Chapter 153

Faced with Scott's reminder, Ms. Gray seemed to have finally remembered something.

"I don't know..." Her tone was a little uncertain, "I told a student about it, but..."

"Do you remember who that person was?" Scott asked again.

"He...he's very likable...seems empathetic and compassionate..."

Ms. Gray hesitated more and more, but said the name anyway.

"I remember his name was Riddle, and he was a Slytherin student."

"Riddle..." Scott deliberately changed his expression, "was it 50 years ago?"

Ms Gray nodded.

Ravenclaw in the painting looked at Scott, "It seems that you know who this Riddle is?"

"I know."

Scott let out a helpless smile.

"His name is Tom Riddle, aka Voldemort."

"Voldemort?" Ravenclaw asked questioningly.

"No..." Ms. Gray's eyes widened, "How could...impossible..."

"It's true," Scott said, "Dumbledore said that Tom Riddle was once Voldemort's name."

" could..."

Ms Gray panicked.

She couldn't seem to believe that the pleasingly handsome boy was the same person as the dreaded Dark Lord.

Scott nodded, "Dumbledore said that Riddle was liked by all the professors when he was in school, and he was probably the only one who was wary of Riddle."

"You mean..." Ms. Gray couldn't believe it, "he... Riddle stole Mother's crown?"

"It's hard for me to believe he didn't steal," Scott said.

At this moment, Ravenclaw spoke.

"Dark Lord?" she asked with great interest, "It seems that some interesting things have happened in modern times."

"Oh, yes." Scott didn't know how to answer.

"That's not funny, mother!" Ms. Gray said a little excitedly. "The Dark Lord is an evil dark wizard, and he has brought great suffering to many wizards!"

"Oh? What did he do?" Ravenclaw asked curiously.


Ms. Gray began to chatter about Voldemort's evil and the terrible things he had done.

Scott has been observing Ravenclaw's expression and found that she still finds it interesting.

"Advocating the supremacy of pure blood?"

Ravenclaw raised an eyebrow inexplicably.

"I never thought that a little wizard from a pure-blood family would be exceptionally good. A wizard's wisdom has nothing to do with his birth, and even Salazar would not think so."

Ms. Gray was still talking about what she knew about Voldemort.

No one interrupted her until she told how Voldemort was losing to a baby...

Scott looked at his pocket watch, an hour had passed.

"Interesting." Ravenclaw's eyes were bright, "The child's mother used blood magic."

"Riddle is not dead."

Scott added.

"He made a horcrux, and the notebook that appeared at school last semester is his horcrux. Dumbledore destroyed the notebook, which is why Medea woke up."

"So that's the same thing." Ravenclaw said in amazement, "Riddle is the descendant of Medea's blood!"

"Now is not the time to discuss these things." Ms. Gray said anxiously, "If Riddle really stole the crown, we may not be able to get it back!"

Scott tried not to think about the hour of her babbling, and added, "As long as he doesn't destroy the crown, it's still possible to get it back."

"Where can I find it?" Ms. Gray was a little desperate, "I shouldn't have told him... I was deceived by Riddle..."

She turned suddenly and drifted towards the door.

"I'm going to Albania, I have to make sure the crown is still there!"

"Helena!" Ravenclaw stopped her, "Come back!"

"Mother..." Ms. Gray covered her face with her hands. "It's all my fault."

"Do you know why I commissioned this child to find the diadem?" Ravenclaw asked her.

Ms. Gray sobbed and said, "It's mother's treasure. Of course it can't just be left alone. Maybe it should be left in Ravenclaw College."

"No, the diadem is not important," said Ravenclaw disapprovingly. "It is you, my daughter, that matter."


Ms. Gray looked up at Ravenclaw suspiciously.

Ravenclaw turned to look at Scott, "Do you know what I'm thinking, kid."

"I think..." Scott glanced at Ms. Gray, "You want your daughter to open up her knots and get rid of her obsessions."

"You're right," said Ravenclaw, smiling.


Ms. Gray looked at Ravenclaw in the painting with a sad face.

At this time, Scott said, "Ms. Ravenclaw, I accept this commission."

"You took it?"

Ravenclaw looked at Scott in surprise.

"Do you know how difficult it is? If the crown had not been left in Albania, then the difficulty of finding it can be imagined."

"I know."

Scott nodded.

"It is indeed difficult, but it is nothing compared to the knowledge I can get from you."

"As expected of a child of Ravenclaw House." Ravenclaw smiled again, "Of course, I can always make the children of my house act."

Scott laughed silently.

"It's impossible to get the crown back now." Ms. Gray sighed sadly. "Let's forget it, mother, and don't embarrass Scott."

No, I am not embarrassed!
I can!
I can get the diadem back in half an hour now!
Scott cried out inwardly.

Ravenclaw looked at Scott after hearing the words, "What do you think?"

"I will work hard."

Scott assured.

"But..." he said in embarrassment, "I don't know what a crown looks like yet."

"You've seen it," said Lady Gray, "that statue of the Mother in the Ravenclaw Common Room wears that diadem."

"I understand."

Scott nodded, and looked at Ravenclaw again.

"I don't know if you have a time limit for this commission."

"Of course not, son. Although my time is running out, the portraits that remain will keep their promises."

Ravenclaw said kindly.

"However, if you find it after graduation, unless you can enter the school and become a professor..."

Scott immediately understood what she had said, "...otherwise I would have no chance to enter here again."

Ravenclaw nodded.

Scott then left the Room of Requirement.

Instead of looking for the diadem immediately, he began to think that it would be more appropriate to wait a few days to find Ravenclaw's diadem and send it over.

By the way, we have to think about the rhetoric at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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