Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 174 175.1 An Inexplicable Letter

Chapter 174 175. An Inexplicable Letter

When night fell, Scott was alone in his bedroom.

Since Scott promised to make money with arithmetic and divination, Eddie went out with the Weasley twins like a chicken blood.

Scott didn't want to care about how they worked, as long as the selected customers were brought to him.

Roger was struggling on the Quidditch pitch.

After the time entered February, the Quidditch competition between the four colleges became more and more intense.

Now, the four teams are trying their best to train as fast as possible, even at night.

Milton also went to the classical music club to practice, and in this regard, he wasted hardly any spare time.

Scott was sitting on the single sofa in front of the bedroom window, playing with a bright red gemstone in his hand.

This is the gift Medea gave him, the one-time Philosopher's Stone.

He hasn't had time to observe this treasure since he got it. Now that his roommates are away, he just took it out to study it.

In the perception of magic power, this magic stone is like an aggregate of high-concentration magic power, emitting conspicuous magic power fluctuations like the sun all the time.

Scott rubbed it in his hand and looked at it for a long time, but couldn't see why.

Of course, he was not surprised by this.

Although this is just a one-off Philosopher's Stone, it is also a Philosopher's Stone.

If it were so easy to see, the Philosopher's Stone could not be called the crowning achievement of alchemy.

Scott is thinking more about whether to use it or not.

As long as he uses this one-time magic stone, he can get a highly intelligent transformation product.

According to his idea, the complete Raven Rimbaud would also be of great help to him in battle, which would undoubtedly directly enhance his strength.

But this is the Philosopher's Stone.

Only one piece.

It's gone when it's used.

Although Scott has no way to start for the time being, he also wants to study it.

If he could master the method of making this one-time magic stone, wouldn't he be making a lot of money.

Not to mention other functions, if the one-time magic stone is used as a consumable in battle...

He can use modern spells to play out the style of the fort of ancient spells.

How do you say that……

More is beautiful, bigger is better, caliber is justice, turret is truth...

A bucket-thick curse, a single body becomes a group attack, just ask if you are afraid!
Just thinking about it makes Scott's mouth water.

But he can only think about it.

This is obviously not realistic.

He tossed the warm stone in his hand.

This thing is obviously not so easy to manufacture, and it may require a huge price.

Otherwise, Slytherin and Medea would have played together thousands of years ago.

After all, they are not stupid.

Tee, Tee, Tee.

Suddenly, Scott heard a knock on the window pane behind him.

When he turned his head, he saw a strange owl standing on the windowsill, looking at him with round golden eyes.

Scott saw the letter at its feet.

Tee, Tee, Tee.

The owl met its eyes and pecked at the glass three more times, as if urging him.


Scott got up and walked over to open the window.


The owl hooted twice and raised its foot to grab the envelope.

"Thank you."

Scott reached out to take the letter, pulled out a bag of biscuits from the cabinet and placed it in front of it.


The owl took a look at the biscuit, and flew away with the bag of biscuit in its claws.

Scott closed the window, and then sat down again to read the letter in his hand.

Another blank envelope.

Could it be Medea again?
He opened the envelope, pulled out the letter paper and opened it to read.

[Dear Mr. Trollope, Hello.

Take the liberty to write.

I am a follower of Ms. MS, Katie Shafik.

By the way, I am not a member of the sacred 28 Shafiq family, which died out completely after the 20s.

I'm a half-blood wizard who just happens to be named Shafik. ]
Scott felt a little weird seeing this.

What's this?
What does your last name matter to me?

He made a silent complaint, and continued to read.

[Thanks to the great Ms. MS, she is fundamentally different from other pure blood wizards.

She didn't look down on me because of my bloodline, and I found my self-worth here.

By the way, the reason for writing this letter to you is because starting today, I will be your liaison officer. ]
Scott raised his eyebrows subconsciously.

[For your safety, I will convey the communication between you and Ms. MS in the future.

Ms. MS expects a lot from you, and she is optimistic about your future.

Please continue to work hard for Ms. MS!
Ps. If you want to write to me, please send it to the Floo Network Authority, Department of Magical Transport, Ministry of Magic.

Katie Shafik]


After reading the letter, Scott felt baffled.

When did he become Medea's subordinate?

Still "please continue to work hard for Ms. MS"?
After thinking about it, Scott threw the letter paper and the envelope together on the ground, and then took out his wand.

"Burning flames!"

With a bang, the fire ignited, and the paper ball was quickly burned to ashes.

Scott pushed open the sill again and waved his wand, sending ashes flying out of the window.

Then he leaned against the window sill and blew the cold wind.

He decided to ignore the inexplicable letter.

Whether the so-called Katie Shafik was a follower of Medea or someone else, Scott would not write to her.

Anyway, Scott doesn't think he has much to do with Medea.

Although he accepted Medea's gift, it was also offered by her.


Until now, he still doesn't know what Medea's purpose is.

Why did she leave those two gifts to him?
Is it really like she said, because she is optimistic about his future?
Believe it or not, Scott doesn't believe it.

He knew that Medea's current goal was of course to be fully resurrected.

But what about after resurrection?

What do you want to do again?
She planned for a thousand years before seeing the sun again, and Scott didn't quite believe the reason Helena said.

Is Medea really just for a compliment and approval from Slytherin?

That Medea is too sweet.

Sweeter than Helena.

Scott always felt that the thousand-year-old lady was not an easy-going lamp, and that she might have a bigger conspiracy brewing.

For now, if this letter is true, it also means that Medea may have begun to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic.

According to Professor Flitwick, Medea once broke into the Ministry of Magic, but the Ministry of Magic blocked the news afterwards.

What the hell was she doing at the Ministry of Magic?
This is also a question worth exploring.

Scott thought about these questions over and over for a long time, but he still had no clue.

He took out the one-time magic stone from his pocket again, and looked down for a while.

In the end he decided to use it now.

 Third update.Sorry for the slight delay.

(End of this chapter)

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