement, maybe they really exist. In short, the world in Luna's eyes is different from the world we see."

Hearing what he said, Hermione, who was already about to move, became quiet again.

Scott secretly heaved a sigh of relief after noticing this, he didn't want to debate this topic with this extra serious girl.

"I see!" Luna suddenly pointed at Neville and shouted, "He needs to open the door and let the seeds germinate and grow!"


Neville opened his mouth wide again, confused.

Others also showed puzzled expressions.

Scott was a little helpless. Luna's style would indeed make other people think of her as a crazy girl.

But she just observes the world from a different angle than others.

And Scott understood her too.

"That's right, I thought so too." He agreed.

He observed it and thought it was interesting how the others reacted.

The twins and Eddie seemed to be watching an interesting drama. They didn't speak easily, but watched it with gusto.

Harry and Ron were as ignorant as Neville, but they didn't seem to dare to express their opinions rashly.

Only Hermione, the distrust in her eyes was about to overflow, her face was hesitant to speak.

At this moment, Scott stood up.

"Let's try it, Neville."

He motioned for Neville to stand up too.

"Okay... okay."

Like a poor little bullied, Neville obediently stood up despite his reluctance.

Next, Scott took out his wand and pointed the tip of it at Neville's heart.

"No! What are you doing?"

Hermione seemed to be unable to bear it anymore, and she was about to rush forward.

"and many more!"

The twins quickly stopped her.

"Step aside!"

Hermione quickly drew out her wand and pointed it at them.

"I see, you are bullying Neville!"

She rolled her eyes and said with certainty.

"No, Hermione." Neville said weakly, "I'm fine."

"Don't be afraid, Neville!" Hermione said righteously, "We will help you!"

She turned to look at Harry and Ron.

"Harry! Ron! Say yes!"


Harry and Ron looked at each other, they seemed to be out of the situation, they just nodded mechanically.

"Really! I can't believe it!"

Hermione looked at Scott dissatisfied again.

"I didn't expect you to do such a thing, Scott!"

"It's all petrified."

Scott turned his wand at will, and a ray of light hit Hermione instantly.

Hermione froze all over, only her eyes were wide open.

"Be quiet for a moment, Hermione."

Scott said.

"I won't hurt Neville, you just have to watch."

(End of this chapter)

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