Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 167 168. The Crown Defiled by Riddle

Chapter 167 168. The Crown Defiled by Riddle

"Mother, crown!"

Seeing that Ravenclaw was still talking to Professor Flitwick without delay, Ms. Gray couldn't help reminding her urgently.

"All right."

Ravenclaw looked at her helplessly.

"I already know where the diadem is."

"Tell us now," said Ms. Gray, "and we'll bring it over."

At this moment, Ravenclaw frowned.

"Crown..." She said in a regretful tone, "That's a room for hiding things, go and have a look, but be careful."

Ms. Gray didn't seem to hear her warning, and turned around and flew out of the house.

"Scott! Felius! Come on!"

She urged outside.

"Go too," Ravenclaw said to Scott and Professor Flitwick, "be careful."

Both Scott and Professor Flitwick nodded, turned and walked out of the room.


Ms. Gray was already standing at the door of the study.

Scott and Professor Flitwick looked at each other, exchanged some messages silently, and then walked over to open the door.

Dumbledore was standing in the corridor smiling at them, "Good afternoon, Lady Gray, Felius, and Scott."

"Oh, did you get the news so soon, Albus?" Professor Flitwick walked over and looked up at him.

Scott glanced back, and the door to Helena's study had disappeared.

"Yes, those Ravenclaw students were very excited," said Dumbledore. "Minerva had a hard time keeping everyone quiet."

"Feel sorry."

Scott said to Dumbledore.

"Professor, we may be too impulsive."

"Do not."

Dumbledore shook his head and smiled kindly.

"You're doing great, Scott."

He said with a sigh.

"At noon, your professor Victor told me excitedly that a real arithmetic fortuneteller appeared among his students."

Professor Victor?
Scott was a little surprised.

I didn't expect him to do this again.

Dumbledore said in a gratified tone: "I was skeptical at first, but you did a great thing to prove yourself this afternoon."

He looked again at Professor Flitwick.

"What a wonderful young man, isn't he, what this young man has achieved so far is enough to amaze an old man like me!"

"Oh, of course!"

Professor Flitwick said proudly.

"Scott is the best student in our Ravenclaw house."

Scott was a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, by this time Ms. Gray could not wait any longer.

She ignored the two old professors and said directly to Scott, "Quick, Scott, the room where things are hidden!"

Scott nodded, began to say "I want a hiding room" silently, and walked up and down the hallway.

"It's such a magical place, isn't it?" he heard Dumbledore say. "I found a luxurious bathroom here when I needed to pee, and I couldn't find it anywhere..."

At this time, a new door appeared on the wall.

"Oh, there it is!" Dumbledore said in a slightly surprised tone.

"Quick, open the door!"

Ms Gray turned to Scott.

Scott nodded, stepped forward and pushed open the door.

Ms. Gray immediately flew in with great speed.

"Oh! It's not easy to find something!" Professor Flitwick glanced inside the door.

This huge room is filled with all kinds of dilapidated sundries.

Old desks, old stools, old textbooks, old toys, all kinds of things are piled up in a mess, and you can even see a specimen of a giant monster on the ceiling.

"It seems that over the years, many of our students have discovered this magical place." Dumbledore said, "They found the joy of hiding things."

They all walked into the room, feeling a little helpless for a while.

"where is it?"

The vanished Ms. Gray suddenly emerged through the debris.

She asked Scott eagerly, "Scott, where is the diadem?"

Then she said to Professor Flitwick, "You should use the Coming Charm!"

"better not."

Scott pushed back on her proposal.

"There's something wrong with the crown," he said. "That thing has grown evil."

"What?" Ms. Gray's eyes widened. "How come?"

Scott said to her patiently: "Remember? Ms. Ravenclaw told us to be careful."

"Is that so..."

Ms. Gray lowered her head dejectedly.

"Come with me, maybe the two professors will have a solution."

Scott was the first to walk, walking through the gaps in the debris.

"Let's have a look first." Dumbledore's tone was somewhat complicated, "Maybe..."

Scott led them through the maze of debris for a long time before stopping in front of a dilapidated cabinet.

"It's there."

He pointed his wand at the pockmarked bust of a wizard by the cabinet.

On his head was an old gray wig and what looked like an old faded crown.


Lady Gray floated over immediately, taking a close look at the battered diadem.

She seemed to be crying and smiling, and the expression on her face was complicated and difficult to distinguish for a while.

"Is that the Ravenclaw diadem?"

Professor Flitwick couldn't resist taking a step forward.

"Wait, Professor."

Scott reached out to stop him.

"It's not right, it's too wrong."

He directly said what he perceived with his magic power.

"There are two completely different magic powers contained in the crown, one is peaceful and the other is extremely evil."

"Sure enough."

Dumbledore sighed.

"Tom, that fellow has defiled this Ravenclaw treasure."

"Albus?" Professor Flitwick looked over at him.

"The Horcrux."

At this moment, Ravenclaw's voice sounded, and her portrait emerged from the blank wall next to the cabinet.

"I didn't expect someone to make my crown into a Horcrux."

She looked at the dusty crown on the head of the wizard statue with an inexplicable expression.

"Is it the Dark Lord you are talking about, the descendant of Medea, who stuffed the fragments of his broken and ugly soul into my crown."

"Horcruxes!" screamed Professor Flitwick. "Evil, too evil! This is an unforgivable act!"

Dumbledore murmured, "That's right, when I seized that notebook, I knew Tom had made a Horcrux. That's why he didn't die completely."

His face was serious.

"I think the Horcruxes he made may be far more than the two we found."

"Dirty liar!"

Ms. Gray suddenly roared angrily.

"Damn Riddle! He's sullied the crown! That shameful bastard! A liar full of lies! Damned thief! Wicked bastard!"

"Okay, Helena."

Ravenclaw stops her swearing in the painting.


Ms. Gray wailed and huddled against the wall.

"Dear Lady Ravenclaw."

At this time, Dumbledore asked Ravenclaw in the painting.

"What should I do with this crown, do you have any suggestions?"

(End of this chapter)

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