Chapter 171. Chapter 172.

After getting Madam Pomfrey's permission, Scott changed into his own clothes and walked out of the school infirmary with Milton.

He whipped out his wand, transforming the crude paper crown on Milton's head into a real one.

He just changed the shape and color, not the material, and the crown is still made of paper, just like an exquisite origami handicraft.


Milton took the crown off his head and looked at it.

"Is this the original crown? It sure looks great."

With that said, he happily wore it again.

Scott tapped the crown on his head with his wand, and used Transfiguration again.

They went downstairs and found that the campus was full of proud Ravenclaws wearing crowns.

Today's Ravenclaws seem to walk more stylishly than usual.

Soon, the nearby Ravenclaws all saw Scott and gave him a thumbs up.

"Scott, great job!"

"here you go!"

"Thank you!"

"Master Divination!"

And when they saw the "crowns" on the heads of Scott and Milton, their expressions immediately changed.

"Look, this is Ravenclaw's diadem!"

"Oh, I want that too!"

"Scott, did you do it?"

Everyone, especially the girls, was looking at Scott wistfully.

Scott smiled, took out his wand again and waved it quickly.

The light of the transformation spell flashed, and the "crowns" on everyone's heads became "crowns".


"it's beautiful!"

The girls couldn't help cheering.

Scott waved his hand, and walked towards the Charms classroom with Milton and a few classmates in the same grade.

Along the way, as long as he saw Ravenclaw wearing the crown, Scott did a transfiguration without saying a word, and gained surprise expressions one after another.

"Cunning Ravenclaw kid!"

Peeves got out of nowhere and made a face at Scott.

"Why not turn Lord Peeves into a beautiful diadem?"

As he said that, he rushed over Scott's head like the wind and snatched the "crown" from Scott's head.


He laughed wildly, pulled off the clown hat on his head, and put the "crown" on top of his head with his backhand.

"Master Peeves looks better wearing it!"

"Peves, look!"

Scott yelled, and with a wave of his wand, turned a piece of armor in the hallway into a Medea-like doll.


Peeves' eyes widened in horror, let out a piercing scream, and disappeared in a flash.

Scott flicked his wand with one hand, restoring the armor.

He raised one hand, caught the "crown" thrown down by Peeves, and put it on his head again.

"No magic in the corridors!"

At this moment, Filch rushed out from around the corner, glaring at Scott viciously.

"Got you, brat!"

"Good morning, Mr. Filch."

Scott smiled nonchalantly.

"I heard that the mandrake is about to mature?"


Filch's expression changed immediately.

"No, I have to go and see."

He immediately turned around and ran away in a hurry.

"You're a real steal, man!"

At this moment, Roger walked up to Scott and patted him on the shoulder vigorously.

Scott raised an eyebrow and laughed.

He waved his wand, turning the "crown" on Roger's head into a "crown".

He suddenly felt that it was not a bad feeling to be so presumptuous once in a while.

In the morning Charms class, Professor Flitwick was also very excited.

His voice was higher than usual when he lectured.

Incidentally, he also turned his wizard hat into a Ravenclaw diadem.

After the morning class, Cedric brought a few Hufflepuff students to Scott.

"You want me to help find Hufflepuff's gold cup?" Scott asked in surprise.

"Scott, can you?"

Cedric said in a tone of request.

At this time, Caccini also leaned over.

"Please help us, Scott."

She folded her hands and begged Scott.

Scott looked at her.

Hmm... Roger's girlfriend.

Another look at Cedric. friend.

Look at a few others.

Hmm... all acquaintances who can talk.

Hufflepuff sent out all the people who had a good relationship with him.

Who says Hufflepuffs aren't cunning!

To be stared at by so many pairs of sincere eyes, even for Scott, is a lot of pressure.

"Okay, I promise you to try."

He relented to the Hufflepuffs.

However, he has no confidence in this divination at all.

"Don't get your hopes up."

He said to Cedric and Caccini.

"Arithmetic divination requires known conditions. The more known conditions and the more logical the conditions are, the higher the success rate of divination will be."

He explained why he was able to divine the crown.

"With Madam Ravenclaw's daughter, she provided me with many details of the diadem and the full story of its loss."

He briefly summarized a few words.

"When I was divining the crown, I roughly guessed that it was hidden in Hogwarts. The known conditions listed are all logically related."

"So that's how it is..."

Cedric froze immediately after hearing Scott's words.

"Indeed, about Hufflepuff's gold cup." He looked at his classmates. "We don't know why it was lost."

Scott asked, "Don't you, like the rest of us, only know some legends about the Hufflepuff Gold Cup?"

Cedric nodded, "We asked the fat monk, and even he didn't know more about the gold cup."

"Perhaps in the hands of Hufflepuff's descendants?" Scott said speculatively.

He asked the Hufflepuffs, "Speaking of which, are there any descendants of Helga Hufflepuff in the British wizarding world?"

All shook their heads.


Scott shrugged helplessly.

"Sorry, it's impossible to calculate such a thing."

The Hufflepuffs fell silent.

At this moment, Scott heard the voices of several Slytherins a little further away.

"Oh, I thought how powerful it was."

"It's not too late."

"Need known conditions? Is this also called divination?"

"If you know the known conditions, you can guess it."


Scott turned his head and looked over, and found that it was a few guys who hadn't dealt with them before.

Just now, when Cedric and the others were looking for Scott, these Slytherins approached not too far away.

After a few glances, Scott understood their purpose.

If Scott could measure Hufflepuff's cup, they would humbly ask Scott to measure Slytherin's locket.

But now that Scott said there was no way, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and began to sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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