Chapter 155

"Are you going with us, Scott."

Harry invited Scott, seemingly trying to drag him into trouble.


Scott shook his head quickly and refused decisively.

"Thank you for your invitation. I won't go. After all, Hagrid and I are not familiar."

As the executioner of Hagrid's friend's family, it would be too embarrassing for him to go to the funeral.

Although, maybe Hagrid didn't know he was the murderer either.

Saying goodbye to the trio, Scott continued walking towards the castle.

In the afternoon, Scott came to the ancient runes classroom on time and knocked on a black wooden door inlaid with golden ancient runes next to the bookshelf in the classroom.

"Please come in."

A somewhat blunt voice came out, and Scott sensed the active magic wave on the door, and the door opened automatically.

"Good afternoon, Professor Babbling."

Scott walked into Professor Babling's office and closed the door behind him.

"You came."

Professor Babling did not look up.

She was flipping through an unusually old book in her hand, and a white quill was writing quickly and automatically on the table.

The office was very quiet, only the sound of Professor Babling flipping the pages of the book and the sound of the quill pen scratching the surface of the parchment.

Although there was a big black clock that kept turning its hands on the wall behind Professor Babling, the hands moved silently.

Professor Babling is a witch whose age cannot be seen.

Her hair is all gray and white, but there are only a few wrinkles on her face, and a pair of dark golden eyes are always very energetic.

Her dress was even more meticulous than that of Professor McGonagall, and her hair was combed into a particularly neat bun every time.

Except for class time, her tone of voice was very blunt at other times.

It is said that no one has ever seen her smile.

Of course, neither did Scott.

Scott walked softly to her desk and sat on a high stool.

"You should have read the book list given to you last week, so you should have understood all the questions you asked last week."

Professor Babling was still concentrating on her own business, not even looking at him.

But Scott is used to it.

This is the case with Professor Babling during problem time every Sunday, communicating with him while doing his own thing.

"I already understand."

Scott recounted his understanding.

After listening to him, Professor Babling just nodded.

Afterwards, Scott pulls out the parchment written "recipe" that Mike gave him for Christmas.

"Professor." He handed the parchment to Professor Babling, "Can you decipher this parchment?"


Professor Babling glanced at the parchment in Scott's hand, and finally looked up.

"This is……"

She reached out to take the parchment and read it carefully several times.

"Where did it come from?" she asked.

"My father got it by accident," Scott said. "He was an antique dealer."

"Muggles?" asked Professor Babling again.

Scott nodded, "Yes."

"This is an alchemist's manuscript." Professor Babling handed back the parchment. "It's a bit troublesome to decipher."

This also means that she is not interested in this piece of paper.

"Thank you."

Scott was a little helpless, and took the parchment back.

"Don't take this kind of stuff too seriously."

Professor Babling said again.

"The level of alchemists has always been mixed. And alchemy itself is developing forward. Even if you spend a lot of effort to decipher this manuscript, you may not get anything valuable."

She reached under the table and took out a large book and placed it in front of Scott.

"If you want to decipher it, this book can be lent to you."

Scott looked at the book.

It was an old book that was black and looked a little dirty.

The original gilded lettering on the book cover has been severely worn, but Scott can still make it out—"Medieval Alchemy Terminology".

"Thank you."

Scott picked up the book.

Then, he asked a few more questions about the ancient runes, and after getting a list of books, he ended the day's questioning time.

He went back to the Ravenclaw common room, sat on the sofa by the window, and opened the old book.

After flipping through it quickly, Scott understood the general content of the book.

In addition to introducing the esoteric symbols and metaphors of words in alchemy, such as [sun] for [gold] or [Sunday], the book also introduces the way alchemists usually encrypt manuscripts.

Once Scott understands this, he can have a basic understanding of the encryption method of that "recipe".

Of course, this did not help him decipher the manuscript directly, at most it only gave him some ideas.

Scott felt that this matter was not a high priority for him, so he decided to take the deciphering of the manuscript as a long-term task.

Just then, an owl flew down from the starry dome of the common room and threw a letter in front of Scott.

Scott caught the snow-white envelope and found that there was no writing on it.

He looked at the sturdy owl.

The owl stared at him twice, cooed twice, then spread its wings and flew up, and got out from the owl-only passage on the dome.

Scott opened the letter curiously, unfolded the letter and read it.

[How are you, boy.

I don't know if you have taken the gift I left for you, I think you must be very satisfied, aren't you?

Of course, if you haven't picked it up yet, please do so as soon as possible.

Within three days, if you don't take the gift, it will be automatically destroyed.

Go ahead, boy.

I can see your ambition and hope you can grow up as soon as possible.

I am looking forward to your future.


Scott was astonished, not expecting Medea to write him such a letter.

She was urging him to take risks?

Scott begins to doubt Medea's motives, what is she trying to do?

He even wondered if there was really a gift there.

If there was just a trap, wouldn't he be trapped?

But if Scott just gave up like this, he would not be reconciled.

After thinking for a long time, Scott decided to go.

But to be on the safe side, he decided to ask the Weasley twins to borrow the Marauder's Map before making other preparations.

During dinner, Scott blocked the Weasley twins at the door of the Great Hall.

"Hey, Fred, George."

He beckoned and called the two of them aside.

"What's the matter, Scott?" Fred asked curiously, "What happened to you again?"

"You must bring us this time!" George emphasized.


Scott denied it, then held out his hand.

"I want to borrow your map."

The eyes of Fred and George changed immediately.

"There must be something about you, crafty Scott."

"Want to go on a sneaky adventure alone?"

Both brothers stared at Scott suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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