Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 164 165. The Use of Arithmetic Divination

Chapter 164 165. The Use of Arithmetic Divination

Scott left Professor Victor's office with ease.

All the way down to the auditorium, where he sat at the long lunch table, his face still glowing with an all too obvious joy.

"Scott? What good happened?"

Eddie asked, and Milton and Roger also stared at him curiously.


Scott coughed lightly, raised his hand to straighten his tie, and raised his head slightly awkwardly.

"In the future, please call me a fortune teller."

"Could it be that you suddenly awakened your Celestial Eye?" Roger was extremely surprised.

"No." Milton said, "Scott didn't take a divination class, he just took a arithmetic and divination class."


Scott suddenly remembered that Milton had taken a divination class.

"How are you doing in Divination class?" he asked Milton.

"The spiritual sense has become a little dull." Milton said calmly, "I didn't expect that after losing the musical talent, it would trigger a series of chain reactions."

He shook his head and smiled slowly, "But this is the price I should bear."

Scott suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Instead, Milton smiled and said: "It seems that you have achieved amazing results in the class of arithmetic and divination. Congratulations, Scott."

"Thank you, but I've only just learned a little bit." Scott stretched out his hand and made a gesture of "a little bit" with his thumb and index finger.

"is it?"

Eddie rolled his eyes, and pretended to say to Scott: "Please help me do the math, Master Trollope."

Scott ignored him and began to concentrate on his meal.

"Please, Master Trollope!"

Eddie was still playing hard.

"What do you want to be?"

Scott gave him a sideways look.

"Quickly help me figure it out." Eddie pretended to be shy, "When will my love come?"

Scott said angrily, "Don't you only like money?"

"Who said that?" Eddie refused to admit, "I'm clearly longing for a wonderful love!"

"Sorry, I can't count."

Scott swallowed the food in his mouth, shaking his head in refusal.

"Arithmetic divination cannot measure things that are too far away."



Milton and Roger couldn't help laughing immediately, and the students sitting near them couldn't stop laughing too.

"What do you mean!" Eddie was furious, "I've decided, I'm going to find a girlfriend within a week to slap you in the face!"

"Very well, I'm looking forward to it." Scott gave him a standard smirk.

"Honestly, I'm looking forward to it too!" Roger patted Eddie on the shoulder.

Milton gave Eddie an encouraging look, "Come on, Eddie!"

"Come on, Eddie!"

The students around said in unison.

Lunch ended with everyone laughing and Eddie moping.

After the afternoon class, Scott and his roommates went back to the dormitory to put down their books, and then left separately.

Roger went to participate in Quidditch training, Milton went to the classical music club to practice piano, and Eddie embarked on a "journey" of underground businessmen with a backpack on his back.

And Scott came to the college library and found Ms. Gray.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Gray."

He still greeted the ghost lady politely.

Ms. Gray turned and smiled slightly.


Since reconciling with Ravenclaw, the expression on her face has become more and more vivid.

"You came to me because you have an idea about finding the crown?" She asked curiously.

"I want to try arithmetic divination!" Scott said directly to her.

"Arithmetic divination? Maybe it's a good way!"

Ms. Gray raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"But have you really learned, I mean, real arithmetic."

Scott nodded, "I asked Professor Victor for advice, maybe I can try it."

He didn't talk too much.

But he had already figured it out, no matter whether his level of arithmetic and divination could really calculate the location of the crown, he would use this excuse to find the crown.

Scott knew that the more things he experienced, the more doubtful points he would attract people to explore. It's better to be as open and aboveboard as possible.

"Then try it!"

Ms. Gray is a little eager to try.

"I was also obsessed with the subject of arithmetic and divination, which my mother is good at, but obviously, I lack some talent in this area."

She first floated to a table and chair in the corner of the library and waited.

"I probably have some talent for that."

Scott smiled and walked over to sit down.

He unfolded the rolled parchment on the table and took out a pen.

"Now, let's write down the goals of the divination."

He wrote [Ravenclaw's Diadem] on top of the parchment with a pen.

"Good afternoon, what are you doing?"

At this time, several students who were reading in the library surrounded him.

Luna was among them, and she saw the words written by Scott at a glance.

"Ravenclaw's diadem?"

She repeated curiously, and looked at Scott and Ms. Gray again.

"Do you want to get the diadem back?" she asked. "By the way, my father made a copy at home."

Luna's words attracted the attention of others, and after a while, Scott was surrounded by curious Ravenclaw students.

Probably because Mrs. Gray was here too, no one spoke loudly.

But Scott heard their whispers.

None of the Ravenclaws believed that Scott could find the fabled diadem that had been lost for thousands of years.

Some even think that the diadem is just a legend, like Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's cup.

From beginning to end, people have only seen the sword of Gryffindor.

Even so, it does not prevent Ravenclaws from taking Scott's behavior as an interesting experiment.

They were curiously looking forward to his actions and results.

"How are you going to find the crown, Scott?" fifth-grade prefect Ethan Cooper asked Scott.

He and Scott had fought against each other in the Dueling Club last semester, and they were fairly familiar with each other.

"Divination with arithmetic." Scott said truthfully.

"Arithmetic divination?"

Hearing Scott's words, the Ravenclaws onlookers seemed to be more interested immediately and began to discuss with each other.

They didn't think it was useful, but also thought it must be a fun experiment!

"Quiet!" Ms. Gray said suddenly, "Don't disturb us!"

As soon as her words fell, the library immediately fell silent.

The Ravenclaws looked at Ms. Gray in surprise.

But Ms Gray ignored them, telling Scott, "Go ahead."

Scott nodded, "Now list the known conditions."

Later, he took the lead in writing down three names, namely [Rowena Ravenclaw], [Helena Ravenclaw], [Tom Riddle].

Then he wrote [Albania], [Forest], [Hollow Tree] following Ms. Gray's words.

At this moment, Ms. Gray murmured several more words, which were words for diadems.

Scott nodded, and wrote the words on the paper in turn.

Including the sentence engraved on the crown-[Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of human beings].

Scott thought for a while, and wrote [Voldemort], [Steal], and [Hidden].

When he wrote the word [Voldemort], it was no surprise that he heard voices coming from around him one after another.

Almost everyone took a deep breath.

 Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets!
(End of this chapter)

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